Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Seven hundred and ninetieth IX tough guy fighting

Originally, after drinking more than ten bottles of potion, Popo Bovich had already reached the middle-level level of a third-level wizard. Now, after drinking the green potion, he was promoted again and reached the high-level level of a third-level wizard.

But it doesn't end there, the ascension continues.

The next moment, he reached the peak of the third-level wizard, and was constantly approaching the fourth-level wizard.

At this moment, Joseph next to him changed color a little. He didn't expect Popo Bovich to hide his strength so deeply.

Li Cha also raised his eyebrows. He remembered that when Popo Bovich was exchanging combat skills with him before, if he was in a hurry, he could only use potions to upgrade to the high-level level of a third-level wizard, but now it is even higher. It seems that his previous guess was correct. Popovich has never shown his strongest strength.

So, what level can Popovich be the strongest? Could it be possible to reach level 4 wizard?

If it does, it's a qualitative difference.

But... Popo Bovich failed to break through to the fourth-level wizard in the end, and stopped at a level that was only one line away from the fourth-level wizard.

Obviously, this is enough to solve the situation in front of you.

After the ascension was over, Popo Bovich squinted at the evolved spider.

The light-gold evolutionary spider sensed the danger and did not attack rashly. It lowered its body and rubbed its chelicer limbs, making a "hissing" sound.

"Calling now, don't you think it's a bit late?" Popo Bovich said, without the lazy and incongruous look before, he watched the evolved spider very seriously.

After the words fell, the body jumped up suddenly, and rushed towards the evolved spider.

The spider backed away quickly, and a mass of green spider webs under its belly quickly covered Popo Bović.

I don't know whether it was due to carelessness or some other reason, Popo Bovich couldn't change direction freely in the air, his movements froze, and he was caught in the middle by the spider web, and fell heavily to the ground with a "bang".

The evolved spider was stunned for a moment. It didn't expect things to be so simple, but its brain capacity was unaware of any conspiracy, and it quickly approached the covered Popo Bović.

The next moment, there was a loud "bang", and the ground under the evolutionary spider exploded suddenly. The body of the evolutionary spider was blown away, and a huge blood hole appeared in the abdomen, and the sour blood gushed wildly. out.

Popovich in the spider web disappeared with a "poof", and the real Popovich appeared behind the evolved spider. I saw him holding the short staff, with a serious face, and quickly cast spells on the evolved spider, and began to bombard it wildly.

When the continuous spells fell on the body, the evolved spider finally realized something, turned around quickly, and rushed to Popo Bović, wanting to fight to the death with Bobo Bović, who was Without fear, he continued to cast spells.

In the ensuing battle, the evolved spider continued to struggle, but eventually fell under Popo Bović's torrent of spells.


The evolved spider fell to the ground, motionless.


Popo Bovich let out a long breath, and shook his body before standing still. Obviously, it was not easy for him to kill the evolved spider.

The main reason is that the evolutionary spider has strong resistance to spells, and the power of ordinary low-level spells has been greatly reduced, forcing him to only upgrade to the level of a fourth-level wizard. The evolved spider bombed and killed.

"Actually, if you choose to fight close to the opponent and use more physical attacks, it will be easier." At this moment, Joseph looked at Popo Bovich and said.

After hearing this, Popo Bovich shrugged. How could he not know this truth? However, as an orthodox wizard, he is not good at melee combat at all, unlike a combat madman. Joseph's suggestion, to him, is only theoretically feasible, but in fact it is not practical at all.

"If there is a next time, I might try it." Popo Bovich responded weakly, because of the cost of using potions to improve his body, he now feels that his whole body is soft.

As a result, as soon as Popovich’s words fell,

In the darkness next to it, there was another stench, and with the sound of "hissing", the second evolved spider rushed into the field.

The evolved spider's big eyes that looked like nostrils moved slightly, and it directly locked on Bobobo Weiqi, and rushed over without any politeness.

Popobovich's eyes widened, he cursed bad luck, and was thinking about what to do, when Joseph made a move.

This time Joseph did not attack with spells such as "Rainstorm of Fire" as before, because he knew very well that such spells would be very ineffective against evolved spiders.

Therefore, his choice was to pounce on the evolved spider with his whole body, landed with a "bang", and stopped in front of the evolved spider.

The newly emerged evolutionary spider was a little surprised when he saw Joseph. He didn't know why this small human dared to stop it. But without any mercy, he swung his long legs and stabbed at Joseph, and at the same time, highly corrosive acid was sprayed from his mouthparts.

Joseph reacted quickly, turned around, and avoided the attack of the evolved spider. Then he let out a low shout, the skin of his whole body petrified, showing a kind of reef gray, and he punched the evolved spider hard.

At this time, Popo Bovich and Richard realized why Joseph proposed to use close combat to deal with the evolved spider. Because he really thought so, and he really did it.

Joseph's behavior all along was in line with the identity of a competent member of the Truth Society, like a shrewd businessman, or a polite gentleman, handling all kinds of affairs in an orderly manner.

This kind of person gives people the impression that they are good at solving problems in an indirect and gentle way, and will kill enemies with long-range spells like an orthodox wizard.

But at this time Joseph's fighting style is more like a gladiator, a fighter, a very tough guy style. Fighting with the evolutionary spider in close quarters, punching to the flesh, the evolutionary spider screamed continuously.

The evolved spider fought back angrily. Joseph sometimes dodged, sometimes directly resisted with his petrified skin, and then exchanged injuries for wounds to fight with the evolved spider.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes...

There were several wounds on Joseph's body, while the evolutionary spider had two long legs broken, smashed most of its body, and suffered extremely serious injuries.

The evolved spider couldn't help being afraid, and stabbed Joseph with the few remaining long legs, then turned and ran.

Joseph snorted coldly, and chased after him with red eyes. Grabbing the tattered body of the evolved spider, he tore it with all his strength. With a "snap", half of the evolved spider's body was torn off directly, and the remaining half collapsed to the ground with a "bang", struggling for death.

Joseph didn't give the evolved spider any chance at all, and the iron fist wrapped in purple energy fell quickly, one after another, smashing the evolved spider into the ground, smashing the evolved spider to death.

In this way, Joseph, relying on the intermediate level of a third-level wizard, killed the evolved spider in a violent way.

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