Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 863 Instant Kill in Silence

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At the end, Chekaf raised his hand with a slightly ferocious expression, and was about to perform a killing move on the old Lich.

The old Lich on the ground hid one hand behind his back, slowly gathering energy—during this time, he recovered part of his injuries and was preparing for the final counterattack.

But suddenly, the energy gathered in the hands of the old Lich dissipated, with a playful expression on his face, he looked at Chekav in the air.

"Boy, do you know? In a sense, I want to thank you. If you didn't talk so much, I might really be dead. But now, hehe..."

"Huh?" Hearing what the old Lich said, Chekaf was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly sensed something, turned his head and looked behind him, and then saw a man in a black robe floating there, watching quietly with him.

Chekaf tensed his whole body, looked at the other party, and asked subconsciously: "Are you..."

But before he finished speaking, his whole body trembled like sifting chaff, and only then did he see that the man in front of him was pointing at him with a strange metal glove in his hand. From the end of the glove's fingers, streams of powerful and penetrating energy gushed out, quickly passing through his body.

Chekav felt the life force in his body draining wildly.

"No, wait a minute..." Chekav said unwillingly.

But the man in front of him didn't give him any chance, as if he was extremely wary of him, he immediately raised the metal glove. Then Chekaf saw the glove burst instantly, turning into hundreds of fragments and flying towards him, covering his whole body, releasing dazzling golden light.

In the golden light, Chekaf felt that all life force was emptied, and the endless darkness swallowed him.


The pieces of the glove broke away and fell towards the ground, and Chekav's body also fell from a high altitude to the ground, completely dead.

The person who killed Chekav didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, and didn't give Chekav any chance to resist. Almost a shot is the strongest move.

In the second before he died, Chekaf suddenly understood why the old Lich said that he talked too much.

It's a pity that he doesn't seem to have a chance to correct it.


Chekav's body fell from a height, making a dent. The two remaining wings on the back broke off with a "click", and the few charred feathers left on them flew out like dandelion seeds, and then disappeared in midair as a piece of light.

There is a piece of feather, which seems to be a bit big and heavy. Just a few meters away, it was entangled by a piece of dry grass, and it didn't turn into light, but it also disappeared.



With a soft sound, Li Cha fell from the sky and his feet landed on the ground. He took out the short energy storage staff with his backhand and held it, while replenishing the consumption of free energy elements, while looking around.

After reading it once, Li Cha's eyes fell on the old Lich, and he asked aloud, "Where's Pandora?"

The old Lich raised his eyelids, raised his hand slightly, and pointed to the hut in the distance: "It's in the house, don't worry, there is no injury at all."

Li Cha nodded, then looked seriously at Old Lich, squatted down to help Old Lich up, and asked, "What about you, how are you doing?"


The old Lich coughed and spit out a mouthful of blood, looking very bad.

But the old Lich shook his head and replied out loud, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

"By the way, I want to explain today's matter clearly to you." The old Lich said, "The man you killed just now sneaked into the mine to investigate. He should be a member of the so-called Truth Society organization. In fact, he I found out when I sneaked into the mine to investigate at night, but I didn't tell you.

Because I feel that my strength is enough to win the opponent. At that time, you can control the other party, force out some information, and then give it to you. In this way, at least it can prove that my old guy is useful.

just didn't think of it,

The opponent's strength is far beyond my imagination. Before you told me how powerful the truth would be, I thought you were exaggerating. Now it seems that instead of exaggerating, you were too cautious. Heh, the other party turned into an angel to fight me. It is really unimaginable how powerful this kind of organization is.

But fortunately, in the end you arrived and eliminated the other party, which didn't cause too much trouble. This also made me feel less guilty.

I know that my behavior violated our agreement, how to deal with it is entirely up to you. Anyway, my old guy is really useless, maybe I shouldn't have woken up from the beginning - this era really doesn't suit me. "

After speaking, the Lich old man staggered towards the distance with somewhat sad eyes, his waist bent a little.


There was a sound of footsteps, and Pandora, who was in the house in the distance, suddenly ran out, quickly ran to the nearby place, and asked the old Lich, "Hey, are you okay?"


The old Lich stopped, turned around, looked at Pandora in surprise, opened his mouth to say something, but didn't say it.

Pandora made a sound, as if explaining: "Well, I actually wanted to help you just now. However, at first you refused to let me help you, and you also said that you did not show your true strength. When you fought, you seemed to be It’s not bad, I’ve been fighting with that person all the time. So I just kept watching and didn’t help you except to pass messages with the crystal ball. Are you... are you really okay?”

"I..." The Lich old man watched Pandora open his mouth, straightened his waist a little bit, and said, "Of course I'm fine, I...cough cough cough!"

Before he finished speaking, there was a piercing cough.

Coughing, the Lich old man turned around and walked towards the distance, waving his hands and shouting loudly: "Ahem...I'm really fine! I just rest, um, I need to rest."

As he spoke, the old Lich walked further and further away.

Suddenly, a golden-haired rhubarb dog sprang out from nowhere, jumped up and down, followed the Lich old man and disappeared into the darkness.

Pandora quietly watched the old Lich disappear, and it was rare that she didn't argue with him.

When the Lich old man was completely out of sight, Pandora turned to look at Li Cha who was standing aside, and asked with a little worry: "Is he really alright?"

"It'll be fine." Richard said.

Pandora nodded, and asked again, "Will the mine be okay? Even though the person who broke in is dead, he will still be in trouble, right?"

"Don't worry, I have anticipated this before and made a lot of preparations, so it will be fine."

"Oh." Pandora responded, breathed a sigh of relief, and said like a little adult, "Then I can rest assured."

Li Cha laughed.

The night suddenly became quiet.


. Sogou

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