Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 860 I, Lai Toad

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But it was only dimmed for less than a second, and the old Lich raised his head, looked at Chekaf again and said, "I have another trick, you haven't seen it before."


"Ahem!" The Lich old man coughed violently, opened his mouth suddenly during the cough, and spewed out a mouthful of black blood.

This blood was completely different from the rest of the blood. After leaving the old Lich's mouth, it flew towards Chekaf like an arrow.

In the middle of the flight, it disappeared out of thin air, as if it had merged into the air. Chekav was in a daze, and with a "poof", the blood reappeared, it had already reached his face, and then fell on his body.

When the blood came into contact with Chekav's body, it seemed to suddenly come alive, wriggling crazily, and burrowed under the skin, looking ready to pollute Chekav's entire body.

Chekaf's face changed, and he stabbed into his chest with his hand wrapped in golden light, forcibly dug out a large piece of the most polluted flesh, and threw it into the distance, trying to get rid of this weird attack.

But he underestimated the weirdness of Old Lich's move.

Even if there is only less than one-tenth of the blood left on his body, the pollution effect has not been reduced at all. The black polluted blood seems to have the ability to infect, a few breaths will turn a large piece of flesh and blood into black, be assimilated, and then spread to the whole body.

Chekaf's complexion changed drastically, his heart froze, a lot of cold air came out of his hands, and it was printed heavily on his chest. The cold burst out, forcibly freezing the polluted flesh on his body.

In this way, it brought a lot of inconvenience to his actions, but it also prevented the deterioration of the polluted flesh and blood.

It's just that he didn't realize that in his polluted flesh and blood, in a slightly bulging meat bag, a glass ball the size of a finger was wrapped inside. The glass ball continued to emit a kind of undetectable special energy fluctuations in all directions.



night sky.

Li Cha's whole body was wrapped in an energy film, forming a flying shuttle, flying towards the Shambhala uranium mine at high speed.

But in the middle of the flight, it stopped suddenly, and then took out the crystal ball from his pocket, and saw a golden light spot flickering crazily in the crystal ball, as if guiding something.

This is……

Li Cha blinked, a little surprised.

"Is the situation so bad?" Richard asked, looking at the darkness in front of him, and quickly estimated a rough distance - at least 30 miles away from the mine where the warning signal was sent out.

At this distance, at his current speed, it will take him some time to get there.

Of course, his full burst of speed can greatly reduce the time required. But this will greatly reduce his combat effectiveness. When the time comes, rushing over will be very dangerous and not advisable.

So what to do?

Thirty miles, almost 15,000 meters, which is within the range of beyond visual range combat he expected.

Although his battle beyond visual range did not achieve the expected effect, it had many disadvantages. It is still dark at the moment, and it has been greatly weakened... But under the premise of precise guidance, it is possible to try remote support.

Oh well……

Many thoughts flashed through Li Cha's mind, and it took only a second before and after.

The next moment, Li Cha flipped his hand and took out many miniature spell-seeking missiles from the space iron ring. Without any hesitation, they were activated quickly and sequentially, allowing the miniature spell-seeking missiles to explode at a super-high speed and fly fast to the Shambhala Mine.

After doing this, Li Cha chased after the miniature spell-seeking missile, and disappeared into the night together with the miniature spell-seeking missile.


The night goes on.

Shambhala uranium mine, a small hill.

Chekaf managed to control the polluted flesh and blood, and looked at the old Lich with a very unfriendly gaze.

Old Lich Ah Fu coughed a few times, then looked at Chekaf with a smile, and said in a hoarse voice: "How about it, boy, is my move not bad?"

Asked aloud, without waiting for Chekav to answer,

The old Lich turned his head to look at Pandora standing in front of the window of the room, and shouted: "Hey, girl! Use the crystal ball to call for help!"

Pandora in the house raised the crystal ball with her hand, waved it and said, "I've called it a long time ago!"

"Tsk, isn't it good?" the old Lich praised, turned his head, and looked at Chekaf again.

At this time, Chekaf heard the question and answer between the old man Lich and Pandora, his expression became very gloomy, and he asked coldly, "Why, you can't beat me, so you need to call for help?"

"Cough cough." The old Lich coughed again, looked at Chekav and said slowly, "Maybe you are right, I am indeed old, I am not your opponent, I can't accept it. If this is the case, then I don't want to If you hold on, call someone. After all, I can’t cause irreparable troubles because of my willfulness—after all, I’m an old man, not a child.”

As he spoke, the old man closed his eyes for half a second, then opened them again.

"In this way, I will be much more relaxed. I don't have to think of a way to knock you down. Just hold you, wait a while, and someone will come to clean you up."

"Ha!" Chekav sneered, looked at the old Lich and said, "Do you think I will cooperate with you so much? Do you think I know you have asked for help, and I am still entangled with you here? I will leave by myself. At that time, I will find a chance to sneak in here again to investigate. Or, if I don’t come back again, it will keep you in fear.”

"That's why I'm going to entangle you and let everything end tonight." The old Lich said.

"Can you hold on?"

"How do you know if you don't try?"

"Okay, then you can try." Chekav said, suddenly jumped up, and retreated towards the west.

But before he retreated far, the air in front of him fluctuated, and the Lich Old Man appeared out of thin air. Then the Lich old man waved his hand and threw an energy spear made of black air.

Chekav was stunned for a moment, seeing the energy spear approaching, he didn't know the reality, he didn't dare to take it hard, and as soon as he turned around, he was ready to change direction before retreating.

Unexpectedly, the air in that direction fluctuated again, and the body of the old Lich appeared again.

The old Lich raised his eyelids, looked at Chekhav and said, "What I'm going to show you now is the really powerful and lost part of 'Soul Walk'. Believe me, as long as I don't let you leave, you will definitely Inseparable."

Chekaf's face darkened, and he took a deep look at the old man and said, "Didn't you say that you are already convinced, why do you still insist on blocking me? You should understand that you can't stop me from going all out, absolutely A dead end."

The old Lich laughed: "I am indeed convinced, and I also know that I may die. But people... have to be useful, don't they? I am old, I can't do it anymore, I can't beat outstanding young people like you now , even the soul energy will be stolen, it is really like a waste.

But having said that, the frog in the puddle will scream when the wheel runs over it. If I give up struggling completely, is it too unreasonable?

Now, I am indeed useless, I am no longer the awesome and feared big man, the Grand Lich. My time has passed, this is a new time, and because of my overconfidence, I have caused trouble, and I don't know what the consequences will be.

how can i do it I thought, maybe I can only stretch my legs and struggle like Lai Toad in the stinky ditch, which is ridiculous and disgusting. Even if you get a little more sewage on your body, that's fine, at least I've realized the meaning of being a toad. "

At the end, the Lich old man had a bitter expression on his face.

Slowly, his expression became flat, as if he had completely let go.

Finally, a determined look appeared in his eyes.

Chekav looked at Chekav, suddenly a little stunned.


.. m.

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