Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter eight hundred and seventy sixth I did not hide

In the spacious conference room, Chekaf chuckled lightly after listening to Li Cha's words.

"Wizard Richard, do you think I'm targeting you?"

"No, no, no." Chekaf shook his head and gave a completely negative answer, "Wizard Richard, you are thinking too much, I am not targeting you, and I have no reason to target you. Everything I do is for It's just for organizational consideration. I didn't know that the real owner of the mine is yours. I destroy and kill people for the convenience of investigation.

To be honest, if you really don't have a guilty conscience, you should stand on the bright side and tell everyone that you are the owner of the mine, then there will be no such twists and turns. "

Seeing that Li Cha was about to speak again, Chekaf preemptively said: "In addition, if it is true that you did not betray the organization as you said, then maybe you can explain some of the things you use in the mine. For example, breaking ore The 'Fire Thunder', and the 'Railway Mine Cart' under construction. This is something that has never appeared before, why did it suddenly appear in your mine? There must be some reason?"

"Reason?" Li Cha listened, with a calm expression, "Dear inspector, if you must have a reason, it's very simple, and that is my brain."


"Yes, brain." Li Cha nodded lightly on his forehead and said, "The 'Fire Thunder' and 'Railway Mine Car' you mentioned in my mine were all made by me after thinking about them. It looks amazing, but in fact, there is not much profound knowledge.

For example, "Fire Thunder", his prototype is a barrel of black powder that is ignited. As far as I know, on the vast sea, more and more pirate ships have begun to abandon boarding battles and turn to artillery battles to rob merchant ships. They poured barrels of black powder into a barrel made of refined iron, loaded solid lead bullets, ignited them, and fired the lead bullets to bombard the sides of merchant ships.

After several rounds of bombardment, the hull of the merchant ship will be severely damaged, ranging from slowing down to slowing down, or from being skewed into water. After that, you can only surrender to the pirates and let the pirates plunder, or you will be sunk directly.

The fire thunder powder used in "Huolei" is not fundamentally different from black gunpowder, but I have adjusted the ratio of some fine ingredients to increase its power, which can be used to better demolish mines and mine ores. This kind of thing may be mysterious in the eyes of ordinary people, but to wizards like us, it is actually not eye-catching at all.

On the one hand, it is troublesome and expensive to make, and on the other hand, its scope of use is not small, it is too bulky, and it is completely crushed by spells. I think this shouldn't be a big surprise.

As for the 'Railway Mine Cart', it's not worth mentioning. Because there is nothing surprising about it at all, it is just walking the carriage on the road,

It turned into a carriage and walked on special rails. I believe that as long as a person is not stupid, after reading it, he can call a few craftsmen to copy it. I even suspect that there may be such 'railway mine cars' in many places.

The reason why this kind of 'railway minecart' has not become popular is because of the troublesome production and high cost. The price of manufacturing, laying, repairing, and maintaining the rails alone has far exceeded the cost of ordinary carriages. To be honest, if this 'railway mine car' cannot bring enough benefits with the improved efficiency, it will be a loss-making approach. In this case, no matter how you look at it, there is no need to treat it seriously. "

"Is that so?" Chekaf did not change his attitude after hearing what he said, "Wizard Richard, maybe these two things are the same as what you said, and you don't need to make a fuss or treat them seriously, but I still doubt that you will tell the organization hidden motives."

"I didn't hide it from the organization." Richard said.

"Huh?" Chekav frowned, as if he didn't hear clearly.

"I didn't hide it from the organization." Li Cha said again, explaining loudly, "Yes, I did say just now that neither 'Fire Thunder' nor 'Railway Mine Car' is worth mentioning. But I also said it before , I am willing to contribute to the organization, so I have already reported the details of these two things to Wizard Bobobo Vic and reported them to the organization branch in a document."

"What you said is true?" Chekav's gaze changed, his face turned half red and half white, not very pretty.

"Of course it's true." Li Cha said frankly, "Actually, my contribution to the organization is not only these two things, but also more. For example, suggestions for improving the communication method of the crystal ball.

According to my suggestion, the crystal ball can use a specific flashing method to represent a specific character, so as to completely transmit a certain length of text, so that the two parties holding the crystal ball can communicate more efficiently and accurately.

This is much more important than "Fire Thunder" and "Railway Mine Cart". It allows the organization to effectively reduce work mistakes and strengthen long-distance information exchange.

However, to my disappointment, the organization's response to my suggestion was not very strong. Wizard Joseph told me just now that it may take several years to see the effect. Then I think, my 'Fire Thunder' and 'Railway Mine Cart' files should be paid less attention to, and they might still be at the bottom of that file box now. "

Chekaf stopped talking and looked at Li Cha with doubtful eyes. After a while, he turned to Kanon, the steward, for confirmation.

Canon didn't hesitate, and first called Joseph who was on the sidelines to ask a few words, and then asked the other party to go to the database to collect documents.

After the two documents were delivered, it was confirmed that the wizard Popo Bovich had indeed submitted the documents on "Fire Thunder" and "Railway Mine Cart" half a month ago, and Chekaf's expression became very exciting.

At this time, Rommel, the supervisor who had been "closing his eyes and resting his mind", suddenly opened his eyes, first glanced at the two documents, and then at Chekav. After that, he said nothing and closed his eyes again, but the atmosphere in the meeting room began to change subtly.

Chekaf clenched his fist, the blood vessels under the skin protruded, took a deep breath while staring at Li Cha, and slowly regained his composure.

Opening his mouth, Chekaf said: "Well, Wizard Richard, I may have misunderstood you. You really have no suspicions about 'Fire Thunder' and 'Railway Mine Cart'. In fact, what I really want to pursue is also Not this, but those ore powders in the hidden warehouse of your factory."

As he spoke, Chekav bent down, exerted all his strength, and lifted up a heavy lead box under his feet, and with a "bang", it placed it heavily on the table top of the circular table.

Even if the quality of the table passed the test, it could not help but "squeak" and shake.

Chekaf panted a few times, opened the lead box with a "click", revealing the gray mineral powder inside, and looked at Richard with wide eyes.

"Wizard Li Cha, I want to ask, what's in it? Why do you want to hide this thing tightly in your factory's small warehouse, and send many people to guard it?"

( = )

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