Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 831: The Hot Soup Ends Cold, and the God of Death lives forever!

What is the universe?

Or what is the world we live in?

The form in which a world is born has to some extent determined the form in which it will end.

If a world was really created by an omnipotent and omniscient god within seven days as in the legend, then it would eventually be destroyed in a catastrophe caused by the wrath of the gods as in the legend.

In other words, if a world can really be analyzed, then it must be ensured that the world is rational from the beginning, and everything is generated according to certain rules, rather than a sudden thought of some unknown existence .

For example, if you want to understand the principles of the human body, you must first ensure that the human body was really evolved step by step from ancient apes, rather than being created by a certain god.

Otherwise, the ultimate power of interpretation will always exist with the gods, and human beings will never be able to figure out their own mysteries.

Then, the reversed retina, the recurrent laryngeal nerve that detours far away, the common opening of the trachea and esophagus, the Achilles heel of the temple without protection, the completely redundant nipple (anti-harmony) head for men, the yin (yin) that men lack for better reproduction Anti-harmony) stalk bones will be the small defects left by the gods in the process of creating human beings because of their carelessness.

Rather than in the process of evolution, human beings actively and passively make choices in order to survive and adapt to the environment better.

For Richard, what he pursues is to analyze the current world and make the current world, like the earth, a universe that conforms to rationality, rules, and logic.

So what kind of universe is the universe where the earth is located?

Everything has been decided at the moment of birth.

According to the most consensus research results on the earth, the universe where the earth is located was born in a unparalleled big bang, which is the so-called big bang theory.

In the big bang theory, the initial state of the universe is called the singularity.

This is a point where the volume is infinitely small, the density is infinitely large, the gravitational force is infinitely large, and the curvature of space-time is infinitely large. At this point, the currently known laws of physics cannot be applied, and space and time have no meaning.

In this state, the temperature of the universe is about 10^32 degrees, which is the so-called Planck temperature. At such a temperature, not to mention the atoms that constitute the basis of matter, even the protons and neutrons in the nucleus, and even the more basic particles-quarks, do not exist at all.

At this time, the universe is just a pot of highly concentrated energy soup.

Suddenly, for a moment, the singularity exploded, and the volume of the universe began to expand dramatically, exponentially.

In the next few microseconds, the quarks combined into protons and neutrons in a 7:1 ratio, but they failed to form stable atomic nuclei. Because they are constantly harassed by neutrinos and antineutrinos, the anti-beta decay nuclear reaction triggered greatly inhibits the occurrence of nucleosynthesis.

This situation continued until the age of the universe was close to one second, and the temperature of the universe dropped to the level of 10^11 degrees, which is about tens of billions of degrees. Neutrinos and antineutrinos finally stopped interacting with nucleons, and the big bang nucleosynthesis really started.

After that, when the age of the universe reaches two or three minutes, hydrogen, hydrogen isotopes, helium elements and helium isotopes appear in sequence.

Among them, deuterium, an isotope of hydrogen (one proton, one neutron), is an intermediate product in the nuclear reaction chain, and a large amount of deuterium eventually forms helium (two protons, two neutrons) through different paths.

When the age of the universe reaches 3 minutes, almost all the neutrons are in the helium. Because when the universe was born, the ratio of protons to neutrons was 7:1, so at this time, the mass ratio of hydrogen to helium is 6:2, that is, 3:1.

In other words, the universe at this time is 75% hydrogen and 25% helium. Their atomic numbers are 1 and 2, and their atomic weights are 1 and 4, respectively.

After that, the nuclear reaction continues. In the high-temperature environment, the particles collide continuously, and small particles generate large particles, and particles with low atomic numbers,

Particles with high atomic numbers are born. However, due to the limitation of physical principles, there are no stable atoms with an atomic weight of 5 and 8 in the universe. The stable atomic lithium 6 with an atomic weight of 6 has a very small reaction cross section, so the next ion produced by the nuclear reaction is an isotope of lithium—— Lithium7.

In the process of this nuclear reaction, the volume of the universe becomes larger and larger due to the rapid expansion, and the temperature drops faster and faster. By the time the nuclear reaction produces a small amount of lithium 7, the universe has become very cold, and nucleosynthesis is almost over.

When the age of the universe is 1 hour, nucleosynthesis stops completely. At this time, the composition of matter in the universe is about 75% hydrogen, 25% helium, and a very small amount of lithium 7, which is like a large group of gaseous cotton candy nebula.

This state, from the age of the universe for one hour, has been maintained for about one billion years of the age of the universe.

When the age of the universe is 1 billion years, certain positions of the gaseous nebula, because they contain more matter, will continue to attract more matter around them to gather under the action of universal gravitation. The density becomes higher and higher, and finally when the gravitational force is greater than the internal support force, gravitational collapse occurs.

After gravitational collapse, a region of gaseous nebulae breaks up into many smaller and smaller fragments, and within each fragment, the collapsing gas releases gravitational potential energy in the form of heat. As its temperature and pressure increased, these fragments would slowly condense into a superhot swirling gas called a protostar, and this is how the first generation of stars formed.

After the first generation of stars formed, in the interior of the core, due to the high temperature environment, nucleosynthesis began to restart, and elements with larger atomic numbers and atomic weights began to be synthesized sequentially.

First of all, the familiar hydrogen element becomes helium element through fusion and nucleosynthesis. The energy in this fusion process is also used to resist the gravitational collapse caused by gravity and ensure the stability of the star's volume.

When all the hydrogen elements are exhausted, the equilibrium state of fusion energy and gravitational force is broken, and the star undergoes a second gravitational force, which collapses itself, thereby greatly increasing the core temperature and pressure, and reaching the conditions for helium fusion. Through the fusion of helium, Nucleosynthesis into carbon, oxygen, etc.

When the helium is exhausted, the third gravitational collapse begins again, the star collapses again, the core temperature and pressure further increase, carbon and oxygen elements begin to fuse and nucleosynthesis into silicon.

If the star is not massive enough, it will die in a collapse process, becoming a white dwarf (a star about one-tenth the mass of the sun) or a red giant (a star less than ten times the mass of the sun). And if the mass of the star is large enough, and this continues, the elements after lithium will continue to be generated, such as neon, magnesium, silicon, sulfur, calcium...

However, there is still a limit to this synthesis.

This limit is the iron element.

In the core of a very massive star, after multiple collapses, elements fuse, and iron is produced through nucleosynthesis.

After most of the mass of the star's core has turned into iron, the resulting pressure is already very high. This causes most of the electrons in the center of the iron element to be pressed into the nucleus, combine with protons, and become neutrons, making the core almost all neutrons.

The neutrons are extremely dense, so the iron atoms that want to fuse are blocked when they come to the surface of the neutrons. Like a ball hitting the wall, they are bounced back hard and cannot enter the core.

In this way, no matter how much energy the star provides for the core, the iron cannot undergo further fusion, and the life process of the star is locked. At this time, the elements of the star from the outermost to the innermost are hydrogen, helium, carbon, silicon, and iron.

After this continued for a period of time, the fusion of the star stopped, and under the action of gravity, the star began to collapse again.

Because there will be no new fusion restart this time, the star will produce an unprecedented super explosion, that is, a supernova explosion.

In this state, in a very short period of time, the temperature and pressure reached a new high, and elements after iron were formed, such as nickel, copper, zinc, etc., all the way to the element uranium.

Uranium is the element with the largest atomic number existing in nature. Elements with atomic numbers exceeding uranium can only be synthesized artificially and cannot be obtained in nature.

This is the universe in which the earth is located.

In cognition, everything in the universe where the earth is located at present is formed by the explosion and nucleosynthesis of the pot of energy soup at the original singularity.

In this universe, the most fundamental components that make up every creature and every object come from an explosion.

In this universe, all life is not divine because they all have the same past.

Their ending, also consistent, will eventually die.

Afterwards, ashes return to ashes, and ashes return to ashes, forming their particles, and then forming new life.

This is a cycle, which is a scientific cycle. Your head may become a white cat in the next century, and your hands may come from the spine of a saber-toothed tiger in ancient times.

You, me, and him are actually one.

In this material cycle universe, almost nothing is eternal, and the only possibility of eternal existence is the ever-increasing entropy.

The universe will continue to expand, and the Prandtl temperature will continue to decrease from the singularity big bang, and finally tend to absolute zero asymptotically.

Slowly, all the stars will run out of energy and go out one by one, and the entire universe becomes darker and darker. Slowly, black holes continue to form and dominate the universe. Slowly, the black hole continuously emitted Hawking radiation, and even the black hole itself began to disappear.

Eventually, the entire universe reaches a state of maximum entropy, and all matter is evenly distributed throughout the universe. The universe becomes monotonous and dead, loses all vitality, and reaches the heat-death ending determined from birth—when the scorching hot energy soup at the singularity explodes, it determines that he will be at a certain moment in the distant future, Will eventually cool down completely.

The hot soup will eventually be cold, and the god of death will live forever!


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