Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 905 So, what is the price?

"What?" Rommel asked.

Canon took a deep breath and answered seriously: "Before, I told him the supervisor's warning to him. He did not redeem a large number of points, and he seemed to obey your warning. However, just yesterday, he gave I suddenly applied to exchange for 'Blood Alchemy'."

"'Blood Alchemy'?" Rommel frowned. "Isn't this a kind of incomplete transformation spell? Calculated, it is more difficult than 'Teda Glory', and it involves the transformation of matter."

"That's true." Canon nodded, "But it's not just about this. In addition, this spell is already a content that can only be redeemed by core members. Wizard Richard has not joined our organization for a long time and has not passed a comprehensive review. A peripheral member did not meet the qualifications for exchange. In the end, there are a lot of points to exchange for this spell. After the previous consumption, the points of Wizard Richard are not many, so he proposed the idea of ​​advance."

"Advance?" Rommel rubbed his chin and smiled, "It's interesting, he is still not going to give up his research, and is going to invest even more crazily. Now I kind of guess what he is researching. It may be related to the legendary Eternal Sun and the Golden Kingdom."

"Eternal Sun? Golden Kingdom?" Kanon's eyelids twitched.

He knew that the so-called eternal sun represented endless energy, and the golden kingdom represented endless matter. Simply put, it is a perpetual motion machine and a material manufacturing machine. According to some records, this used to be the two major pursuits that existed in the ancient wizarding civilization, and many wizards have been obsessed with it until now.

After all, as long as one breaks through, the world can be completely changed.

It's just that this research has gone through many demonstrations and has been regarded as absolutely impossible to realize, but many people are unwilling to believe it.

"So, Wizard Richard has really entered into a misunderstanding?" Kanon said, "Based on his previous performance, I thought he could be smarter."

"It's not surprising." Rommel's expression was indifferent. "The smarter a person is, the easier it is to make mistakes in some simple places. After all, he can't be as omniscient and omnipotent as the true god, nor have he heard the warnings of the true god like us. , to know which are the absolute truths."

"So what should we do?" Kanon asked.

"How did you deal with it before?" Rommel asked back.

"I rejected him." Canon said, "On the one hand, Wizard Richard does not have the qualifications of a core member and cannot break the rules; Do it."

Having said that, Kanon paused, pursed his lips and said, "It's just that I saw that Wizard Richard didn't give up after being rejected by me. He stayed in Delan and didn't return to Jialan, so he probably wants to try other methods. "

"Is that so?" Rommel squinted his eyes and thought, stroked the white rabbit in his arms, and made a decision in a moment, "Well, let him meet me tomorrow, and I will talk to him."

"Okay, I'll arrange it." Canon said.

"En." Rommel got up, hugged the white rabbit and walked towards the door.

Canon stood there, stunned for a while, with a weird expression and struggling. Waiting until Rommel was about to walk out the door, he finally couldn't help saying: "Director Rommel, wait a minute!"

"What's wrong?" Rommel stopped, turned around holding the rabbit.

"That..." Kanon hesitated to speak.

Rommel glanced at Canon, and said blankly: "If there is anything, please tell me after you think about it."


"So be it."

Rommel turned around again, hugged the rabbit and walked out without looking back.

Kanon stood there and fell silent.


the next day.

In a meeting room of the DeLand Branch, Richard met Rommel and Canon.

What made him a little strange was that there was a big white rabbit in Rommel's arms for no reason, and he was stroking it with his hands from time to time, while Kanon next to him looked sideways with a slightly distorted expression.

So there was a very strange scene in the field: Rommel was watching him, the big white rabbit in his arms was watching Rommel, and Kanon next to him was watching the big white rabbit from the corner of his eye—one ring after another.

what is happening?

Where did the rabbit come from?

Li Cha was puzzled.

When he was puzzled, Rommel opened his mouth without explaining, and said straight to the point: "Wizard Richard, I heard from Canon Manager that you have been exchanging points for various spell materials in the branch recently? Not only did you exchange 'Teda Glory', and want to exchange for 'Blood Alchemy' by overdraft"

"Yes." Li Cha nodded.

Regarding these, he has no need to hide them, they are all used to study the mechanism of the concentrated energy beam to decompose matter, so as to solve the problems encountered in the research and manufacture of nuclear weapons. In fact, he has indeed achieved some results, and successfully reduced the energy consumption in the process of purifying uranium-235. Although the current reduction is not large, he believes that if he continues to study, sooner or later he will reach the ideal state.

Of course, he would not explain it in such detail to the outside world, but he just said that he studied some things out of interest, which were related to energy and matter.

At this time Rommel said: "Then do you realize that you are taking a detour now?"

"A detour?" Li Cha raised his eyebrows and said, "I really don't know. After all, I haven't walked it, and I only know it after I walk it."

"Out of goodwill, I can tell you that your path will not work."

"Why, Director Rommel, have you walked by?"

"I haven't walked through it either, but the true god has already warned me." Rommel said seriously.

"I don't believe in true gods." Li Cha thought, but finally said: "But I still want to try."

Rommel was not surprised: "I knew you would persevere. But you have to be clear, even if you get a lot of points now, without the qualifications of core members, you still can't exchange for 'Scarlet Alchemy'."

"Then how can I exchange it?" Li Cha asked.

Rommel did not answer immediately, but gently pushed a document on the table in front of him. The file slid, first accelerated, then slowly decelerated, and stopped firmly in front of Li Cha.

"Look at this first." Rommel said.

Li Cha was a little strange, but he didn't ask any more questions. He opened the file and looked. After reading it quickly, he looked up at Rommel and said, "This seems to be a report from another branch, saying that a forest has become very dangerous, and people from other branches need to help solve it."

"Yes." Rommel nodded.

Li Cha asked: "Could it be that this is the condition for me to exchange for 'Blood Alchemy'?"

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