Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter eight hundred and fiftieth night dream


deep night.

Li Cha left the mine and returned to Blue Lake Manor. Most of the mine was quiet.

Of course, there are also a small number of areas where many figures continue to move, such as the factory at the foot of the mountain.

Among them, the factory building named "Huolei Factory" is continuously producing "Huolei" for breaking down the stone wall. After production, boxes of "Huolei" were carefully transported out, and then transported to many corners of the mine.

In the corner, many people were busy digging holes and filling them with the "fire mines" brought in to prepare for the formal demolition work.

Because the demolition work is very dangerous and makes a lot of noise, it is always carried out during the day. However, for the sake of maximum efficiency, the preparatory work for the demolition started at night. Only in this way can it be achieved that the ore can be mined just after dawn, so that the entire mine can run at high speed instead of stagnating at the first link.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

"Over there!"

"Be careful! Be careful!"

"Sounding of the second hole!"

"The fifth hole is unqualified, it deviates from the previous position, try again!"

"Hey, hey, I'm talking about you, what are you doing sticking like a log, you're new here, help me! Let me tell you, it's not for fun to get a salary that is several times that of other places. It's better to read more and learn more , did not do well, I will report to Captain Didak tomorrow and let him drive you away!"

All kinds of voices continued to come out, and then slowly dissipated in the night.

In the newly built camp, many miners huddled on the bed and fell asleep, snoring loudly.

The captain named Didak has his own private room because of his high status. But after a day of exhaustion, he was also sleeping soundly at this time, snoring louder than anyone else.

Accompanied by the sound of grunting one after another, the whole mine has a special tranquility.

And at the edge of this special quiet mine, an invisible figure appeared, sneaking towards the "Huo Lei Factory". First, I carefully observed the process of the "Huolei Factory", and then followed the newly manufactured "Huolei" to leave the factory and go up the mountain...

This is the inspector Chekav, who is looking into the inside story of the mine.

What he didn't notice was that just after he left the "Huo Lei Factory", the figure of the Lich Old Man Ah Fu appeared at the factory gate.

Ah Fu, the Lich old man, is now close to the wall, as if it was part of the wall. Looking at Chekav who went away unnoticed, his eyes narrowed, and he said in a faint voice: "Is it really someone from the Truth Society? However, he is really brave enough, that's all." Investigate undisguisedly.

Do you really think that no one will see through your 'soul walk'? That's okay, just let you be proud. When I figure out what exactly you're investigating, I'll catch you myself and give you a big surprise. This can also give that little devil a surprise and let her know that I am much more powerful than she imagined! "

After speaking, Old Lich Ah Fu took a deep breath, his body became transparent, and he followed Chekav up the mountain.


On the top of a small hill in the distance, a house stands.

In the house, Pandora sat crookedly at the table,

A few candles were lit, and the light was transparent, but it couldn't stop her upper and lower eyelids from fighting crazily.

Pandora stared blankly at the scrolls of test questions spread out on the table, still holding a quill in her hand, yawning constantly.

Sleepy, very sleepy, very sleepy!

Originally, after she slept for a long time, she wouldn't be so sleepy at all. But now, she was stumped by a question for nearly half an hour, and she just wanted to fall asleep.

No, no, at least solve this problem before going to sleep!

She can't always be the same as before, so it's useless.

This question must be made!

Pandora tried hard to convince herself in her heart, holding the quill pen and writing towards the scroll.

As a result, the moment the tip of the quill pen touched the surface of the scroll, drowsiness flooded her like a rising sea, instantly drowning her.


Pandora's head hit the table, and the ink-stained quill drew a crooked curve on the scroll, and finally fell down with a "snap".


outside the room.

Chekav, with a transparent figure, stopped in an open space, watched the miners transporting "Fire and Thunder" pass by him, then went away, transported "Fire and Thunder" to a new stone wall, and began to bury it.

"It seems that these people will work for a long time, and I don't know what to do." Chekav frowned and thought, then looked around, ready to find a new, relatively hidden place to observe.

Although his current "soul walk" state is safe, it will consume a lot of mana if it is maintained for a long time, which is not a small burden. In order to better explore the details of the current mine, he wanted to find a place where he could hide his figure, and recover the consumed mana while continuing to observe.

Thinking of this, Chekav fixed his eyes on a lonely house on the hill.

"Nice place."

Chekav thought, without hesitation, kept his body transparent, and walked towards the house.


Less than a minute after Chekaf left, Alfred, the old man of the Lich, maintained a state of "soul wandering" and appeared at the place where Chekav had been - in order to prevent being discovered, he had been with Cheka Husband deliberately kept a certain distance.

After the old Lich appeared, he quickly looked around for Chekav, but when he couldn't find him, he raised his eyebrows and was slightly startled.

Then he heard a "squeak" not far away, as if a gust of wind had blown the door open.


The old Lich turned his head and saw the house standing on the hill. The muscles on his face twisted a few times, and his expression suddenly became restless.

That is!



With a sound, the door of the house opened and closed, and a weak wind blew into the house, quickly changing Chekav's figure.

After Chekav appeared, he looked around for a week, and when he saw Pandora lying on the table, he was slightly stunned, and his eyes suddenly softened a bit.

He didn't find any danger from Pandora, just like the lich old man Afu saw Pandora for the first time before, he only thought that Pandora was an ordinary little girl.

In Chekav's eyes, the little girl Pandora was even a little pitiful. According to his guess, Pandora should be waiting for her father or mother who came back late, and finally couldn't hold on anymore, so she fell down on the table and fell asleep.

Shaking his head lightly, Chekav didn't approach Pandora, let alone touch her, so as not to disturb Pandora's sweet dreams.

He just walked to the window, opened the window, squinted at the new stone wall where "Fire and Thunder" was placed in the distance, and at the same time took out a bottle of purple potion from his arms, and sipped it.

"Gudong, Gudong..."


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