Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 841: Don’t Say It’s Unpredictable

Ash Academy, in the room on the second floor of the square tower.

After listening to Li Cha's words, Bobo Bo Wei fell into silence. After a while, he looked at Li Cha and asked seriously: "According to what you said, you are not sure about the Truth Council now, do you have any doubts about you?"

"I'm really not sure." Li Cha nodded, "As I said before, I hope I'm being too sensitive. But just in case, it's better to be cautious and make some arrangements in advance. And these Arrangement, I don't want to come forward, I can only rely on you to go to Delan for activities."

"Okay, I see." Popo Bovich nodded solemnly, "I will try my best to get it done. In fact, I really want to go to Delan these few days. On the one hand, I want to buy Some spell-casting materials and potions are used to supplement what I have been consuming. On the other hand, it seems that there are new clues for my investigation.”

"Then it's settled?" Li Cha asked.

"It's decided." Popo Bovich nodded and gave a definite answer.

Li Cha breathed a sigh of relief, stopped talking, and said goodbye: "Then I won't bother you, I'll go back first."

"Okay, goodbye." Popo Bovich waved.

"Goodbye." Li Cha said, with a vertical leap, he jumped out of the room from the empty window, slid from mid-air into the thick night, and disappeared quickly.

Popo Bovich watched Li Cha leave and began to tidy up the messy room. Just as he lifted the bookshelf halfway, his movements froze, and he said to himself: "Hey, did I forget something?"

He kept holding the bookshelf for about three seconds, and Popovich blinked and shouted, "I seem to have really forgotten one thing."

Forgot a big thing!

The bad state of his room now can be traced back to the source, but it was caused by Li Cha, and the glass on the windows was melted by Li Cha.

Under such circumstances, how could Li Cha be allowed to leave casually? Li Cha should be asked to make compensation.

He remembered very clearly that he was inexplicably besieged and killed by a group of people from the Truth Society on the way. In order to save his life, he ran to the top of the Blue Lake Manor to fight, and accidentally affected the buildings of the Blue Lake Manor. Li Cha asked him for a thousand gold coins without opening his mouth—it took him a long time to get it together.

Now he has such a room because of Li Cha's tossing, although not too many things have been damaged, but he still has to claim 1000... 700... 500 gold coins!

Well, at least 500 gold coins, no less!

By the way, he also promised to help Li Cha arrange some things, so there should be activity funds.

Adding it all up, he will have to return the 1,000 gold coins he previously paid to Li Cha.

He even forgot to tell Li Cha about such an important matter.

But it doesn't matter, when the matter is over, he must tell Li Cha clearly and get the gold coins that belonged to him.

Well, that's it.

Thinking of this in his heart, Popo Bovich clenched his fist with his hand.

As a result, the hand let go, and the half-supported bookshelf lost its strength and fell heavily to the ground with a "bang".

When the bookshelf was bought, Popo Bovich only spent five silver coins. It was an absolute bargain, and it was not strong at all. In the indoor storm caused by the air missile just now, he had already suffered a lot of damage, and now he was thrown again, and he fell apart—his body was smashed to pieces, and he died a miserable death.

Bobo Weiqi's expression froze, and the amount of gold coins he was claiming for Richard silently increased from 1,000 gold coins to 1,500 gold coins.

Yes, 1500 gold coins!


Inside the Garden of Eden.

Near the main laboratory.


Accompanied by a muffled sound, the old Lich's body was picked up by Pandora for countless times, and fell to the ground hard.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

The old Lich was lying on the ground like a puddle of mud, motionless.

Pandora looked at it, her tense little face relaxed slightly, but then her eyes widened vigilantly again.

I saw the old Lich on the ground move suddenly,

Two arms as slender as noodles were slowly bent, both hands supported the ground, and the whole person stood up unsteadily.

At this time, the old man was like a yellow leaf on the treetop. Under the blowing of the cold wind, it was crumbling, but it stubbornly refused to fall.


After the Lich old man stood up, he gasped heavily, his face was not very good-looking, and the expression on his face was both angry and helpless.

Raise your hand, stretch out your right index finger, and point to Pandora. His fingers trembled slightly, and the Lich old man cried out in grief and indignation: "Little...little devil, you have gone too far! I solemnly warn you now, my patience has a limit, it really has a limit!

Just now I just saw that you were young and didn't want to take action against you. But you don't know what to do and keep attacking me. It really made me angry, even if my soul energy is almost exhausted, I still have to extract some of it, and teach you a good lesson!

Let me tell you, I am an extremely powerful Lord Lich! Once I make a move, you are not my opponent at all, and it will be too late for you to cry! How about it, be afraid or not! "

Pandora looked at the old man Lich without any fear, and didn't even listen to the words of the old man Lich. As soon as the old Lich finished speaking, Pandora took a step forward, stretched out her hands, and grabbed the old man's body, ready to repeat the previous action.

For Pandora, her purpose is very clear: the guy in front of her is not Li Cha, who appeared in the Garden of Eden out of nowhere and wanted to cause damage, so he must not be a good person. Then, she will get rid of the other party. Although the opponent's vitality was as tenacious as that of a demonized cockroach, and she survived being thrown so many times without dying, she was not worried that the opponent would really resist.

"Crack! Crack!"

With two sounds, Pandora's hands successfully grabbed the old Lich's body, and she was about to fall to the ground when she swung it up.

The expression on the face of the Lich old man became a little angry. The moment he was picked up, he opened and closed his lips and uttered a series of obscure spells.

There was no mana fluctuation in his body, but a light green soul energy spewed out from between his brows, quickly enveloping his whole body.

Then, under the mysterious catalysis, the spell took effect, and the energy enveloping the whole body suddenly contracted, and with a "poof", the entire body of the Lich old man dissipated like smoke, making Pandora catch nothing.


Pandora was puzzled and turned to look around.


A cold snort sounded behind Pandora, and Pandora looked over and saw the Lich old man appearing more than ten meters away, looking at her angrily, and said: "Little devil, I really warned you for the last time. I don't care what you want to do to me, it's best to stop right now.

Because if I use all my strength, you are definitely not my opponent! I didn't want to argue with you before because I thought it was pointless to waste my precious and little left soul energy. But if you are going to continue pestering me, then I would rather use the remaining half of my soul energy to let you have a taste of the lesson! "

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