Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Eight hundred and ninetieth IX energy problem

a week later.

The expansion of the No. 2 laboratory was completed, and Richard was able to conduct another experiment.

For the operation of various equipment, Li Cha is extremely proficient, quickly turn on and adjust, let the laser generate and react.

But the result is not ideal.

After the experiment, Li Cha frowned deeply behind the wooden table in the No. 2 research room, holding a quill pen and writing on the papyrus paper non-stop, calculating the results.

The final result is 3.8545±0.1235, which is not much different from the first experiment.

"That is to say..." Li Cha glanced at the last number, put down the quill, and said to himself, "There was no error in the previous experiment, and it was not because of some negligence that caused a lot of energy waste, but it did exist. with unknown problems."

After getting up, Li Cha walked towards the corner, and then slowly walked back.

His eyes became deep, his thoughts continued to diverge, and he murmured: "It can be confirmed that the instrument is correct, and theoretically, only purified uranium 235 can lead to the current situation.

According to previous theories, there are subtle differences between the matter in the current world and the matter on the earth. Is it because of this that the energy required for the purification of uranium 235 is increased? If so, how to solve it? "

Li Cha pursed his lips, walked out of the No. 2 research room for a while, walked to the main laboratory, and took out "Chapter of Monroe" and "Secrets of Vaishya" to read.

But after carefully browsing for a long time, I didn't find any relevant records.

Li Cha's face was a little dignified, and he faintly felt that what he encountered might be a big difficulty, and it would take a lot of effort to overcome it.

In this regard, he has no fear at all. The only problem is that he can't even find the direction to conquer.

"It seems that some other people's insights are needed to develop ideas." Richard said, thought for a while, and walked out of the main laboratory.


Outside the main laboratory, the Lich old man was accustomed to lying on the easy chair and enjoying himself. Beside him, the golden retriever big yellow dog was lying down, its head was raised high, and it kept turning, as if it was wary of something.

Seeing Li Cha appearing in the field of vision, the golden retriever and rhubarb dog immediately let out a low growl in warning: "Aww——"

After hearing this, the Lich old man quickly opened his eyes, saw that it was Li Cha, and was slightly taken aback: "Well, it's you, I thought it was that little devil who came to pluck my dog's hair again.

In other words, why are you coming to me now that you have nothing to do? Let me tell you, I am currently thinking about the improvement of the magic puppet, so don't interrupt my train of thought. "

The way you look now doesn't look like you're thinking at all... Li Cha looked at the Lich old man and slandered him a bit, but he didn't expand on this topic, but said straight to the point: "Mr. Fu, don't worry, I won't delay You have too much time. I came to you this time mainly to ask a question. "

"Question?" Old Lich narrowed his eyes, "It's easy to ask questions, as long as it's not related to what you asked me before."

"Actually, what I want to ask is really related to what I asked before." Richard said.

"Huh——" the old Lich took a breath, and looked at Li Cha as if he had a toothache, showing an expression of "Are you finding fault on purpose?"

Li Cha spread his hands: "Mr. Ah Fu, don't get me wrong, I have no malicious intentions, this time I am seriously asking you for advice. Because my research has some unexpected problems, I think you may be able to give me some insights on spells.

After all, you have a long lifespan and more knowledge, so I would like to ask, what do you think about using highly concentrated beam energy to decompose matter? Whether it is your personal experience, or what you have heard, or speculation, you can tell me. Whether it is correct or not is not critical, the key is the angle of view of this issue. "

"Is that so..." After listening to Li Cha's words, the Lich old man breathed a sigh of relief, a little relaxed.

After thinking about it for a while, a few images flashed through his mind, without exception, all of which were dazzling beams hitting his body, accompanied by faint roars.

"Dirty lich, go to hell! Pfft!"

"Fallen undead, look at me piercing you with holy light! Pfft!"

"Evil wizard, feel the power of the golden holy sword! Pfft!"

The old Lich shivered subconsciously, his old face twisted slightly, he looked at Li Cha, frowned deeply and said, "I don't have any knowledge or speculation, but I have a lot of personal experience."

"Then what's your answer?" Li Cha asked expectantly.

"Hmm..." The Lich old man tilted his head, recalled it carefully, and replied very distractedly: "It hurts." While speaking, the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably, as if he really felt the pain in his memory. pain.

Li Cha: "..."

After being silent for a while, Li Cha asked in confirmation, "It hurts?"

"Yes, it hurts." The old Lich nodded in affirmation.

For a while, Li Cha and the old Lich stared wide-eyed.

Looking at each other for about three seconds, Li Cha pursed his lips, looked at the old Lich and said, "Okay, excuse me, you continue to rest... Uh no, continue to think about the improvement of the magic puppet."

After saying that, Li Cha turned and left, understanding in his heart that if you want to expand your thinking on issues such as light beams, looking for the old man Lich might be the worst choice.

Although there is a saying that the one who knows you best is always your enemy.

But the old Lich is obviously not suitable for this sentence.

Then change someone else.

Li Cha thought to himself.

Who should I replace?


Ash Academy.

In the attic, two chairs were placed, and Popovich and Richard sat on them and looked at each other.

Looking at each other for a second, Popo Bovich smiled wryly, and said: "As for the question you asked me about the light beam decomposing matter, I can only tell you that I am sorry, but there is nothing I can do."

"Are you sure?" Richard said, "To be honest, I am still very optimistic about you. After all, until now, I can't see your details. I believe that you must be hiding a lot of things that you haven't revealed."

"But even so, I still don't know how to answer your light beam question." Bobo Bo Wei said with a long face, "I'm a pharmacist, okay, it has nothing to do with light beams or anything, even some modeling You are not very good at light-like spells, so how can I give you effective advice?

To be honest, I think that instead of asking me, you might as well go to the branch of the Truth Society and find a way to get some relevant spell information, that would be more helpful. "

"Of course I've thought about your suggestion." Richard said, with no surprise on his face, "It's just that the branch of the Truth Society is in Delan, which is a bit far away, and the transportation is not convenient. So, in my opinion, if I The people around me can help me solve the problem, so I don’t need to go far away. But now, after seeing it, I still have to go.”

"Go ahead, there is no harm in doing more activities." Popo Bovich waved his hand, and stuffed a form in his hand, "By the way, these are some raw materials I need to prepare potions. It takes more than half a day. It was used up a month ago, and when you went to Delan, you happened to be able to help me buy some. Hey, don't refuse, I have helped you before."

Li Cha took the form, glanced at Popovich, shook his head uncontrollably, but turned and left without saying anything.

He suddenly discovered that the academic level of the people around him needed to be improved, and... they were all somewhat lazy.


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