Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 897: I am the Wisdom Lich


With a sound, Li Cha walked to the mechanical processing sector, opened the door and walked into a small room.

This room is near the research room he usually uses, and it was planned and built by him in consideration of the possibility of conducting other experimental research.

At this time, Li Cha looked at the whole room, squinting his eyes and thinking about how to modify it to be suitable for setting up laser equipment, so as to be suitable for the experimental purification of uranium 235 by laser separation method.

"You can set up the first laser generator here, and a protection device should be installed here, then..." Li Cha walked, talking to himself while walking.

At the same time, with a slight wave of the hand, one after another flames fell on the ground, extinguished instantly, and burned out one by one scorched black spots for marking.

In this way, after a while, Li Cha walked to the front of the wall, and said in his mouth: "Set up a horizontal processing table here, preferably two meters square, for placing..."

Halfway through speaking, Li Cha stopped, looked at the wall in front of him, and frowned: "Well, the room is a bit small. If you want to set up a processing table, there is obviously not enough space. Maybe you have to tear down this wall, and the next door Another preset room needs to be opened..."

As he spoke, Li Cha hardly hesitated, raised his hand with full mobility, and pressed it against the wall.

The evocation of earth-like spells was cast, and the extraordinary power was transmitted from the palm of the hand, spreading along the entire wall.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

The sound sounded, and in the blink of an eye, the wall was covered with finger-thick cracks, like a dry river bed in summer.

Li Cha pushed lightly with his hand, and with a "crash", the entire wall fell forward.

For a while, it was dusty.

But the dust had just risen, and before it could touch the roof, it was forcibly suppressed by an invisible force.

Li Cha bent down and pressed his right hand on the ground. The masonry produced by the collapse of the wall shrank and crushed rapidly towards the center.

Then it was reshaped, and under control, it gradually turned into a two-meter-square stone table.

This is the efficiency of Richard's transformation of the house, or the efficiency of a powerful wizard's transformation of the house.

Li Cha raised his eyebrows.

As a wizard with extraordinary power, he really chose to do these "minor" tasks himself, and the effect he exerted was not comparable to that of dozens or hundreds of ordinary craftsmen.

Because this is not a quantitative change, but a qualitative change.

Because of this, in order to explore the ruins of the small village of Artis on the east coast, he would use magic props to buy Teddy and several wizards to help dig the soil.

It was precisely because of this that he was not in such a hurry to establish a personal power.

Of course, in the end, he had to establish a personal power. After all, he couldn't do this kind of work forever, it's just that the time didn't come.

Thinking of this, Li Cha pressed his hand on the newly formed stone table, and used earth magic to control and make fine adjustments.

Adjust for a while, make sure that the expected situation is basically met, and nod in satisfaction.

At this time, the door of the room "squeaked", and the old Lich seemed to have heard the movement from the broken wall before, and walked in.

Glancing at Li Cha, the Lich old man said: "I have rested now, and I can help you."

"Really, then okay, pass me the thing on the wooden shelf on your left." Li Cha glanced at the old Lich, stretched out his hand and said.

After hearing this, the old Lich turned his head slightly, looked at a wooden frame at the door, and saw a ruler-like thing on it, but it was a bit thick, more like a wooden leg removed from a stool.

Picking up the thing, he waved it and asked, "This?"

"Yes." Li Cha gave a definite answer.

"Here you are." The Lich old man casually threw it at Li Cha.

With a soft "pop", Li Cha took it carefully and gently placed it on the table.

I saw that the thing was about 30 centimeters long, made of metal, the whole body was silver-white, and there were scales on the surface, really like a ruler.

However, compared with the ordinary scale, there are two glass structures on it,

One of them is embedded in the middle, and the other is embedded in the beginning.

The glass structure is filled with colored alcohol, only half full, and able to flow with the adjustment of the ruler.

This is a level pipe, also called a spirit level or spirit level, which is a tool specially used to measure level and vertical.

Li Cha put the vial on the table, moved it slowly, fixed his eyes on the glass structure inlaid in the middle of the vial, and saw that there was a bubble inside that was always in the middle. He nodded and confirmed that the surface of the stone table was level. .

That's great.

Putting away the level tube, Li Cha was about to carry out the rest of the modification, glanced at an angle ruler behind the old man Lich, and looked at the old man Lich and was about to speak.

The old Lich noticed something, followed Li Cha's gaze to look at the angle ruler, and held it in his hand before Li Cha could make a sound.

But the old Lich didn't throw the angle ruler over, but frowned and made a sound.

"Hey, I said, you asked me to help you, wouldn't it be all trivial things like holding things and pressing the joystick?" The old Lich said, "Although I am really capable of these tasks, after all, I am a person with A lich with a long lifespan is only responsible for such trivial matters, isn’t it too contemptuous? Is there any difficult matter, let me help?”

"Are you sure?" Li Cha twitched his eyebrows, looked at Old Lich in surprise, and asked seriously, "Do you really want to help with difficult things?"

The Lich old man spoke faintly, with a bit of confidence in his tone: "Yes, I did lose in the mine before, and I have never beaten the guy who can turn into an angel. The reason is that I am too old on the one hand, On the other hand, I was restrained.

But this can only show that my combat effectiveness is not very strong, but my intelligence has not been damaged. My memory is constantly recovering, and I can give you meaningful advice on many issues, just like the advice you gave me about the magic puppet before. Same. "

"If you insist, then fine." Richard said, tapped his finger on the table, and said, "What I am going to study now is to use laser to separate uranium 235 and uranium 238 according to the principle of laser separation method. This isotope is used to purify uranium 235 to a certain concentration for the manufacture of fission weapons.

In other words, it is to try to break down the fine structure of a substance with a special evocation light-like spell. What advice do you have for this? "

"Well, this..."

The Lich old man's expression froze at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he dragged his tone, standing still for a long time.

After a while, touching his chin, the Lich old man looked at Li Cha and asked seriously: "Do you know?"

"What?" Li Cha was puzzled.

The old Lich said: "I suddenly have some experience with your previous suggestion about the magic puppet, and I can't wait to try it. If I really succeed in developing the improved magic puppet you mentioned, it will definitely help You are very busy."

"Then, let's talk again when we have time." The old Lich said, throwing the angle ruler in his hand towards Li Cha, turned around and walked out of the room without messing around at all.


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