Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Eight hundred and fiftieth seventh chapter with more fight less

The black scythe held by the Lich old man fell rapidly, ready to end Chekaf's life.

The next moment, the sickle blade pierced through a cloud of black air and pierced deeply into the ground, piercing nearly half a meter deep.

Chekaf, as if teleporting, moved to a place five or six meters away, gasped slightly in the open space, and looked at the old man Lich with some vigilance.

The old Lich was surprised when he found out. He glanced at the giant black scythe sunk deep into the soil, and then at Chekav, who somehow escaped the attack. Then, with a bit of disdain on his face, he sneered and said, "So it's "Soul Walking" Well, heh, unfortunately, you are still not very proficient in using it. Why don't you let me teach you how to cast this spell."

Hearing the old Lich's words, Chekaf shrank his eyes, subconsciously going back.

But the Lich old man moved faster, abandoning the black scythe, stepped out with one step, and disappeared out of thin air. By the time the steps fell, he had already crossed all the distance between him and Chekav, and appeared in front of Chekav.


The old Lich uttered an incomprehensible syllable, his whole body was covered by a mass of black light, and his fists carried terrifying force, hitting Chekav hard.

Chekov's expression was extremely dignified, his hands glowed with dazzling golden light, turned into radiant fists, and faced the old Lich, ready to block the attack.

"Bang bang!"

Two muffled sounds appeared, and the old Lich and Chekav faced each other with four fists. For a moment, it seemed that they were evenly matched.

But in the next second, with a "boom", Chekav was hit hard on the left side of the cheek.


Chekav was stunned, but before he could react, there was another "boom", and he was hit hard on the right cheek again.

Chekaf was a little dazed, looking at the old Lich in front of him, and at the hands of the old Lich under his control, he didn't know where the attack came from.

The next moment, he knew.

I saw that on the back of the Lich old man, the rich black energy condensed to form two new arms. Then, these two arms clenched into heavy fists, stretched out from the old Lich's armpits, and swung them sinisterly and powerfully at his face.


Two sounds sounded, and Chekaf was thrown back uncontrollably. If he hadn't maintained a layer of energy film on the surface of his body to buffer the attack, his head would have been blown off. Even so, he was a little dizzy, after all, he really didn't expect the old Lich to have such a move.

The opponent actually had four fists... No, not four!

Chekaf's eyes widened, and he saw the energy behind the Lich Old Man condense again, and two more arms grew out, turning him into a six-armed monster.

After having four extra arms, the Lich old man approached without any embarrassment, and punched out a total of six fists like a storm.

The old Lich seems to be planning to announce in this way that the cautious fighting style he is good at is to fight more and fight less.


Suddenly, Chekaf wanted to say too much to the Old Lich, but in the end he didn't say a word, because under the attack of the Old Lich, he had to use all his energy to barely block it.

Chekav quickly propped up energy shields one after another,

But they were all crushed under the attack of the Lich Old Man.

By the end, Chekav was almost completely suppressed.


With a sound, the energy shield that Chekaf propped up was smashed by the old man Lich's fist. Before he could support a new energy shield again, many fists of the old man Lich fell down one after another.

One punch was in the side ribs, one in the lower abdomen, one in the shoulder, and one in the neck. The heaviest punch was from top to bottom, hitting Chekav's jaw hard, sending Chekav flying out.


Chekaf flew upside down tens of meters, hit a rock wall to stop, and then fell to the ground.

After standing up with difficulty for a long time, the energy film on Chekav's body was so dim that it was almost transparent. Opening his mouth, he spit out a mouthful of blood with a "wow", which was mixed with fragments of teeth and internal organs, obviously suffering from extremely serious trauma.

The old Lich looked at Chekhav coldly, and asked aloud: "How about it, boy, do you know how powerful I am now? Give you another chance and tell me the purpose and reason of your investigation of this mine, maybe we There is still talk. Otherwise, you will suffer ten times, a hundred times."

"Heh!" Chekav wiped the blood left on his lips, smiled suddenly, stood up a little bit, looked at the old Lich, raised his hands and clapped.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

The two palms touched, making a crisp and piercing sound, which echoed in the night wind.

"I have to admit that your existence is really rare." Chekaf looked at the old Lich and said seriously, "Not only a Lich, but also a Lich who is good at melee combat, tsk tsk!"

Chekav admired a little, then his face became serious again, and he said in a cold voice: "But it's a pity! With your status, it is still too optimistic to defeat me. Do you know, I have a secret, few people Know."


"That's it!" Chekav stuck out his tongue, licked his lips, his eyes were a little more fiery, and looked at the old Lich's words, "I'm also good at melee combat, old man!"

After saying those words, Chekaf swung his arms, and there were two pops, and two hidden bone blades popped out from the back of his hand.

The bone blade was more than 20 centimeters long, gray-white in color, with a cold glow on the edge. In the darkness of night, faint white steam came out of it, which seemed very strange.

Seeing Chekav's actions, the old Lich raised his eyebrows, not much fear, but a little more excitement in his eyes.

"It's interesting, boy! You are also good at melee combat? Well, let me see, your ability is a few pounds or two."

After speaking, the old Lich stretched out his hand and made a move towards the distance, the black scythe pierced into the ground shook violently, soared into the sky, and flew back to the old Lich's hand with a "swipe".

"Don't say I bully you with my weapon advantage, I will use a similar weapon with you to see if you are my opponent." The old lich said, folded his hands, and the black scythe in his hand turned into black air, It continued to surge, and finally formed two daggers of more than 20 centimeters. At the same time, the four extra energy arms on the Lich old man's back dissipated one by one.

"Okay, come on, boy!"

cried the old Lich, holding a dagger in his right hand and holding the dagger in his left hand, rushing towards Chekaf.

Chekaf glanced at the old Lich, pursed his lips, and rushed forward without saying anything.


In just a second, the two collided, and the dagger and bone blade clashed.

Chekav frowned and frantically swung the dagger, as if trying to chop the old Lich into pieces.

The old Lich was much more relaxed, raised his eyebrows, and methodically blocked Chekaf's attacks again and again. Then the dagger in his hand, like a butterfly piercing a flower, easily passed through Chekav's defense, stabbed fiercely, and stabbed Chekav's right chest. ...

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