Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 873 Walking in the Vessel of a Volcano

On the other side, at midnight.

A ray of light streaked across the sky, moving at an extremely fast speed.

But slowly, the brightness of the light became lower and lower, and finally it was as dim as a candle, which seemed to be extinguished at any moment.

Then a gust of wind blew through the wilderness, the light suddenly went out, and a figure fell from the sky.


With a sound, a strong man's feet touched the ground, and then stood up shaking his body. It was Urus, or Chekav.

After successfully completing the investigation plan of the mine, the will of Urus and the angel were all forcibly suppressed to the deepest part of the body. At this time, only Chekav's will occupies a high position.

At this time, Chekav was holding a heavy mineral powder metal box in one hand, his face was abnormally pale, he frowned deeply and looked around, then locked a position and walked over quickly.

Bending down, one hand kept groping on the ground. After groping for a while, I don't know what switch I touched, the ground cracked with a "click", and a downward passage appeared.

Without any hesitation, Chekav walked in along the aisle carrying the metal box of ore powder.



Accompanied by the sound of footsteps, Chekav walked in near Delan, at the branch base of the Truth Society.

Ignoring the scrutiny expressions of many people in the corridor, Chekav went straight into the office of Kanon, the steward, and put the metal box containing the ore powder on the ground with a "bang".

Kanon was processing the documents at the desk. He raised his head when he heard the sound. When he saw Chekav walking in, he was slightly taken aback, and asked aloud, "Are you..."

"Kanon is in charge, I'm Chekav." Chekav spoke.

"Inspector Chekav?" Kanon confirmed, his eyes flickering, doubtful.

"Yes." Chekav nodded, then paused, and then said, "Actually, in a sense, I cannot be said to be completely Chekav, because now I am only a part of him—only a crippled soul. The fragment relies on the power of an angel's feather to maintain its life, so it turned into this ghostly appearance."

Kanon opened his mouth slightly, not knowing how to answer, and after a while he said, "Then Inspector Chekav, can I ask, how did you become like this?"

"I don't know the specifics." Chekav spread his hands and said, "After all, with the death of my mother, I lost a lot of memory, and now I only have an extremely incomplete part. But I can be sure of one thing, that is It has something to do with what I'm investigating."

"Investigation matter? What matter?" Canon asked.

"That is the abnormal situation in the mine near the small town of Shambhala." Chekav said, looking directly at Kanon, "Kanon is in charge, you should have the impression that you have seen the document before. The document reported to you that Shambhala The mine near the town was abnormal. Out of curiosity, I went to see it. It should be that I found something amazing there, and I was attacked by someone, which led to my death there. Fortunately, before I died, I kept my soul Fragments, revived with the help of angel feathers. Using some means, completed the interrupted task, and figured out some details of the mine.”

"Did you see this box?" Chekav said, he lightly kicked the metal box on the ground next to him, and explained, "This box contains things that are extremely valuable in the mine. Not surprisingly, there is a big secret, and it took me a lot of effort to get it. As long as I figure it out, I should be able to figure everything out."

"Then... Inspector Chekav, how do you want me to cooperate with you?" Kanon asked.

"It's very simple, just do two things." Chekav raised his hand and stretched out a finger. "The first thing is to send someone to investigate the mine as soon as possible."

Then stretch out the second finger: "The second thing is to identify what is in this box."

Looking at Chekav's expression, Kanon nodded lightly, and said, "Inspector Chekav, don't worry, there is nothing wrong with these two matters. You take a rest here now, and I will send someone to deal with it."

"Okay." Chekav nodded in agreement, "Please,

Canon is in charge. "

"No trouble."

Canon walked out the door quickly, but instead of ordering people to do things immediately as he said, he took out the crystal ball and tried to contact someone.

Holding the crystal ball in one hand, mana is injected, the light flashes, and the signal is transmitted.


the other side.

The person who received the signal, Rommel, the head of the Truth Society, was in Pompeii at this time, to be precise, in the underground of Pompeii.

Underground, a dark river was flowing slowly, and Rommel was in it.

However, what flows in the dark river is not water, but hot magma—this is a magma river, a lava fork from the volcano near Pompeii.

These lava forks are a bit like blood vessels. If the main lava channels of volcanoes are compared to arteries, they are branch vessels or capillaries. Because the volcano is in a dormant state, the "blood" in these "vessels" flows very slowly, almost stagnant, but the temperature is still as high as thousands of degrees, enough to burn human bodies to ashes.

Rommel was wearing a gorgeous gold robe as usual at this time. Invisible power surrounds the body, propping up a force field with a radius of several meters, isolating all magma with destructive power, walking easily in the lava fork like a blood vessel.

After walking tens of meters, Rommel stopped at a curved position in the passage, and took out something from the golden ring.

That thing is a twenty centimeter cube, the whole body is white, it seems to be made of some kind of metal. The surface is engraved with magic lines, exuding obvious energy fluctuations, obviously a special magic prop.

After Rommel took it out, he installed it directly on the stone wall of the lava fork.

The surrounding high-temperature magma poured in, wrapping and reporting the metal cube, but the metal cube did not show any trace of melting, but instead continuously emitted energy fluctuations, which were transmitted to the distance along the viscous magma.

At this time, Rommel took out a crystal ball, injected mana, and saw a three-dimensional image appearing in it, which was all the lava channels of the dormant volcano near Pompeii-including the side channel and the main channel.

At this time, one of the side roads lights up, showing a healthy green color.

After seeing it, Rommel nodded in satisfaction, ready to put away the crystal ball and move on.

Suddenly, the crystal ball shook, and several colored lights flashed.

Rommel looked at the light, was taken aback for a moment, and after quickly reading out the information conveyed in it, he murmured: "Chekav has returned? And asked to cooperate with the investigation of some things, but it has nothing to do with the members of the branch organization?"

After thinking about it, Rommel injected mana into the crystal ball and began to recover.

"As long as it's not aimed at members of the organization, it's fine to cooperate with the other party. In addition, if there are changes in the investigation, please notify me immediately."

After replying, Rommel put away the crystal ball and continued to work.

He said silently in his heart: "I hope there will be no changes during the investigation..."


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