in the room.

Old Lich Ah Fu looked at Pandora, and Pandora looked at Old Lich, and the eyes of the two collided and exchanged in mid-air.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

The muscles on the Lich old man's face twisted unnaturally, his lips opened and closed, and he said dryly to Pandora: "Little girl, you...don't go too far..."

Pandora didn't answer, but continued to look at the old man Lich with piercing eyes, waiting for the old man Lich to issue a formal invitation to fight.

The old Lich's expression changed, and he got better several times in a row. Finally, he waved his hand and said to Pandora with a change of attitude: "Little girl, you... well, forget it, take the teapot if you want .

Isn’t it just a teapot? What’s the big deal? I’ll let Waltz buy a more expensive one until tomorrow. Anyway, it’s not my money. I'm so old, I'm not suitable to be as knowledgeable as a little girl like you, you can go back quickly with the teapot. "

"Hmph." Pandora sniffed, looked into the eyes of the old man Lich, and said, "You obviously couldn't beat me, and you were scared, so you told me that?"

"You!" The Lich old man was angry, staring and said: "Nonsense! How do you know that I am scared, how do you know that I can't beat you! Let me tell you, little girl, I just let you go before.

Before, when I fought against you, I did suffer a bit, but that was because my soul energy loss was too great. Now, after getting several healing materials from Li Cha, I have recovered a lot of soul energy. Even if I haven't reached the peak state, it's still more than enough to deal with you, a little girl.

The reason I don't want to fight you is because there's no point in doing so. Fighting, no matter winning or losing, is a waste of my soul energy, understand? In short, it's not that I can't beat you, I'm just too lazy to fight you, so don't underestimate me! "

The old Lich spoke for a long time, and severely reprimanded Pandora for her rudeness.

The next moment, he was blocked by Pandora's words.

Pandora said: "You just can't beat me!"

"I can fight, but I just don't want to fight you!" The blood vessels on the temple of the Lich old man protruded, and his whole face turned purple with anger, "I'm better than you, I'm really better than you, do you understand? As long as I do my best, you have no chance to resist! Don't roll your eyes at me, I'm telling the truth!

After all, I live dozens or hundreds of times longer than you! Even if you are dragged down by your current body, it is still easy to clean you up. Yes, I know you have cards, little girl, you can transform. But I put my words here, even if you change your body, you still can't beat me!

I am indeed better than you! In fact, I am better than you in every aspect, not only in strength, but also in wisdom. It's because I've considered things well that I don't bother to argue with you. "

"Are you very wise? Are you very smart?" Pandora asked after listening to the old man Lich, looking at the old man Lich, her eyebrows twitched, "Well, let me ask you, do you know what the law of dog bones is? "

"The law of the dog's bone?" The old Lich was taken aback, because the topic changed too quickly, his brain didn't react for a while, and his tongue was a little numb, "The law of the dog's bone? What is the law of the dog's bone?"

"Hmph, I don't know!" Pandora showed a proud expression, without explaining, she took the teapot and walked away proudly. Walking out the door, walking far away, the voice slowly floated: "You are not smart at all, you have no wisdom at all, and you will never beat me, um, you will never beat me."

"I..." the old Lich heard this, his body trembling with anger, he stretched out his finger and pointed in the direction of Pandora's departure, panting, "You little girl, you are too much, I told you, I I just don't want to get to know you!

I don't want to get to know you, understand? ! When I really have a chance, I will show my ability, let you take a good look at how powerful I am, and when the time comes, I will scare you to death! Yes, scare you to death! "

After speaking, the old Lich walked back to his seat.


Sit down heavily,

Picking up the half-cold sweet tea on the table, he gulped it down in a few sips, trying to extinguish the fire.

After drinking a cup, unable to calm down at all, he reached for the teapot, ready to drink another cup.

It turned out to be empty.

How can you not feel empty, the teapot has been taken by Pandora.

"I..." The old Lich felt that his heart was already so depressed that it was going to explode, and the air in the house was so stuffy, he simply stood up.

Looking at the golden retriever dog lying in the corner of the room, the Lich old man shouted: "You, yes, it's you, come out with me!"

After finishing speaking, he led the golden retriever and walked out of the door into the bitter night wind, ready to take a walk, walk the dog, and calm down.


The Lich old man walked his dog for more than an hour.

During this period, at an extremely fast speed, he circled the entire mine several times, went up and down the mountain several times, and finally stopped the golden retriever dog, who was so exhausted that he lay on the ground and stuck out his tongue.

After stopping, the Lich old man felt that the anger in his heart had dissipated a lot, so he turned his head to look at the golden retriever dog. Then he rolled his eyes, looked at the big golden retriever dog who was lying on the ground and was almost foaming, and said with hatred: "You are not up to the mark at all. How many miles have you run? Are you going to die? Look at me!" , and run like this for another night, it will be fine.”

The big golden retriever glanced at the old Lich with great aggrievedness, and kept sticking out his tongue and panting "haha".

The old Lich looked at the big golden retriever dog, and felt a little pity. He shook his head and said: "Forget it, after all, you are a dog, and you are not very old. In a sense, you are the same as the little girl who just made me angry. It's all the same. I don't want to be angry with you, I shouldn't be as knowledgeable as you, and I will let you know how powerful I am when I have a chance!"

After speaking, the old Lich picked up the golden retriever dog, put it on his shoulder, and walked towards the camp where he lived.

As a result, just after taking a few steps, his eyelids twitched suddenly, and he quickly turned his head to look in a direction in the night.

It was pitch black in that direction, and there was nothing there, but the old Lich's eyes were narrowed. The powerful breath in the body was subconsciously stimulated, and then disappeared in a flash, disappearing invisible.

The golden retriever closest to the old man felt it, instinctively, showing a frightened and vigilant look. The movement of sticking out the tongue stopped, and the pair of dog eyes widened, shining a faint light in the night.


In that direction, an invisible figure was hiding in the night, running fast.

The opponent passed through the entire mine at an extremely fast speed, and finally stopped on a small hill at the edge of the mine, revealing his figure little by little.

I saw that the other party was wearing a black windbreaker, with a serious expression on his face, and a serious and capable look in his eyes. The breath of the whole body is almost integrated with the surrounding environment, and it is extremely difficult to detect that it is Chekav, the inspector who came from the headquarters of the Truth Society.

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