Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 865: Three Bits and One Body

"Why am I a mortal like Bell Chekaf? Even if he serves the true god, his status is too humble, and my status is much higher than his." The strong man said in a deep voice, "My name should be... um, Gabriel! I am an angel who is sacred and inviolable, separated from all filth, and guarded by the true God! least a part of it..."

"Then I..." The burly man looked around and became puzzled again. After a while, he nodded his head and showed a clear understanding of everything, "Is that so?"

"A mortal who served the true god used a little of my power, but seemed to have died due to some accident. At the last moment, he cast a spell and attached his remaining will to a piece of real angel feather, trying to get me to help It's kind of interesting that he finishes what he hasn't done."

"It's just that in my current state, I can't exert too much power, and I can't even let the will occupy this body for a long time. Usually, I can only hide in the depths of my soul to make some influence, and only in rare cases can I make a move. If something goes wrong, the mission may fail. In this case, we can only be cautious.

Well, for the sake of the true god, I can shoot at the critical moment, but only at the critical moment-after all, a real angel's feather only has so much power. "

After explaining this, the strong man's expression became tired, his eyelids began to drop, and the angel's will fell into a deep sleep.

Then the eyes widened and switched to Chekav's will.

Chekav looked around, showing a ferocious look, clenched his fists, and said word by word: "I must investigate this place clearly, um, I must investigate clearly."

To be honest, because he only has residual will, he hardly knows the reason for investigating here, nor does he remember the results of the investigation. But there is a strong idea that drives him to do this.

"It must be investigated!"

The strong man whose body was occupied by Chekav's will gritted his teeth and said something, and walked towards the construction site on the other side.

As a result, as soon as he approached the construction site, he was stopped by someone.

A tall and thin man holding a torch looked at the strong man vigilantly, and asked aloud, "Hey, which group are you from? Why did you come to us? What are you doing?"

"Me?" The strong man was stunned for a moment, and the expression on his face suddenly changed. Chekaf's will fell asleep, and Urus' will came up and returned to normal.

The burly man showed a confused expression, as if awakened from sleepwalking, looked around suspiciously, and then looked at the tall and thin man who stopped him in front, and murmured: "I am the person who demolished the 15th team, why am I here? "

Hearing what the strong man said, the tall and thin man put his arms around his chest and said angrily, "I still want to know."

After a pause, the other party glanced at the wet spot on the strong man's pants, and laughed again: "By the way, you must have fallen asleep and peed and couldn't find your way back to the camp, right? And then called Did you come here by mistake?"

"This..." The strong man scratched his head, "Maybe."

"Okay, okay." The tall and thin man who stopped the strong man quickly waved his hand, "If this is really the case, then go back quickly, don't delay our work, or you will deduct wages and make you pay."

The strong man couldn't help shrinking his neck, and muttered: "Okay then, I'll go back to sleep."


The strong man looked around, found the direction of his camp, and walked back.

As he was walking, he asked in confusion, "What's going on, why did I come here? Just now, I remembered that I was still peeing, and I seemed to see a glowing feather. Could it be... it's all a dream? Could it be? , Am I really sleepy?"

"Maybe." At the end, the strong man said doubtfully, wondering if it was an illusion, he seemed to hear whispers in his ears.

"You are the people of have to sacrifice for the true have to investigate everything about this mine...everything..."

In the whisper, the strong man didn't think much, walked back to the dormitory, fell on the bed, covered the quilt and fell asleep.


In a blink of an eye it was the next day.

The strong man had almost forgotten about the strange things that happened in the night, put on a new pair of pants, and participated in the demolition work energetically.

But for some reason, when the day passed and the night fell, he found that the whispers in his ears had become louder, as if they were constantly affecting him.

And then the third day, the fourth day...

After the fifth day, the strong man who had always been talkative suddenly became taciturn. Apart from work, I don't say a word at all. And after work, I often walk alone in the mine, and I don't know why.

The companions all noticed that something was wrong with the strong man, but they only thought that the strong man had encountered something troublesome, and were not too surprised. They have not known the strong man for too long, and the relationship is not very close, so in the face of changes in the strong man, apart from occasionally caring, the rest is to send out the saved money as soon as possible-to prevent one day the strong man Han asked to borrow money.

In this way, to the sixth day.


The sixth day, daylight.

In the Shambhala uranium mining area.


Numerous "fire mines" were successfully detonated, and a large piece of ore fell down and piled up in a large pile.

Once another demolition operation was successfully completed, the strong man and his companions got a chance to rest and walked back to the camp. The rest of the miners started to work one by one, and tried to transport the ore away after eliminating the danger.

An experimental railway track several hundred meters long has been laid, and the miners quickly loaded the ore onto the dump truck on the railway track and pushed it down.

Seeing the miners busy, the strong man suddenly asked his companion, "Where are these ores going?"

The companion gave the strong man a strange look, and said: "Where else can it be transported? Although the iron road paved is a bit new, the ore is still transported to the factory at the foot of the mountain."

"What do you do when you ship it to the factory?"

"What can you do, clean up the bad ones, pick out the good ones, and ship them out for sale."

"So, the core of the mine is actually the factory under the mountain?"

"Probably." The companion shrugged, "After all, the fire mines we use and the materials for building the iron road are all shipped from the factory." At the end, the companion frowned and looked at the strong man, and asked strangely: " How did you become interested in this, Urus?"

"Urus?" The burly man read his name in a strange way, his expression struggled, and he wanted to say something, but suddenly he heard the whispers in his ears becoming extremely loud. The whole person was shocked, lowered his head and fell silent, without saying anything.

The companion didn't wait for an answer, didn't care, shrugged indifferently, and walked away.

The burly man lowered his head and followed up numbly.


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