Xia Man in the courtyard naturally didn't know what Shar was doing. He watched Shar leave the courtyard, turned his head to look at Hass, and said, "Hass, follow me and help me continue to identify things."

"Yes." Haas followed Xia Man, took the spell-casting materials newly given by Richard, and entered the secret room.

After entering the secret room, Haas got busy and prepared all kinds of equipment more skillfully than before. Xia Man nodded lightly and started to move.

The process was similar to last time. Xia Man first took a small amount of powder with a long-handled medicine spoon, dissolved it in water, and then divided it into more than ten parts and processed them separately.

First, second, third...

But after processing for a while, Xia Man encountered a problem, that is, after processing a lot of materials, the phenomenon obtained was very different from what he expected, and the conclusion he drew was naturally ridiculous-according to the result, this would be a A volatile reef mixed with human urine, breast milk, animal blood and ink.

Looking at the black powder crystal in the small iron box, Xia Man couldn't believe that it was a reef.

Are there any reefs that are reflective and volatile?

Soon, Xia Man realized that this might be a spell-casting material that far exceeded his identification ability.

In other words, Li Cha really did not lie, this is indeed a better material for casting spells.

But the terrible thing is that in Li Cha's evaluation, this spell-casting material is only average, far from the best.

What would the best spell-casting material look like? How astonishing? Who will be left behind? Who should use it?

"Jialan City, Necromancer, spell-casting materials! Maybe it's really the same as imagined." Xia Man said to himself, with a solemn expression.

He now has enough reasons to report to his superiors.

Without hesitation, Xia Man took Haas and walked out of the secret room. After a while, he got into the carriage, left the courtyard, and headed somewhere in the city.



In the city of Delan, in the basement of a mansion.

Xia Man stood in the corner a little cautiously, watching a figure not far away who was busy.

It was a middle-aged male wizard in his forties, wearing a close-fitting black robe, walking quickly between many tables.

I saw that the other party took out a little powder from the small iron box brought by Xia Man, divided it into several parts, and processed them differently.

Some are dissolved, some are burned, and some are mixed with other liquids. It looks more complicated and cumbersome than Xia Man's previous processing, but the black-robed wizard is very proficient, with almost no pause in his movements, which can be called smooth and smooth, and in the eyes of people, it is like a visual enjoyment.

"Google gurgle..."

The last processed sample, added to the glass, mixed with the purple powder, which eventually turned into a pink liquid. After a series of bubbles emerged, it gradually calmed down and became colorless.

After the middle-aged male wizard saw it, he stopped, thought for a while, and walked towards a wall in the basement.

There are several tall bookshelves standing here. The middle-aged male wizard took a few heavy books from them, put them on the table, and flipped through them quickly.

After flipping through, the middle-aged male wizard made sure of something, turned around to look at Xia Man, and made a sound.

"Xiaman, your previous guess is indeed not wrong." The middle-aged male wizard said, "The material you brought is indeed beyond your current identification level. According to my test, if it is correct, this material should be' Devil's Horn Powder'."

"'Devil Horn Powder'?" Xia Man asked cautiously, "Mr. Yosaf, what is this?"

"How do you explain it?" The middle-aged male wizard named Joseph pondered for a moment, and organized his words, "The main ingredient of this material is devil mushroom - a plant that can only grow in an extremely harsh environment .In addition to devil mushrooms, several other materials are needed to make it, which is extremely precious.

This kind of material is not very useful for ordinary wizards, at most it is used when casting spells.

Slightly increase the power of evocation-like dark energy spells.

But it's different for wizards who are proficient in undead spells. If the other party gets it, the power of the released spells can be more than doubled, and it has a special curse effect. "

Speaking of this, Joseph paused, and then said: "Xiaman, you just told me: You got this material from two wizards, and the other party came from Jialan City.

I remember correctly. A few days ago, a major event happened in Jialan City. A Necromancer who was identified as a dangerous target fled there.

Many people in our organization wanted to solve each other, but an accident happened and all of them were killed, and the investigation after the incident was fruitless. In this regard, there is a speculation in the organization that someone may be helping the necromancer to escape, or even helping the necromancer to kill our people. Considering the source of this material, it is probably not a simple coincidence. "

Joseph's expression straightened, and he looked at Xia Man for verification and said, "Xia Man, now tell me in detail the whole process of obtaining this material."

"Yes." The old Xia Man listened to Joseph's words, straightened up subconsciously, and said, "It started with a clerk in my shop who received the consignment goods from the other party. Because the other party's conditions were rather weird, The guy just reported it to me..."

After a while, after Xia Man finished speaking, Joseph listened thoughtfully, and said in a low voice: "So, the truth of the matter may be this: as guessed, someone did indeed kill us in Jialan City Someone, to help the necromancer escape. The person who shot was the necromancer's teacher, or other relatives.

After all, the necromancer's growth rate far exceeded our expectations, and it is likely that someone has been helping him. Maybe, the necromancer is just a pawn, and the people who help the necromancer try to hide their identities for another purpose. In this case, we cannot guard against it.

Fortunately, the other party is not foolproof, and some information has been mastered by us. That's where he temporarily settled in Jialan, leaving behind some spell-casting materials, which were discovered by two wizards passing by and brought to us. If he could study all the spell-casting materials thoroughly, he might be able to have a clear understanding of his strength. "

"That's true. It's because I thought so that I came to disturb you so late, Mr. Joseph." Xia Man said, "But now there is a problem that we only get two kinds of casting materials, and they are relatively poor. In the hands of the two Jialan wizards, there are more and better spell-casting materials. If you want to really understand the situation, you need to get in touch with each other further."

"So, it is necessary for me to meet them?"


"Alright, I'm also more interested in these two Jialan wizards, and I want to see who they are." Joseph made a decision.

"Then I'll arrange it for you," Xia Man said.

"Yeah." Joseph nodded.

"Then you see, what time is more suitable?" Xia Man asked.

"The sooner the better."



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