Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 759: Mr. Sander and the Bear

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in a forest.

"Bang bang bang!"

Heavy footsteps sounded, and a sturdy black figure slowly approached a cave.

It can be seen that this figure is about 1.6 meters tall, but weighs as much as 400 catties. It is... a black bear.

Mmm, black bear.

At this moment, the black bear is holding most of the hive, while waving its heavy paws to drive away dozens of bees around it, while greedily licking the sweet honey in the hive with its barbed tongue, full of enjoyment.

After enjoying for a while, the black bear approached the entrance of the cave, ready to enter the cave to enjoy the feast slowly, but suddenly sniffed and smelled a strange smell.

Yes, strange smells, the smell of intruders!


The black bear dropped the hive it was holding, and landed on all fours, looking into the cave vigilantly, making a fighting stance, sniffing the air even harder.

The longer the sniffing time, the more certain the black bear was that there was indeed a nasty guy who broke into its territory and boldly entered its cave.


The black bear roared into the cave, which was both a demonstration and a warning. It wanted the damn intruder to get out and be killed by breaking its neck—it didn’t want to fight in the cave, which was narrow and dark. It not only It cannot display powerful combat power, and it is easy to damage the cave.

It is not easy to find a suitable place to live if the cave is really damaged.

Thinking of this, the black bear roared a few more times, but there was no movement in the cave.

The intruder seemed to have made up his mind not to come out.

Are you afraid?

The black bear didn't know what the intruder was thinking, but was enraged successfully, and didn't want to wait any longer, so he was about to rush into the cave.

However, as soon as he took a step, he stopped and thought of something.

Turning around, the black bear picked up the hive and threw it on the ground again, licked it a few times, and carefully hid it behind a stone not far away to prevent it from being stolen by other wild beasts or companions.

After doing this, the black bear roared loudly and rushed into the cave, ready to teach the damn guy in the cave a good lesson, take back the place that only belongs to it, and tell the other party who is the master of this territory.

"Boom boom boom..."

The black bear rushed in!

"Ho ho ho ho!"

The black bear growled loudly!

"Pu Chi Pu Chi..."

The black bear... escaped.

Yes, the black bear escaped and was very embarrassed, his eyes were full of fear, as if he had seen the most terrifying thing in the world.

At this moment, from the perspective of the black bear, go to his cave, go to his territorial master! It just wants to get out of this ghost place as soon as possible, as far away as possible, and never come back.

By the way, if you have a chance, it's best to bring the hive it just picked from the tree. After all, there is still a lot of honey in it that hasn't been eaten yet.

"Boom boom boom!"

With quick steps, the black bear has left most of its body out of the cave, turned around and ran towards the place where the honey is hidden not far away. As a result, at this moment, an extremely pale hand stretched out from the cave, and with a "snap", it accurately grabbed the black bear's short tail.

"Ah woo! Aah woo!"

The black bear screamed, never hated it for having a short tail like this moment.


Damn it, why does it have this kind of thing on its body? Not only is it short and useless, but now it is caught by someone.

"Ah woo! Aah woo!"

The black bear screamed loudly, screamed angrily, screamed unwillingly, screamed desperately.

In the scream, it was dragged into the cave by the hand protruding from the cave, and disappeared. After that, the screams it made gradually weakened, and finally disappeared completely.


A full hour passed after that.


Some frivolous footsteps sounded, and Shande, who was wrapped in a black robe, walked out of the cave.

His face was still pale,

His eyes were still cloudy and cold, like two ice hockey pucks, but the burnt wounds on his body had healed a lot, only the most serious wound on his chest remained the same.


Sander coughed a few times, black blood spattered from his mouth, slowly raised his head, looked at the light coming through the woods, his eyes narrowed, feeling a little glaring. In fact, light can't hurt him, but as he learns the spells in that book more deeply, and his strength improves faster, the more he hates light and likes darkness.

He knew that this disgust wasn't really disgusting, it was just the potential influence of the spell in that book on him.

And that's just one of the costs of learning that book, there's more to it.

In a sense, the spells in the book he learned were indeed extremely evil and should not exist in this world at all, but he still learned them in order to revive Sophia.

In his opinion, being able to revive Sophia and stay with Sophia forever, any price can be borne.

But, who knows, something like that happened later, and everything failed.

He lost Sofia forever, and has to live with the consequences.

Without Sophia, he really didn't know why he insisted on living. Maybe there was only anger for revenge for Sophia, and the hope that a miracle would revive Sophia.

However, just these are far from being able to fill his entire heart. When facing the enemy, he can concentrate on nothing else, but once he calms down, he will be at a loss, not knowing what to do except to learn the things in that book.


Sander coughed a few more times, spat out a mouthful of black blood, then thought of something, turned his head to look at the cave that came out, and said hoarsely: "Hey, don't pretend to be dead in there, get out of here! I know, I have sucked a lot of your blood, but it is also very clear that you are not dead at all, you are alive and well. If you continue to pretend to be dead, I don't mind, I will turn you into real death."

A creature in the cave seemed to understand Sander's words, and accompanied by a "puff, puff" sound, the black bear, who had been dragged into the cave in despair before, walked out slowly.

After walking out of the cave, the black bear looked at Shande with some fear, and approached bravely, crawled down, and licked Shande's hanging palm in a fawning manner.

After Shande was licked, he raised his hand and slapped the black bear on the head, reprimanded him: "Do you think you are a dog?"

The black bear was stunned, and didn't quite understand Shande's words, but it could be seen that Shande didn't seem to like it's way of flattering him very much, which hurt his self-esteem a bit.

It's just that which is more important, self-esteem or life, the black bear thinks very clearly.

So, according to the lick is correct.

Shan De frowned, gave the black bear another slap, and waved away with some disgust: "Okay, I've sucked enough of your blood, I don't need it any more in a short time, go away."

Looking at Shande's actions, Black Bear felt that his self-esteem was hurt even more, and then he felt that this seemed to be a trap.

Yes, this is a trap.

The cunning human being in front of him must have pretended to let him go, and then took the opportunity to sneak behind him and kill him.

He will not be fooled, and he will not leave the sight of this human being even if he is killed, even if he loses his freedom.

Which is more important, freedom or life?

Of course it is life!

The black bear licked Sander fiercely for the third time.

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