Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Seven hundred and sixtieth IX The scene of the massacre

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements!? Seeing many attacks coming, Shande's face changed, and he quickly condensed a black air shield to resist, but in the dense Under the attack, it will not last for a while.

Jia Luo saw the opportunity, burst into purple light all over his body, and rushed towards Shan De at high speed. One hand stretched out, trying to grab Sander's throat, and asked: "Boy, tell me, how did you get rid of the person who chased you before? If you don't tell me, you will die!"

Shande retreated rapidly, and suddenly raised his head during the retreat, and smiled strangely: "Ha, idiot, do you really not understand, of course someone helped me!"

"Who?" Jia Luo asked anxiously.

"The person who killed you." Sander's expression turned cold.

"Huh?" Galo was puzzled.

"Why do you think I brought you to the open space? It's just to make it easier for the other party to kill you." Sander's expression became extremely cold, and he waved his hand violently, and an energy missile blasted out, stopping Jia Luo from continuing to approach.

Then the whole person turned his head abruptly, handed his entire back to Jia Luo, and rushed towards the distant woods at high speed, saying, "Go to hell, you bastards who killed Sophia!"

After hearing Sander's words and seeing Sander fleeing, Galo frowned first, and then prepared to attack Sander. But before he could make a move, he felt a deadly sense of danger descending.

The next moment, almost without thinking, Jia Luo quickly activated a pendant spell item on his body, and a solid earth-gray energy shield appeared instantly.

Immediately afterwards, there was a muffled "bang", and the energy shield shook violently, as if blocking some attack.

Jia Luo couldn't help being afraid for a while. From the shaking of the shield, he could guess that the power of the attack was obviously great. If he hadn't activated the shield just now, he might be a dead body now.

But he didn't have time to rejoice, he was careful, quickly chanted a spell, and released multiple spell shields to protect his body firmly, then turned his head and looked around, ready to remind the rest of the people to be careful.

As a result, no words came out, and his expression froze.

what did he see

He saw a scene of massacre.

Yes, the scene of the massacre.

Around him, many wizards of the Truth Society, with pale faces, quickly released their spells, trying to resist the attack from nowhere.

But it can't be stopped at all.

Whether it was the energy shield or the rock shield made of the soil on the ground, it all shattered with a "crash". Then the person behind the shield fell down with a "plop" and was killed.

One, two, three...

The number of people who could stand around decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in the end, he was the only one left.


The changes were so fast that Jia Luo could hardly react.

After a long time, he took a deep breath, forcibly calmed down, cast a few spell shields again, protected the surroundings, and looked around vigilantly.

At some point, the attack stopped, and there were corpses all over the place, only him standing alone—as if he had been forgotten by the attackers.

But soon, he knew, he hadn't been forgotten by his attackers. The opponent just chose to leave him as the last to deal with after the first attack failed.


The air surged, and a figure fell from the sky, stepped on the ground with both feet, and slowly approached him.

As he approached, the other party raised his hand. There was almost no movement, but a black light flew over and hit the shield fiercely, causing the shield to fluctuate violently.

The opponent raised his hand again, and the black light struck again, with a "crash", successfully shattering the last energy shield.

However, there are still five shield defenses left.

The other party looked at it, raised his hand again, and faint black light flew continuously. Jia Luo tried desperately to maintain it with mana, but no matter how hard he tried, the shields still exploded and shattered irreversibly one by one.

When the opponent came close, there was only the last side of Jia Luo's shield left, and it was extremely thin.

Can't stop a decent attack at all.

In order to resist the opponent's attack, Jia Luo consumed all his mana, and was extremely weak at this time, with almost no ability to resist.

Slowly raising his head, Jia Luo looked at the other party. It was found that the other party was a very young man, wearing an inconspicuous black shirt, looking at him with a calm face, he didn't look like the culprit who had just caused a massacre at all.

Jia Luo suppressed his shock, looked at the other party, and asked aloud: "You... who are you? Could it be that you helped the kid who ran away before and killed the person we chased him? You and that kid, What's the relationship? Could it be his elder? A friend?"

The other party spoke slowly: "Actually, I am neither that person's elder nor that person's friend. At most, I can be regarded as a temporary partner. However, I am very pleased that you can guess like this. Because of my purpose, I just want you to think that I am his friend, elder, and teacher."

"Why?" Jia Luo was very puzzled, wanting to know more clues to solve his doubts.

But the other party did not answer, but raised his hand.

Jia Luo looked at the thin green energy shield in front of him, felt the empty source of law, and already had the consciousness of being killed - he could never block the attack from the other party.

But the death he imagined did not come immediately.

The young man standing in front of him slowly raised his hand, as if he was about to attack. There was a sudden movement, eyebrows raised, and he stopped.

Then Jia Luo heard the other party talking to himself: "Huh? Have you used up all the thorns? It seems that the consumption is a bit high. You can't shoot so unrestrainedly in the future. You must pay attention. Since so……"

"Hey, what do you mean?" Gallo asked.

The other party said softly: "It's not interesting."

"Even if it's interesting, you don't need to know it, so as not to cause you trouble. Anyway, goodbye."

After speaking, a blood-red short staff appeared in the other party's hand, and he pointed it over without looking at it, and then a blood light shot out, hitting the shield in front of Jia Luo, tearing it apart instantly, and then bombarding Jia Luo on the body.


Jia Luo's body shook violently, and he fell to the ground uncontrollably, his consciousness quickly plunged into darkness.

Before he died, there were countless doubts in his mind: Who is the young man in front of him? Why help the target they hunt? What does this person want to do? What did he mean? Why is the attack method so weird? What is the principle of the opponent's attack method, why is it impossible to resist? besides……

There are too many things that I can't understand.

Jia Luo closed his eyes extremely unwillingly.


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