Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 837 Late Night Visit


After calculating for a long time, Li Cha stopped writing, looked at the results on the papyrus scroll, and said to himself: "Well, there shouldn't be any major problems this time, so let's try again."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the corpse that had rolled to the ground, and didn't bother to walk over. With a wave of his hand, the spell was released. Controlling the surge of air, he turned into an invisible big hand to grab the corpse and put it on the table.

"Co... Rui... Te..."

Li Cha recited the incantation, and the free energy in the law source flowed out, operated in a specific order, and finally released from the palm of his hand to react.

Li Cha pressed his hands towards the head of the corpse for the second time, and kept approaching, and when he was about to touch it, his body shook.

Apparently, the spell failed again, and there was a backlash.

Compared with the last time, the backlash this time was negligible, causing very little damage, and Li Cha returned to normal with just one breath.

However, this did not prevent Li Cha's expression from becoming more dignified.

"Hmm... still not working, and failed again. However, according to the degree of backlash, it is only a little short of success. Where is the difference?"

Li Cha said, picked up the quill, and started the third calculation. By the way, with a wave of his hand, he controlled the air and pushed the corpse on the table down, rolling several meters.


Li Cha's calculation time this time was extremely long, it took more than an hour, and finally he wrote down a line of formula very hard, and came up with a series of numbers. The tip of the quill pen almost pierced through the thin papyrus.

Looking at the numbers, Li Cha's eyes lit up slightly, and he said with a very certain tone: "This time, there will definitely be no mistakes."

After finishing speaking, Li Cha moved his hand and used spells to bring the corpse back to the table in the air, lay it flat, read the spell, and quickly press it down with both hands.

"K... Roman!"

With the last syllable exited, Li Cha's hands were completely pressed on the forehead of the corpse, and a wave of warm energy emerged from his palms and penetrated quickly.

The pupils of Li Cha's eyes shrank, his vision became blurred, and one by one faint images flashed quickly. At the same time, whispers sounded like auditory hallucinations.

The first picture is the dead old man Ford, curled up, hiding in an alley in the small town of Shambhala.

"Hungry, so hungry, do you have anything to eat?"

The second picture shows the dead old man Ford, staggering on the road, staggering towards the No. 13 mine outside the small town of Shambhala.

"Tired, so tired, I need to find a place to sleep. Besides, I also need to eat something, or I will starve to death."

In the third scene, the dead old man Ford is sitting on the stone beside the road, panting for a rest, when suddenly a black shadow passes by him and runs into the distance.

"Well, is it a rabbit? Then I'm going to catch him, I'm going to eat him..."

In the fourth picture, the dead old man Ford got up staggeringly, chasing after the disappearing shadow...

The fifth screen...



Li Cha looked at one scene after another, and finally left his hands from the forehead of the corpse, thoughtfully.

It is certain that the spell "Soul Echo" has taken effect, that's why so many clues are obtained from the corpse.

From the clues obtained, it can also be seen that the old man is not possessed. However, it does not rule out potential inducements, especially in the fourth screen, where the black shadow appears very suspicious.

If...according to the worst plan, the old man's various behaviors are controlled by a certain wizard, and the other party is a member of the Truth Society, then some things need to be prepared.

Li Cha thought quickly, his eyes rolled, and the next moment he had an idea, he quickly left the research room and the Garden of Eden.


After walking out of the Garden of Eden, it was late at night.

Li Cha didn't hesitate too much, cast a spell, quickly rushed out of the Blue Lake Manor, and flew towards the Academy of Ashes where Popo Bović was.

Not long after, Li Cha arrived at the location of Ashes College, and saw that under the protection of the wall,

Several older minarets stand.

Walking to the main entrance of the academy, Li Cha knocked on the door and called out, "Wizard Vicki?"

One, two, three...

There was no response for a long time.

Li Cha raised his eyebrows, feeling something was wrong. Press down with both hands, a large amount of air is compressed towards the ground, and then step on both feet, as if stepping on contracted springs, and the whole person jumps high. Like a bird, it easily crossed the walls of the college, and landed on the ground of the college without a sound.

Standing up quickly, the perspective function of the "Gaze Eye" has been turned on. Richard scanned the entire academy and locked Popo Bović, and found that it was on the second floor of a minaret.

Walking fast, when he reached the steeple, his arm tilted down, and the short staff slid out and was caught in his hand.

With his lips slightly opened and closed, Li Cha waved his short staff, pointing it towards the wall, and the surrounding air became extremely thick.

Stepping on it with both feet, his entire body became parallel to the ground. Li Cha walked quietly from the wall to the window on the second floor in a way that completely violated gravity.

In front of the window, after a slight pause, through the cloudy glass window, Li Cha saw in the room inside, Bobobo Weiqi lying motionless on the bed, as if he was dead, and could hardly feel any breath of life.

Li Cha frowned, fully let go of his perception, and made sure that there were no ambushes around him, and pointed his short staff at the glass of the window.


An undetectable sound sounded, and a large piece of cloudy glass on the window melted into liquid directly.

Li Cha shrank his body, rushed into the room, and landed on the floor like a cat, only less than three meters away from Popovich on the bed in the room.

At this distance, he still couldn't feel the breath of Popo Bović's life.

Li Cha frowned, and approached the opponent with caution and vigilance, ready to respond to attacks at any time. From Li Cha's point of view, there is a high probability that Popovich on the bed is already a corpse.

But how did the other party die?

Was killed?

Who is the murderer?

Could it be the Truth Society?

Why would the truth do it?

Could it be that his and Popovich's identities have been exposed?

With various ideas in mind, Li Cha approached Popovich step by step.

Three meters, two meters, one meter...

Just as he was approaching one meter, Bobobo Weiqi on the bed suddenly reacted, as if he had been electrocuted, and stood up straight.


Bobobo Wei let out a strange cry, and with a wave of his hand, an air missile was launched, but he couldn't control his head properly, and it grazed Li Cha's body and hit the wall behind him.

However, this air missile is not an ordinary air missile. It did not dissipate after touching the wall, but exploded with a "bang", releasing a violent wind like a storm, making the whole room chaotic.

Bookshelves collapsed, books flew up, ornaments fell to the ground...

The scene was a mess.

Popo Bovich didn't care about these things, or he wasn't in the mood to care about them. With agility that was much higher than usual, he swooped into the box in the corner of the room.

He opened the box with a "bang", and quickly took out a large handful of potions in glass bottles from it. Unplug one of the bottles of medicine, and pour the liquid medicine into his mouth.

One bottle, two bottles, three bottles...

After Popo Bovich drank five bottles of medicine at a very fast speed, his peripheral vision glanced at Li Cha who had sneaked into the room, and he was stunned, and the action of drinking the medicine froze.

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