Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 889: Feeding the Abyss: Demon Yellow Cake

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Li Cha completed the first step of the preliminary extraction of uranium, and obtained a solution containing less impurities.

After finishing these, Li Cha walked out of the laboratory and started his first rest in a long time.


Take off the heavy chemical protective clothing, wash the whole body, supplement certain food and salt water, and sleep for a while.

About an hour later, Li Cha opened his eyes on a bed in a room in the underground laboratory.


He got up quickly, put on a new chemical protective suit, replaced a new oxygen cylinder, and started the second step of uranium purification.

This time, Li Cha took out the specially prepared light yellow translucent liquid from the warehouse.

The function of this liquid is to carry out special extraction.

Extraction, also known as solvent extraction, liquid-liquid extraction, and extraction, is based on the principle that the mixture is separated by virtue of the different solubility of the components in the system in the solvent.

Simply put, because there is a certain gap in the solubility of a substance in two immiscible solvents, this property can be used to transfer the substance from one solvent to another.

Afterwards, by liquid separation, the two immiscible liquids are separated, and a certain component in the mixture is also separated.

Regarding these, Li Cha had fully considered these before the experiment, so he did not hesitate at this time, took the container containing the extract, entered the laboratory, and then opened the lid and poured it into the reaction pool.

It can be seen that after pouring the extract, the extract and the original liquid in the reaction tank form two very obvious liquid levels, one up and one down.

Under the action of suction, the specific substances in the stock solution of the reaction pool move towards the extraction solution and are cleaned up in a short time. .

Without a pause, Li Cha continued to be busy, using other methods to continuously operate the reaction pool, and continued to clean up the remaining impurities, so that the types of elements contained in the stock solution became less and less.

Half a day later, apart from uranium, there were very few other elements in the reaction pool.

At this time, the uranium element exists in the TBP, that is, in the tributyl phosphate solvent.

This is a colorless and transparent liquid, insoluble in water, has certain toxicity, and can exert a certain inhibitory effect on human plasma. When the human body intake exceeds the limit, it can cause dyspnea, convulsions, paralysis, lethargy and other symptoms.

In addition, this substance is irritating to the skin, and the vapor and mist can cause damage to the eyes, mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract.

However, at this time, Li Cha, who was wearing protective clothing and fully armed, did not have any worries, and continued to operate with confidence and boldness.

What he has to do at this time is back extraction.

As the name implies, stripping and extraction are opposite to each other.

Their principle is the same, they are a kind of substance, and there are differences in solubility in two immiscible solvents, so that the substance can transfer between the two solvents.

However, extraction generally involves the transfer of substances from an aqueous phase to an organic phase.

For example, that is to transfer a substance from hydrochloric acid (water phase) to oil (organic phase).

Stripping, on the other hand, is the transfer of substances from the organic phase to the aqueous phase.

TBP is tributyl phosphate solvent, which is the organic phase. At this time, Li Cha is going to transfer the uranium element out of it, and the stripping agent used is dilute nitric acid.

"Clatter clatter!"

After opening the container and pouring a large amount of dilute nitric acid into the reaction pool, the reaction proceeds rapidly, and the uranium element continuously leaves the tributyl phosphate solvent and enters the dilute nitric acid.

After a while, the transfer of uranium was completed, and the tributyl phosphate solvent in the organic phase was cleaned up, leaving the uranium-containing nitric acid solution in the aqueous phase.

But this is not the end.

Immediately afterwards, Li Cha added the last substance-magnesium oxide into the reaction pool.

Magnesium oxide (MgO) is an oxide of magnesium, which appears as a white solid at room temperature.

Because this substance exists in nature in the form of periclase, it is relatively easy to obtain. At this time, Li Cha has a lot of reserves in his hands.

Considering that magnesium oxide is exposed to the air, it is easy to absorb moisture and carbon dioxide and gradually become basic magnesium carbonate, resulting in deterioration. Li Cha carefully stored the magnesium oxide that was ground into powder in a dry barrel-shaped glass container.

At this time, Li Cha took out the magnesium oxide powder in the glass container from the warehouse, quickly opened the lid of the container, and added it to the reaction pool.

Magnesium oxide enters the liquid and reacts rapidly with the nitric acid contained in it, and the uranium contained in it is also affected.

Visible to the naked eye, as time goes by, precipitation begins to form.

If you look carefully, it is a kind of golden yellow precipitation, like gold.

The gold is shining and shiny, as if exuding a dazzling luster, with a precious atmosphere.

Its ingredient is magnesium diuranate, and another name is... yellow cake.

Yellow cake!

Yes, yellow cake!

The second step of purification of uranium is completed!


After the second step was completed, Li Cha didn't stop and did a lot of tedious finishing work.

A few hours later, the finishing touches were completely over, all the sediment in the reaction pool was taken out and passed the test successfully, and all this was considered to be over.

The final result is that a special metal barrel is almost filled with half a barrel of yellow cake - this is the product of the second step of purification of uranium - and in order to obtain this half barrel of products, almost five hundred The ore powder in the bucket is successively put into the reaction pool.

In other words, the ratio of raw materials to finished products is almost 1000:1.

Considering the other substances added in the process, this figure is even more exaggerated.

The difficulty of preparing yellow cakes can be seen from this.

But anyway, it was prepared successfully.



In the protective suit, Li Cha let out a breath slowly. Through the protective gloves, he touched the yellow cake in the metal bucket with his hand, and his eyes sparkled. He knew very well in his heart that the successful preparation of the yellow cake had greatly improved his nuclear weapons research and manufacturing plan.

After all, this is yellow cake.

This is a real product of the nuclear industry.

Only when you get this can you start in the nuclear field.

On the other hand, getting this is considered a successful start in the nuclear field.

If you continue to develop, you will be able to gain the right to speak to influence the entire world step by step.

It's a qualification, but it's also a threat.

Therefore, on the earth, the circulation of yellow cakes is closely monitored by major powers. In some movies, yellow cakes also often become key items for terrorist organizations to compete for.

Li Cha pursed his lips.

For him, the main significance of the preparation of the yellow cake is that it can be seen as a sign of success in a small stage.

After testing at this time, he has determined that the uranium content in the yellow cake is almost 60%.

This value is low. Under normal circumstances, the normal yellowcake uranium content is 75%.

However, considering that there were many unavoidable mistakes in the first experiment, this value is acceptable. With the continuous repetition and fine-tuning of the experiment process, the value will gradually increase, and finally reach the ideal 75%.

At that time, the next third and fourth steps can be carried out.

There is still a long way to go, but at this time he is very confident to go to the end.

He is looking forward to that day.

"I'm looking forward to it..." Li Cha murmured in his protective clothing.

At this moment, he felt that what he was holding was not a simple chemical raw material, but more like feeding the devil in the abyss. As he continues to prepare, as he continues to feed, eventually a terrifying big demon will crawl out of the abyss, with a roar that can shake the sky, and its power can destroy the world.

Of course, he believed that no matter what, the chain around the neck of this terrifying big demon was firmly in his hands.

Because this terrifying big demon was created by him bit by bit.

In a sense, this terrifying big demon is actually himself, the animal nature that he has always hidden in his body.

At that time, whether this great demon will be used for destruction or creation will all depend on his choice.

But now he hopes that the situation will not be too bad by then, and that the world can keep a bit of beauty for him.


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