Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter seven hundred and sixty first plan not yet

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads!? It's late at night.

Blue Lake Manor, stone building, in the study.

Li Cha was sitting in front of the desk, tapping the table with his fingers, making a rhythmic "da da da" sound. He was analyzing something, that is, the strength of the few people he detected today after he came out of the body.

Judging from the reaction of the people being scouted, Jia Luo, the leader of the Truth Society, should be the weakest. He and the other party have been waiting in the room for a long time. hidden place.

The second is Shande, who has a rare undead spell. The opponent's body structure has undergone irreversible changes. It stands to reason that the perception should be greatly reduced, but the opponent obviously has a special early warning method.

When he was far away, the other party couldn't detect it. Once he tried to get close to a certain level and touched the other party's warning red line, the other party would attack unceremoniously.

The one who surprised him the most was Popovich.

Among the three scouted, Popo Bovich turned out to be the strongest.

Even when he was being scouted, Popo Bovich maintained the level of a first-level wizard, but before he tried to approach the situation, he was aware of it, and then cast a spell to leave invisibly without hesitation. It can be seen that Popovich is stronger than what he showed on the surface, and should not be underestimated.

In addition to these, he also obtained a lot of other information through investigation today.

For example, the Truth Society led by Jia Luo is indeed coming towards Shande, with the purpose of killing Shande.

A few days ago, Popo Bovich was attacked and came to Blue Lake Manor for help. The enemies he shot and killed, no accident, wanted to set up a siege to ambush Shande. It was just that he was bumped into by Popobovich by accident, and the other party chased and killed Popobovitch to prevent the leak of the news, but he solved it in the end.

Having said that, judging by Popo Bovich's appearance, he should have some relationship with the Truth Society, but he is not sure about the specific situation.

In addition, the relationship between the Truth Council and the Supreme Order God Council is still unclear.

It seems that the Society of Truth is the Society of Supreme Order, but it is also possible that the Society of Truth is part of the Society of Supreme Order, or the other way around—the Society of Supreme Order is part of the Society of Truth.

Or, whether it is the Society of Truth or the Society of Supreme Order, they are just subordinate organizations of another larger organization. This needs to be further understood before a conclusion can be drawn.

In this regard, he has a plan, a plan to gain a deeper understanding of the Truth Society.

However, this plan is a bit cumbersome, and there is no rush to implement it right now, and we need to wait for an appropriate time.



Wait, almost a week has passed.

Garden of Eden, the testing ground for spells.

Li Cha appeared here, looked at the many metal targets erected in front of him, flipped his hand, and took out a miniature spell-seeking missile from the space iron ring.

Compared with the previous ones, this miniature spell-seeking missile is a bit different. It is dark gray in color, has a slender appearance, and is in the shape of a needle with a pointed front and a thick rear.

Holding this miniature spell-seeking missile, Li Cha quickly injected free energy elements and activated it without hesitation.

There was an undetectable sound of "咻", and the needle-shaped miniature spell-seeking missile flew out like lightning. At a speed far faster than before, it pierced through a row of metal targets in the blink of an eye, until it reached the front of the last metal target. Just stopped.

Li Cha stepped towards the human-shaped target, observed the penetration situation carefully, and nodded in satisfaction after observing.

This is his newly developed miniature spell-seeking missile. What is depicted on it is no longer the magic pattern of the spell "Baruch's Flame", but the magic pattern of another spell in "The Secret of Vaishya"—— Silence penetrates.

After the magic pattern of "Quiet Penetration" is engraved, the characteristics of the miniature spell-seeking missile are fast speed, strong penetrating power, and silent attack.

Although the power is not necessarily stronger than the previous miniature spell-seeking missiles,

But it is more suitable for sneak attacks and assassinations, preventing excessive noise and attracting the attention of the enemy.

He plans to call this miniature spell-seeking missile "Spiky Missile", and the miniature spell-seeking missile that portrayed the magic pattern of "Baruch Fireworks" before is called "Spark Missile".

This would turn into two distinct families of missiles.

If possible, he will develop more series of miniature spell-seeking missiles for combat in different environments.

Thinking of this, Li Cha stepped forward, slowly walked out of the spell testing field, and said to himself: "The time to execute the plan should be almost here..."


It was three days later.

Outside Jialan City, deep in the forest, in an unknown cave.

Sander, wrapped in a black robe, is using stones of a specific shape to form a pentagram pattern on the ground.

After placing them, Shande let out a sigh of relief, with a solemn expression, pointed at the pentagram with his hand, and slowly recited the spell.


As the mantra was uttered, the stones in the pentagram array vibrated violently, broke under the vibration, and shattered into stone powder with a "crash".


Then, at the center of the pentagram, a crack more than ten centimeters long and two to three centimeters wide appeared.


A large stream of thick black air rushed out of the crack, rushed towards Shande, and then entered Shande's body.


Shande yelled, with a ferocious expression on his face, and looked a little painful, but he gritted his teeth and persisted, absorbing the black air continuously.

In the corner of the cave, a black bear shrank its neck and looked at Sander, full of doubts.

As a bear, it really doesn't understand why the human being in front of him has to use a special way to torture himself from time to time.

Maybe this is the same as it always digs out the beehive. Every time it digs out the beehive, it will always be stung in the face by some stingy bees. It hurts a lot, but it can eat honey. What can the humans in front of them get? ? No matter how you look at it, the black air coming out of the ground doesn't look delicious.

After thinking for a long time, the black bear still couldn't figure it out, and quietly took out a beehive that was about to be crushed from behind its buttocks—this was a new one it took out today.

Or give this hive to the human in front of him, it seems that the other person looks very pitiful.

Thinking about it, the black bear approached Sander.

At this time, Shan De had exhausted the black air gushing out of the crack, and was sitting on the ground limply, gasping for breath.

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

Panting for a while, when he heard the sound of the black bear approaching, Sander turned his head slightly, and was about to say something to the black bear. The next moment, his face suddenly changed, as if he sensed the danger coming, he stood up abruptly, stepped on his feet, and his whole body turned into a black line, rushing out of the cave.

The black bear was taken aback for a moment, and it took a while to react. It quickly chased out with the honeycomb in its hands, and yelled: "Ah, ah..."

As if to say: "Wait for me! Wait for me!"


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