Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Seven hundred and ninetieth chapters disguise identity

The sun rises and the next day comes.

Someone knocked on the courtyard door early in the morning in the courtyard where Li Cha and Popo Bović were temporarily renting.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"

"Ah - owe!"

Popo Bovich yawned big, rubbed out a large piece of the fatty secretion of the ophthalmic glands - eye gum, and walked towards the door sleepily.

While walking, he complained, "Who is knocking on the door so early?"

After finally walking to the courtyard door, Popobovich opened the door with a "squeak", and saw a carriage parked on the road outside, with a young man standing in front of the door. The clerk was wearing the livery of the tavern where he usually ordered, and was carrying a heavy food box in his hand.

"This is?" Popobovich was taken aback.

The young man made a sound, and sent the food box to Bobobo Weiqi, saying: "My lord, you forgot, you ordered breakfast in our tavern yesterday, so I brought it to you, please slow down Enjoy slowly. After enjoying the food box, you can take time to send it back, or you can wait a few days for us to come to pick it up. Okay, don’t bother you, I’m leaving first, and I have to go to a few other customers Sending food."

After speaking, the young man bowed politely, turned around and jumped into the carriage, drove the horse away like the wind, and disappeared at the end of the street.

Popobovic watched the buddy leave, looked down at the food box in his hand, frowned slightly, closed the courtyard door, turned and walked into the room.

Walking into the room and putting the food box on the table, Popobovich curiously opened the first layer, and saw freshly baked sandwich cheese bread. The bread is extremely fluffy, the cheese is sweet and delicious, and the warm milk in the jar next to it is simply a rare enjoyment for breakfast.

However, Popovich was a little puzzled because he didn't make an order for today's breakfast yesterday.

So why is breakfast delivered to your door?

Was it sent by mistake?

Do you want to send it back?

Stuffing the sandwich cheese bread into his mouth, he took a bite. The hungry Popo Bovich thought seriously about this serious question.

Do you want to send it back?

Popo Bovich took a sip of warm milk, put down the bread in his mouth, and continued to think seriously about this serious question.


With the sound of footsteps, Li Cha came down from the second floor, glanced at Popovich who was eating, and asked, "Who knocked on the door just now? Also, where did the food you are eating come from?" of?"

"I was just about to ask you." Popo Bovich took another bite of the bread and swallowed it, then looked at Li Cha's voice and said indistinctly, "The one who came just now was the guy named Rusko's Tavern, It is said that yesterday I made a reservation for today's breakfast, and a food box was delivered. But I clearly remember that I didn't make a reservation for today's breakfast yesterday, could it be you who ordered it?"

"It's not me." Li Cha gave a negative answer.

"Okay then." Popo Bovich shrugged, "I guess, it's not like you ordered it. From this point of view, it is true that the guy sent it wrong. It stands to reason that it should be returned."

While talking, Popo Bovich took another sip of milk, feeling the warm and sweet milk slipping into his belly, his whole body gradually warmed up, and his drowsiness disappeared.

Li Cha looked at Popo Bovich, approached him, and without saying anything, reached out and opened the second layer of the food box.

I saw that there was an exquisite dessert in it, composed of purple fruit and blue jam, exuding an attractive sweetness similar to peaches.


Bobo Bo Weiqi saw Li Cha's actions, couldn't help but screamed, and seriously discussed the problem: "The other party delivered the wrong one, so it's understandable for us to eat part of it. If we eat all of it, it's a bit too much, right?"


While talking, Popo Bovich dipped his fingers into the jam on the dessert, took a sip, and commented: "However, to be honest, this dessert is very good. Maybe we should pay for this buy breakfast

It would be better to ask the original owner to order a new one. "

Li Cha glanced at Popovich, didn't speak, reached out and opened the third layer of the food box, and then said to Popobovich: "You never thought that this food box is actually Is it really for us? It's not really breakfast, though—just a cover."

"Huh?" Bobobo Weiqi was puzzled. The next moment his eyes widened suddenly, he saw Li Cha take out two well-sealed boxes from the third layer of the food box.

There were words written on the boxes, Li Cha took a few glances, handed the box with Popobovic's name on it to Popobovich, and then opened the box with his own name written on it.

After taking it apart, there was a large pile of materials inside, filled with words, and there were some other small items, I don't know what to do.

Li Cha quickly read the information, and confirmed his guess after a while. The thing hidden in the food box was exactly the disguised identity prepared by the black-faced old man Oscar for him and Popovich.

What is written on the information is the details of the identity, and the small objects are the proof of identity.

Originally, Oscar, the black-faced old man, said that it would take a few days to complete this matter, but he did not expect that it would be completed in just one night - the efficiency is astonishing.

While the efficiency is amazing, there is no fooling around.

The two disguised identities are completed by combining the information currently displayed by him and Popovich. This is not just as simple as fabricating two stories. If you investigate according to the information, you will find all kinds of clues left in the information, making people believe that it is true.

According to the information, his identity is a wizard from the Northern Soma Alliance, and he belongs to an organization called the Puluo Society.

Popo Bovich also came from the Northern Soma Alliance, but the organization he belonged to was not the General Society, but the Land of No Man—a wizarding organization that was famous for a while, but then quickly declined and died.

After figuring out the two sets of disguised identities, Li Cha had some guesses about the real identity of the old man.

After all, the places where the identity is disguised are all in the Soma Alliance, which shows that the old man has a relatively strong control over the Soma Alliance, so...

After thinking for a long time, Li Cha murmured, "Maybe it's a win-win situation to cooperate with the other party."


Afterwards, Richard and Popovich began to memorize the contents of the materials, fully disguising their identities.

When the memory is almost enough, all the materials will be burned. After that, the ashes were completely crushed into powder, poured into nitric acid to dissolve, and the main component of the ashes—potassium carbonate—had an irreversible reaction, completely destroying the evidence.

In the afternoon, there was another knock on the courtyard door.

Li Cha and Bobobo Weiqi walked to the courtyard door, opened the door, and saw a large four-wheeled carriage parked outside. Joseph from the Truth Society in the carriage poked his head out and waved: "Come on, I'm going to take you somewhere."

Li Cha and Popobovich looked at each other, and they got into the carriage very cooperatively, and sat in the carriage.

When the carriage started, Richard asked Joseph, "Where is this taking us?"

"Go to meet the leaders of our organization and confirm the two of you joining the organization." Joseph said seriously.

"I see." Li Cha and Popovich nodded, because Joseph mentioned this matter when they met last time, and this is what they have always wanted to achieve, so they didn't show too much surprise at this moment , surprise.

Joseph didn't talk too much nonsense, and ordered the groom to speed up, and then headed west towards the city.


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