Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 894: I Have a Universe in My Mind

Genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Memory Palace is a memory method and a book.

Also known as Matteo Ricci's Palace of Memory, the book is about a rational way of remembering that has existed since long ago.

There are different opinions about the source of this memory method. In fact, one is that it came from ancient Rome, which is a secret kept by a few scholars. It is precisely because of mastering this method that university scholars can obtain wisdom far beyond that of ordinary people.

The other is said to come from ancient Greece, which is said to have originated from the Greek poet Simonites. One day, after reciting a hymn in the grand banquet hall, Simonides left for some reason. The banquet hall suddenly collapsed, and all the guests in the hall died. Simonites, who survived the disaster, calmly analyzed the guests' positions in the hall afterwards, and identified the bodies one by one. His ability shocked many people, and finally under pressure, he revealed the secret of memory.

There is also a saying that it originated in the European Middle Ages, and it is a secret technique that exists among some mysterious groups. Because printing was not popular at that time, many books needed to be memorized by human brain, so this kind of secret technique came into being. Because of this, those who mastered this secret technique were regarded as evil wizards, and many were tied to the stake and burned to death.

The person who carried forward this memory method was Matteo Ricci after the Middle Ages.

Matteo Ricci was an Italian born on October 6, 1552. Originally named Matteo Ricci, he joined the Jesuits in 1571 and began to devote himself to missionary work in 1577.

He first went to India, and then to China. After many years of missionary life, he died of illness in Beijing on January 11, 1610 at the age of 58.

It is said that he has mastered Italian, Latin, Greek, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese and other languages ​​in his life, and has made great achievements and written books in theology, philosophy, mathematics and astronomy.

And he can do this because he has a special way of memory. This allowed him not only to quickly learn Chinese well, but also to memorize classics such as the Four Books and Five Classics in China, and to memorize articles quickly, and even recite articles horizontally, vertically, or upside down.

Later, he wrote a book called "Xiguojifa" to record his way of remembering.

Slowly, this way of memory spread and continued to develop, to an astonishing extent in some unknown fields.

For example, in the World Brain Championships, some players can memorize a completely shuffled deck of cards in ten seconds, hear and memorize hundreds of numbers in a few minutes, and remember thousands of numbers in an hour.

To achieve this level, the way of memory will naturally not be pure memory, let alone rote memorization, its core is logic and association. Use some concrete things that are relatively easy to remember, such as images and sounds, to remember abstract things that are relatively difficult to remember, such as numbers.

To give an example, memorize a string of 11-digit mobile phone numbers in a few seconds: 13754718495.

There are difficulties in normal memory, but the numbers can be decomposed into 137547, 18495, and then further become homophonic "Monster Mountain Flag, Samurai Flag", "One Overlord is Nine Five", and finally become a sentence - Monster Mountain Flag, Samurai Flag fluttering , the only overlord is the Ninth Five-Year Lord.

In this way, the numbers become relatively logical words, and have a certain picture, which is easy to remember. After a certain optimization, it can even be permanently memorized. Even if you forget it suddenly, as long as you recall the picture, you will be able to recall the numbers, and you will never make a mistake.

The most orthodox memory palace method, on the basis of this method, generally requires the establishment of a personal memory place, that is, a palace.

The palace can exist in reality, such as a familiar bedroom, or it can be virtual, but it must be firmly remembered by the rememberer.

In this way, the rememberer can place some marks in the palace to remember some drawn things.

For example, at the entrance of the memory palace,

Put a piece of bread, put a book in the center of the memory palace floor, and put a red-haired coquettish beauty on the iron shelf in the corner of the memory palace.

In this way, every time I think of this room, the rememberer can remember the three things to do today-buying food, buying books, and buying...well, washing underwear.

Of course, this is only the most basic demonstration of the memory palace method. As long as you are willing to study, the memory palace can develop from a small room to an extremely large level step by step, so that you can temporarily or permanently remember anything you want to remember.

There are even changes that others cannot imagine. After all, the memory palace is completely created by individuals through imagination, and there are all possibilities.

But then again, the memory palace, as a skill that everyone can learn, looks cool, but it's actually not very useful.

The main reason is that in the real world, most people are just ordinary people after all.

So when using a car, you don't need to know how the various structures of the car work. If the car breaks down, just go to the repair shop directly.

When buying something, you don't need to know how the raw materials of this thing are obtained, and you don't need to really work hard to make it yourself, as long as you spend money to buy it, you can buy it.

When you are sick, you don't need to know what changes are happening to your body, you don't need to perform some risky operations, and you don't need to perform surgery on yourself, just go to the hospital directly.

When you are angry and ready to retaliate, you don't need to know how to do it, just bear it.

Otherwise, when you are preparing to manufacture nuclear weapons, you will be invited to drink tea as long as you try to obtain some raw materials. When you are preparing to manufacture poison, you will be invited to drink tea as long as you try to obtain some raw materials. Some raw materials will be invited to drink tea.

I've had enough tea, and I'm ready to use some simpler cold weapons to retaliate, that's fine too.

But the final result is often, if you win, you will go to the execution ground to eat bullets and peanuts, and if you lose, you will go to the underworld to drink spicy Mengpo soup.

Therefore, the memory palace skill is like some plausible truths, which sound good, but are actually useless.

Really useless.

But having said that, some useless things will always be mastered by some people.

For example, Li Cha, he is a reality master of the memory palace.

Moreover, he is also very proficient in the memory palace, the degree of proficiency far exceeds the imagination of ordinary people.

As shown before, the rest of the palace is just a room, a loft, a building or a town, and his palace is... a universe.


That's why he can be like an encyclopedia, memorizing a lot of knowledge that others can't imagine, and showing incredible abilities.

All because he has a universe in his mind.

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