Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 787 Uninvited Visitors

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads!? Popo Bovich left and went to order food.

And in a two-story stone building not far from the same street, an open window was slowly closing.

There were two people inside, a black-faced old man with white hair, and a man in his thirties.

The man's name is Zong Hu, wearing a blue suit, sitting quietly in the room, protecting the safety of the black-faced old man. If someone with a keen sense appears here and investigates the man, he will be shocked to find that the man's body is like a black hole of energy, which makes people fear and awe.

The man's strength far exceeds that of a wizard in the general sense, and has reached the level of a fourth-level wizard.

Yes, a fourth-level wizard, even in the entire main continent, is a top-level existence, but his current identity is just the guard of the black-faced old man.

The black-faced old man was called Oscar, and after slowly closing the window, he looked away.

Just now, he was the same as Richard, they were both observing Joseph's carriage passing by, and knew what Joseph was going to do.

At this time, the black-faced old man Oscar said to himself: "It's interesting. That little wizard named Joseph went out of the city. It is no accident that he went to the headquarters of their organization. According to the information, the last time he did this was Introducing someone to join their organization may be for the same purpose this time. Then..."

Zong Hu, the guard who was sitting quietly in the room, said, "Master Oscar, the north is already in a hurry, I think you should go back as soon as possible. Here in the Southern Freedom Federation, there are indeed some sewer rats and bedbugs plotting something, but It will definitely not be a climate, and it is impossible to pose a threat to us. You don't have to worry at all, let alone waste your energy on them."

"No no." The black-faced old man Oscar shook his head, looked at the guard Zonghu and said, "Zonghu, your combat strength is top-notch, I have never doubted it, but it is too arbitrary to look at things. The Southern Freedom Federation, since There was a small movement a long time ago, and it has become more and more serious recently. If we don't pay attention to it, it will become a serious problem for us sooner or later.

It would be even more unimaginable if they colluded with those guys from the Chaos Mountain Range again. That's why I stayed here for so long, even if I can't solve the problem, I still have to try to figure it out, at least keep a few chess pieces here for emergencies. "

After a pause, Oscar, the black-faced old man, continued, "If you want to keep the pawns, you must strike before the opponent can control them. Only in this way can the pawns, after joining the opponent's organization, still serve us. But A chess piece that meets the conditions must also have certain abilities, otherwise it will not only be of little value, but will also implicate us."

The guard Zonghu heard it, and said: "My lord, you want me to try to investigate. Is the little wizard Joseph recommending people to join their organization?"

"The sooner the better, after finishing this matter, we can almost go back." Oscar said the black-faced old man.

"Okay, I'll do it right now. There will be results within one day... at most two days." The guard Zonghu stood up, and walked out as he spoke.

Oscar, the black-faced old man, ordered from behind: "Zonghu, I know you are very capable, and I have no doubt that you can do it. But in the process, you must pay attention to the means and don't startle the snake. If there is any trouble, you can let the West German gang help you." you."

"Thank you for your concern, sir, but Sid...well, he just stays obediently, I don't need him at all." The guard Zonghu said, and left the room.

Oscar, the black-faced old man in the room, couldn't help shaking his head, but didn't say anything.


After a few days.

The lives of Li Cha and Bobo Bo Weiqi are very peaceful. Joseph has told them that they will meet with the top leaders of the Truth Society in three days, but they did not show much excitement. During the day, I often run between several shops in De Lan, asking about the sales of the consignment goods. It seems that I am more concerned about whether the consignment materials can be sold at a high price than joining the Truth Society.

that's all,

Two days later.

Two days later, in the evening, Li Cha and Popovich walked around the city of Deland as usual, and returned to the second-floor stone building where they temporarily rented.

As a result, as soon as he entered the yard through the back door, Li Cha raised his eyebrows and reminded Bobobo Wei in a low voice: "Be careful!"

"What?" Popobovich, who was walking in front, was a little puzzled, and subconsciously pushed open the door of the living room. Then there was a scream of "ah", and the body retreated sharply, retreating several meters like lightning. Assuming a fighting posture, a bottle of potion is already in his hand, ready to pour it into his mouth at any time.

Pushing open the door, looking into the living room, I saw a black-faced old man sitting on the seat in the living room, smiling and looking over, he said hello: "Hello, both of you."

"Are you..." Popobovic looked at the black-faced old man vigilantly and asked.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Oscar..." the old man spoke.

Li Cha squinted at the old man for a moment, then suddenly stepped into the living room. I ignored the old man, and started searching around the corners of the room, not knowing what to look for.

Bobobo Weiqi looked strange, followed Li Cha into the living room, and asked Li Cha what he was doing, but Li Cha did not answer.

Bobobo Weiqi made fun of himself, shrugged, looked at the old man again, and asked, "By the way, what is your purpose for coming here?"

The black-faced old man replied: "You two don't need to know my real identity for the time being, but I can assure you that I have no malicious intentions and just want to cooperate with you two."

"Cooperation? Cooperation for what?"

"You may wonder, what are the benefits of cooperating with me, then let me tell you, as long as you cooperate with me, the benefits will definitely exceed your imagination. On the contrary, if you don't cooperate with me, you may be in a desperate situation, I hope you can think about it. "

"Huh?" Bobobo Weiqi was stunned, frowned, and said to the black-faced old man, "Did you hear me clearly? I'm asking you, what is the content of the cooperation, not your cooperation Benefits. But since you said it, what are the specific benefits?"

The black-faced old man replied: "The content of our cooperation, I can't tell you directly at present, because I have to confirm whether you have the sincerity and conditions for cooperation..."

"I..." Bobobo Weiqi suddenly felt a little toothache, and wondered if the black-faced old man in front of him was deliberately teasing him, or simply crazy,

Otherwise, why not answer the question.

At this time, Li Cha inspected the house and walked over.


Li Cha stepped up to the black-faced old man, and under Popo Bovich's shocked gaze, he suddenly raised his hand, and with a "slap", he slapped the black-faced old man hard on the face.


Popo Bovich cried out, feeling extremely happy at first, and then worried.

The black-faced old man was able to sit in the living room and wait for them to come back. He obviously had nothing to fear. Wasn't Li Cha afraid that the other party would turn his back and retaliate when he treated him like this?


As a result, after Li Cha slapped the black-faced old man's face, the whole body of the black-faced old man trembled suddenly, and then dissipated like a puff of smoke. A piece of paper slowly fell from the air and landed on the ground, with a few lines written on it.


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