The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements! Li Cha looked at the tavern owner with great interest, and saw that the other party was about forty years old, with a bulging belly and a good figure. Not tall, like a short oak barrel. However, the thick flesh on the other party's face, thick arms, and thick calluses on the palms all showed that the other party was not easy to mess with.

At this time, the other party was wearing a white shirt that had been washed and was somewhat yellowed, and a pair of ecru trousers. He was standing behind the counter with a calm face and was wiping a glass. The capable temperament on his body is hard to ignore, and people can't help but think of characters such as "the murderer who washes his hands in the golden basin", which is obviously the reason why he can calm people down.

Li Cha stepped over and walked to the front of the counter. The tavern owner raised his head and glanced, and said in a somewhat lazy tone: "The two guests are from other places, right?"

"Why do you say that?" Li Cha asked.

"Because the boots you wear are obviously not made in the local area. The local area is humid all year round, and the soles of the boots are relatively high, but yours are very shallow." The tavern owner said.

Before Li Cha could show anything, Popovich on the side couldn't help but turned his head to look at the feet of the other diners in the tavern. After finding out that this was indeed the case, he looked at the tavern owner with a somewhat appreciative expression.

The owner of the tavern did not look proud, but said with a normal expression: "Since you two are from other places, you may not be used to some special dishes, so I recommend some more common dishes to you, such as milk mushroom soup, pan-fried small Steaks, white bread with jam, and the like.”

"Thank you for your kindness, but we still want to order some special dishes." Richard said, "Please remember, we order one rotten quail roast chicken, one black blood clot stewed beef, one salt water stink beans, two turmeric bread……"

Originally, the tavern owner had a calm expression on his face, but when he heard Li Cha mentioning the fourth food, he suddenly looked at Li Cha in surprise, and frowned, not very sure.

Li Cha continued: "A mutton chop with sprouts, a black mushroom and white egg soup, and a glass of toe rum."

After listening to Li Cha's words, the tavern owner opened his mouth wide, took a deep look at Li Cha, and became a little respectful. However, he didn't make any outrageous actions, and just whispered: "Wait a minute, I'll go tell the kitchen."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and walked out of the counter, and walked into the back kitchen.

About ten seconds later, the tavern owner walked back, with a sharp steel fork gleaming coldly in his hand.

The steel fork has only two teeth and is "U" shaped, which is specially used for hunting. Because the two-toothed steel fork is easier to penetrate into the body of some beasts than the three-toothed steel fork.

The tavern owner came out with the steel fork, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the tavern. Most of them cast curious glances, wanting to see what the tavern owner was going to do. Some people's eyes fell on Li Cha and Popovich, a little teasing. They are all regular customers. From their point of view, it must be that Li Cha and Bobo Weiqi must have angered the grumpy tavern owner for some reason, so the tavern owner took out the steel fork and prepared to teach them a lesson. .

Unexpectedly, the owner of the tavern grabbed the steel fork and slammed it hard, and with a "bang", it slammed into the countertop. The two teeth of the steel fork were directly submerged under the countertop, while the wooden handle was constantly vibrating in mid-air, making a "buzzing" sound.

Everyone was taken aback.

The tavern owner glanced coldly at all the sitting guests, and announced without any emotion: "The tavern is closed early today, everyone please leave immediately. If anyone is unwilling, you can come to the counter, and I will have a good talk with him .”

Everyone looked at the tavern owner, and then at the trembling steel fork on the counter. He just hesitated for less than a second, then stood up in unison, walked out without hesitation, and walked away in an instant.

After all, they really don't dare to mess with the irascible tavernkeeper.

On the other hand, since they closed early and they were not charged to drive them away, it seemed like they were making a profit by leaving like this, so why not do it?

that's all,

In the tavern, only the tavern owner, Li Cha, and Popo Bovich were left, as well as the trembling steel fork stuck on the counter.

The tavern owner pulled out the steel fork with a little difficulty with both hands, threw it under his feet, and walked out of the counter, showing an expression of awe. Looking at Li Cha and Popobovich, he said: "The two are adults from the west, my family has already told me that you will come, but I didn't expect you to come so soon.

Please rest for a while, I will immediately notify my family to come. If the other two want to eat, you can also tell me, and I will let the kitchen prepare it. "

"It's relatively normal, just prepare a little casually." Li Cha said to the tavern owner after hearing this, and didn't order any special dishes. In his opinion, those special dishes might really be too special.

The tavern owner nodded and left.


At this time, Popo Bovich called out to stop the other party.

"My lord, do you have any other orders?" The tavern owner looked at Popo Bovich and asked.

"That..." Popobovich rubbed his hands together, "If possible, I'd like to try the toe rum I ordered earlier."

"Toe rum? Really?" the saloonkeeper confirmed. The toe rum was the last special dish that Richard ordered before, but that was only part of the signal, and now he really ordered it, which surprised the boss.

"Yeah." Popo Bovich nodded, "I've heard about this kind of wine a long time ago, and it's said that it tastes good, so I want to try what it tastes like."

"Okay—" the tavern owner said in a drawn-out tone, with a hesitant expression on his face, but he didn't dare to refuse Popovich, so he agreed and walked to the back kitchen.

About half an hour later, the tavern owner returned, and while bringing various foods to the table where Richard and Popovich were sitting, he said: "My lords, I have notified my lords, soon We'll be there, please wait a moment."

"Well, good." Li Cha and Popo Bovich nodded.

At this time, the tavern owner carefully brought a wine glass filled with golden liquor, and brought it to Popo Bović, saying, "My lord, this is the toe rum you want. Before you drink, I want to tell you..."

"It looks really good." Popo Bovich said, interrupting the tavern owner, before the other party could say a word, he had already picked it up and took a sip.

"Tsk tsk!"

Bobobo Weiqi tasted it carefully, and commented aloud: "Well, the taste is really good, a bit refreshing, and it is very different from the one I drank in Jialan City."

At the end of the evaluation, Popobovitch looked at the tavern owner and asked, "By the way, what did you want to remind me just now?"

"Um, it's really nothing. Please enjoy it, my lord. I have something to do, so I'm leaving first." The tavern owner said, turning his head and leaving, as if something bad would happen if he stayed.

Popo Bovich glanced at the back of the tavern owner strangely, but didn't care much, and took another sip of the rum, showing admiration.

. m.

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