Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 916: Waiting Late at Night

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements! The struggle of the gray wolf is of no use, but has a counterproductive effect.

I saw that in addition to entering the body from the mouth, some grass threads penetrated into the body along the other openings of the gray wolf's head, such as nostrils and ears. Some grass threads even opened the gray wolf's tightly closed eyelids, bypassed the eyeballs, entered the depths of the skull, and invaded the most fragile brain.

The next moment, Gray Wolf twitched violently, and his whole body softened. He didn't die, but lost all ability to resist, and stared blankly ahead.


The branches of the giant tree hung down again, and the gray wolf, which was motionless, was rolled up and thrown into the tree hole.

After a while, the face on the tree trunk showed a somewhat vigilant and dignified expression.

A few seconds later, his face became a little cunning again, and after a slow smile, he returned to normal.

In situ, nothing seemed to happen, except for some bloody air.


the other side.

Richard, Popo Bovich, and Holo kept going deeper into the forest until evening.

The three of them appeared in an open space, looked around vigilantly, and checked the clues—this was the place where the third exploration team was brutally killed. The only person who escaped before could provide limited clues, so the three of them worked hard Collect more information and try to restore the scene that happened here.

At this time, the body of the wizard of the Society of Truth that died in the open space disappeared without a trace, and was taken away by carnivores in the forest as food storage, leaving only some clothes fragments and vague traces of battle.

The three studied this for a long time, and speculated that the original exploration team had a fierce confrontation with the enemy. However, the exploration team was not defeated head-on, but was attacked by some unknown surprises, which caused the formation to be mixed and unable to cooperate, so they were slaughtered.

"It's a pity." After researching, Holo dropped a piece of clothes and said with some regret, "If there is a complete corpse in place, maybe we can use the pre-tie spell to get more information. But don't talk about the corpse now. , not even a certain part of the body, so we can only guess uncertainly."

Popo Bovich carefully picked up the pieces of clothes dropped by Holo, took a few steps away, fiddled with them for a while, looked at Holo and asked aloud: "I remember, there are some pre-enchanted spells, as long as you get the dead You can use psychic methods to obtain information from the items you have touched, can't you?"

After hearing this, Holo glanced at Popo Bovich, without getting angry, and asked slowly, "Who did you listen to?"

"This..." Popo Bovich froze, "I used to be a wizard friend I didn't know very well."

"I guess, neither you nor your wizard friend are very familiar with pre-spells, are you?" Holo said.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because if either of you is familiar with divination spells, there won't be such a conversation." Holo replied, "Pre-casting spells is indeed magical, but it is not a panacea, and even in most cases, it It is a relatively inferior means and a last resort choice.

There are too many uncertainties and limitations in prophecy spells. As you said, as long as you can get the objects that the dead have touched, you can use psychic methods to obtain information. That is already the domain of gods, and wizards can't do it at all. . "

"That's not necessarily the case." Popo Bovich said, "My wizard friend said that according to some documents, ancient wizards could indeed do it a long time ago."

"A long time ago? An ancient wizard?" Holo didn't expect Popo Bovich to say that, she was taken aback for a moment, and said noncommittally, "Maybe. But too many ancient divination spells have been lost. In this era , really can't do it."

Popo Bovich shrugged and didn't dwell on it.

At this time, Li Cha said not far away: "You two, come and take a look here."

"What?" Popo Bovich and Holo walked over and saw Li Cha squatting,

Observe a small piece of grass that is slightly bent next to it.

"This is the trace left by some kind of creature that walked here not long ago," Richard said.

"So?" Popovich asked.

Li Cha said: "As I said before, the animals in this forest are deliberately hiding from us because of the manipulation of the culprit. If any animals appear in our area, it is naturally abnormal.

You see, this trace was not left in a hurry. Pay attention to the direction in which the grass was bent. There are several differences, and it should have wandered here. This shows that the other party is definitely not an animal that was driven away by the culprit and fled from us, and it is very likely that it is an animal specially arranged by the culprit. "

"Is it the eyeliner who monitors us?" Holo asked guessingly, looking at Richard.

"Not quite." Li Cha shook his head. "If it's eyeliner, it doesn't make sense to linger here. Compared to eyeliner, I'm more inclined that the other party is an ambush."

"Ambush? Ambush us?" asked Popobovich.

"Yes, ambush us." Richard said, "This is the scene where the third exploration team was massacred. If we encounter it, we will stay there both emotionally and rationally. Then we can use this to carry out an ambush attack."

"Then what should we do? Find out the opponent first, and then destroy the opponent's ambush?" Holo suggested.

"Don't be so troublesome." Li Cha shook his head and said, "If the other party really wants to ambush us, then they should be ready to confront us head-on, in other words, they are ready to have a decisive battle with us—— Isn't that what we want.

We just wait here, waiting for the other party to take the initiative to attack, their ambush will naturally not be effective, and we can save some effort to see the real details of the other party. "

After listening to Richard's words, Popo Bovich and Holo thought for a moment, nodded in agreement and said, "Okay, let's do this."


Night, deep down.

The night in the forest is much darker than the night in the field because of the shelter of many tall trees. Even in the clearings in the forest, that didn't change much.

Li Cha, Popo Bovich, and Holo rested silently in the open space, as if they were soaked in viscous ink. The humid and cold air in the night lingered around, like a hungry devil, constantly looking for possible loopholes, ready to take advantage of them, but was blocked time and time again by the invisible force field maintained by the three.

Everything is extremely quiet, like a somber oil painting, or a group of statues.

This situation lasted for a long time, until a weak wind appeared.


The wind blows from the side, brushes against the ground, and then rises suddenly, leaving from one direction, like a mischievous elf.

Holo's eyes opened, and she looked into the depths of the night with awareness.

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