Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 835 Investigating the cause of death

Looking at the old man's body, Li Cha's thoughts turned.

If the old man died a normal death, then it would be fine. However, according to the performance of the old man before, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a normal death.

Especially the old man's weird smile.

It seems that the death of the old man is more inclined to be an accident.

It is very likely that a certain wizard used an extraordinary spell to attach his consciousness to the old man, and wanted to sneak into the No. 13 mine to learn something. Because it was discovered by him by accident, he knew that he couldn't resist, so in order to avoid being known by him, he decisively ended it on his own.

If this is the case, it will be much more troublesome.

And there are two cases to consider.

The first situation is that the wizard who came to investigate is a wizard from an unknown organization. Although it is a bit troublesome, as long as you are vigilant, it is not a big deal.

The second situation is that the sorcerer who came to investigate came from within the Truth Society. For some reason, the other party had doubts about his identity or what he was doing, so he came to investigate. Then it will be a lot of trouble, and we must carefully consider how to deal with it. If it is not handled properly, it may greatly affect the mining of ore in the mine, thereby affecting the current nuclear weapon research and manufacturing plans.

Which one is it?

Li Cha frowned, looked at the approaching Waltz, ignored the surprise and embarrassment of the other party, pointed at the old man's body on the ground, and said directly: "I want to get this person's information as quickly as possible and with the highest efficiency. "

Waltz hesitated for a moment, then looked at Richard and said, "Master Wizard, until tomorrow morning..."

"No, it's not fast enough." Li Cha shook his head and interrupted Waltz, "I want to get enough news tonight, before I figure it out, I will stay in this mine."

"This..." After hearing this, Waltz pursed his lips and turned his eyes, as if he was thinking seriously. Finally, he looked at Li Cha, took a deep breath and made a decision: "Master Wizard, you have to wait for a while."


Waltz turned around and walked into the night. After a while, the mine became even more noisy than before.


After more than an hour.

In the No. 13 mine, in the room where Li Cha used to meditate before leaving his body, the body of a skinny old man lay flat on the ground. Li Cha sat quietly on the bed beside him, closing his eyes and resting his mind, completely ignoring the existence of the body.

With a "squeak", the door opened and Waltz walked in.

Waltz, who walked in, glanced at the corpse with slight resistance, walked to the farthest corner from the corpse, and said to Richard: "Master Wizard, I have already investigated some information, and the identity of this person on the ground is generally Figured it out."

Li Cha opened his eyes and asked aloud, "Who is the other party?"

"The other person's name is Ford. According to the workers, he has no children, has been living in poverty, and seems to have been stimulated by something, and his mind is a little abnormal. The workers have seen him many times, and they have made silly smiles for no reason. Gotta penetrate.

Originally, he should only be active in the small town of Shambhala. I really don't know how he appeared here, let alone why he entered the construction site. I guess... maybe the other party is very hungry and wants to steal something to eat. After being discovered by you, the wizard, because you were too frightened and your body was weak, you frightened to death. This is also his own fault, adults don't have to worry about anything. "

"Is this the information you found?" Li Cha asked.

"This is it." Waltz said, spreading his hands, "If you want more information, or confirm the authenticity of the news, you can only go to the small town of Shambhala during the daytime."

"Okay then." Richard said, looking at the corpse on the ground, whispering, "According to what you said, the other party is just an ordinary person. The sudden turn around and the weird smile was caused by abnormal mentality. Besides, I'm overthinking it?"

"No no." Li Cha shook his head lightly, and said to himself, "It's better to be careful about this kind of thing, after all, it's hard to believe that a lunatic could detect my approach in the first place.

And when he was scared to death, he showed a strange smile instead of fear. If possible, it's best to find out the memory of the other party, or the remaining soul..."

Looking up at Waltz, Li Cha ordered: "Waltz, help me arrange a carriage and take me back to Jialan City, and bring this corpse with me. I want to study it carefully."

"Yes." Waltz didn't hesitate, turned around and was about to go out to make arrangements.

At this time, Li Cha said again: "By the way, there is one more thing, you have to remember, Waltz."

"What, Master Wizard?" Waltz stopped and asked with a slight frown.

"That is, we still need to pay attention to the law and order, and don't let similar things happen again. Even if it does happen, at least we have to find out. After all, I don't come to the mine every day." Richard said.

Waltz froze with embarrassment, and after a while, he looked at Li Cha and said seriously: "Master Wizard, please rest assured, I promise, this is only the first time, and there will never be a second time. Time! I will select people from among the miners to form a special security team to maintain order in the mining area."

"That's good, let's go." Li Cha waved.

Waltz didn't say anything more, held back his strength, and stepped out of the door.

Not long after, a carriage left from the location of No. 13 mine, took Richard and the corpse of an old man named Ford, and returned to the Blue Lake Manor in Jialan City.


Unloading the corpse from the carriage, Li Cha walked into the study in the stone building of the manor, entered the Garden of Eden without stopping.

In the Garden of Eden, Richard walked in, and then walked into the research room of the mechanical processing sector.

The reason why he brought the corpse was very simple. He wanted to find out the memory of the soul before the corpse died, and to confirm whether the other party was really scared to death, or there was another reason.

However, he is also very clear that with his current ability, it is a little difficult to analyze the secrets of the soul in depth. After all, most of his research has not involved this aspect-destroying the soul is okay, but analyzing the soul is a little bit reluctant.

Fortunately, there is another existence in the Garden of Eden that may help, that is the Lich soul in the phylactery.

Taking the corpse into the research room, Li Cha laid the corpse flat on the table in the room. Then he walked to an iron box next to the iron frame, opened the iron box, and found out the Lich's phylactery that he personally threw in three days ago.

Holding the phylactery in his hand, Li Cha had a thought, uttered the spell, and a transparent worm emerged from his fingertips, which was the soul worm.

Without hesitation, Li Cha flicked the soul worm into the phylactery.

One second, two seconds, three...

In less than three seconds, the phylactery shook violently, and a large puff of black smoke gushed out, condensing into the appearance of an old Lich. The Lich old man grabbed the soul worm that Li Cha had just thrown away in the phylactery with both hands, threw it towards the corner with all his strength, then looked at Li Cha and shouted angrily: "Boy, what are you doing!"

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