Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter Nine hundred and fourteenth endless obstacles

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements! After a pause, Li Cha continued: "So, from these few explorations, the other party should be able to clearly detect that the explorer They are getting stronger each time. This is the fourth time we have come here. Although the number of people is small, logically, it is definitely stronger than the previous three times.

Therefore, the other party began to be unable to accurately determine our true strength. In order to ensure its own safety and ensure that it can eliminate us again, it had to adopt more conservative methods. What I said before is being watched is a means, and the other is the temptation to drive the moose to attack us this time.

More than thirty demonized moose are indeed not too strong, but they are not too weak either. At least a single ordinary third-level wizard would not dare to confront it head-on, and had to use some smarter means to solve it in a roundabout way. In terms of combat power, it is almost equivalent to one-half of the third batch of Blighted Forest Exploration Team.

In this case, more than 30 demonized moose are undoubtedly a good benchmark of combat effectiveness, which can be used to test our true level. "

"Is that so?" Holo nodded.

Popo Bovich was still hiccupping, but the hiccupping didn't affect the conversation at all. He raised his hand to raise his objection: "If the culprit really tested our strength by demonizing the moose, Hiccup, then how would it know the result of the battle? , Hiccup!"

"If the other party wants to achieve this goal, there are generally two ways. One is to stay nearby and observe—but this method is too dangerous. If the other party is wise enough, they will definitely not choose it." Richard said.

"Another method is to let the eyeliner observe here and then report to the other party - this is relatively safe, and if the eyeliner is found to be killed by us, the other party can further infer our strength from the side."

"So, there is the other party's eyeliner near us? Then we just need to find out the other party, can we quietly follow up and find the culprit? Hiccup!" Bobobo Weiqi said, and in the end, in order to prevent being heard, Covering your mouth with your hands, try to keep your voice down.

"Theoretically, it is indeed feasible." Li Cha nodded and said seriously, "That's why, from the middle of the battle, I was paying attention to the surrounding situation."

Speaking of this, Li Cha paused, frowned and said: "It's just that I haven't found any clues about the eyeliner so far, so I can't help thinking about what went wrong."

"Maybe this eyeliner has some kind of special means, which is too hidden. So as long as the other party doesn't take the initiative to reveal it, we can't find it at all." Holo said.

"In that case, how can we find each other?" Popovich asked.

"I don't know." Holo shook her head, and later found Richard and Popo Bovich, looking at her at the same time, specifically, looking at her left hand.

Her left hand raised without warning, stretched out a finger, and pointed straight to the side.

"Where is it?" Holo looked over in confusion, Li Cha and Popovich looked over together, and then saw a black shadow rushing out, breaking out at an unimaginable speed, and fleeing towards the depths of the forest.

"It's the eyeliner!" Holo said as soon as her eyes lit up, she jumped up and chased after her.

"Hurry up and catch it!" Bobo Bovich said urgently, and then let out a long hiccup, "Hi-hiccup-"

"It's too fast!" Holo said anxiously while chasing with explosive speed, "I can't lock the figure, and the trees will cover it again, so it's easy to lose track of it."

"No, I will keep looking at it!" Li Cha said at this time, his eyes flashed, and he had already used the perspective function of the staring eye.

A large number of free energy elements flow out from the law source, inject into the eyes, and then release to the outside world, penetrating many obstacles and turning them transparent.

With the consumption of more and more free energy elements, the area of ​​the see-through area continues to increase, allowing Li Cha to successfully lock onto the blurred traces of the black shadow.

At this time, in the world in Li Cha's eyes, the whole world is gray,

Straight ahead are many chaotic lines. Behind the many lines, an irregular spot moves quickly, hiding towards the place where the lines are denser.

"Let me see what your identity is." Li Cha murmured in a low voice, and stretched out his hands, a large number of bright light spots appeared, covering the whole body, forming a set of shining armor.

Armor of Achilles!

This is also what Richard learned while studying the spell information of the Truth Society. It can be regarded as the combination of the Longtonic Spear and the Emsley Shield, which has both powerful defense and powerful attack.

A strong defense is easy to understand, but a strong attack is a bit evasive.

However, in Li Cha's understanding, this kind of attack is very efficient for one thing, that is...


Li Cha's legs bent slightly, and his body jumped up, locking on to the trace of the escaper, and chasing after him at high speed. Along the way, trees bump into trees, rocks and rocks are broken, forming a straight line and shortening the distance without turning at all.

In doing so, on the one hand, it can save time. On the other hand, after opening the gaze eye, all the obstacles are lines, and it is too much effort to distinguish them one by one, so it is better to use a little bit of roughness to penetrate directly.

Just like that, Li Cha, who started late, slowly overtook Holo, who started first, getting closer and closer to the fleeing eyeliner.

As for Popo Bovich, he hiccupped while trying to keep up, and ended up at the end.


A few minutes later.

Under Li Cha's command, Holo and Popovich, one on the left and one on the right, cooperated with him to half surround and force the fleeing eyeliner to a low-lying area, preparing to capture the other party.

As a result, just as he was about to exert his strength for the last time, the ground suddenly cracked open, and multiple black shadows rushed out like pythons, wrapping around the bodies of the three of them. Taking a closer look, there are several blue-gray demonized vines.

The vine, apparently deliberately intercepted the three of them, to help the eyeliner escape.

Li Cha was very aware of this, and immediately shouted: "Don't worry about them, get rid of them quickly, and keep chasing them!"

Both Holo and Bobo Bovich were smart people, and after listening to it, they didn't need to say it a second time, and responded with actions.

Popo Bovich poured down a piece of grass-green potion, hiccupped, and his skin was dyed a layer of light green except for the hair, eyebrows and other hairs.

As a result, Popovich's strength increased greatly, he forcibly broke free from the demonized vines wrapped around his thighs, and rushed towards the eyeliner.

Holo twisted her body, and the figure disappeared out of nowhere, dodging the vines, and appeared a few meters away, rushing towards the eyeliner.

Li Cha injected more free energy elements into the armor of Achilles on the surface of his body, his whole body brightened, his speed increased sharply, he threw off the vines, and rushed towards the eyeliner.

The eyeliner is getting closer...

At this moment, there was a "crash", and a crack appeared on the ground in front of the three of Li Cha again.


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