Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 921 Advanced Life

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements! The rich blood energy gathers on the surface of Popovich’s fist, making Popovich’s fist look bigger More than doubled, roaring and blasting on the body of the attacking demonized creature.


With a sound, blood-colored energy poured into the demonized creature's body, causing the demonized creature to inflate rapidly like a balloon, and then exploded like a balloon filled with too much gas.

Pieces of flesh and blood were scattered all over the ground, some even splashed more than ten meters away.

Some fell on the head of Popo Bovich, which was close at hand, without any hair growth, and it seemed to be polished and waxed at this time. As soon as the flesh and blood fell on it, it immediately slid down in a whirl, making Popo Bovich feel silky smooth like never before.

The veins in Popo Bović's temples swelled, he inhaled, and he waved his hands like an enraged curly-haired baboon—no, a bald-haired baboon.

Bobobo Weiqi felt that the anger had not been relieved in any way, but it was even stronger. He yelled "Ah", and rushed towards more demonized creatures not far away, which was about to set off a bloodbath.

Holo glanced at Popo Bovich, who was a little crazy, and found that he was coming straight to her position. He didn't know if he was helping her deal with the strange demonized creatures, or what. He didn't speak, stepped a little, and flitted away, leaving the demonized creatures in place to Popo Bovich to deal with, and brought a new batch of demonized creatures into the attack range.

"Ho ho ho ho!"

Seven or eight extremely ugly demonized creatures pounced on her with their mouths wide open and drooling.

One of the demonized creatures with a bull's body and a wolf's head was quite imposing, reaching the level equivalent to a third-level wizard, which made her expression heavy.


Holo let out a clear cry, and a large swath of blush burst out of her body, like a light veil wrapping her body, giving her a dreamlike feeling.

The air twisted slightly, Holo's lips opened and closed, and the spell was uttered, with a "swipe", the hair behind her grew wildly.

Under the effect of the spell, each hair was dyed a cherry red color, divided into more than ten strands, and attacked the demonized creature.

At this moment, the hair was like a whip, or a sword, soft or hard, whipping or stabbing, knocking away the demonized creatures that rushed close one by one, chasing them and stabbing them into the body.

"Puff puff……"

Amid the piercing sound, one after another the demonized creatures fell down.

Next to him, Li Cha was not idle either.

He slammed into the flying demonic creature with dense air missiles, stood still and began to chant spells for a long time.

When the demonized creature that was knocked into the air rushed back, Li Cha raised his hand, and a series of fireballs blasted out non-stop, followed by explosions.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

Amidst the sound of the explosion, the surrounding tens of meters turned into a sea of ​​flames.

The demonized creatures in the sea of ​​fire persisted at first, wanting to fight back. When the number of Li Cha's fireballs reached ten, they gradually retreated, ready to look for another opportunity.

When the number of Li Cha's fireballs reached twenty, he panicked and tried to get out of the flames.

When the number of Li Cha's fireballs reached thirty, the weaker beings began to die, screaming and falling into the flames.

The power of the fireball wasn't very strong, but it exploded with terrifying power after being released in such a concentrated manner by Li Cha.

By the time Li Cha's last fireball—the thirty-sixth fireball shot and exploded—there were no longer any standing demonic creatures in the fire field, most of them had died, and their bodies had turned into coke. The only thing that didn't die was a demonized creature that was half tiger and half leopard. At this moment, it collapsed on the scalding ground, exhaling more air than inhaling.

Li Cha took a look, showing no mercy. With a wave of his hand, he condensed the spear of Langdunic with a light spot, controlled it to fly over, pierced the opponent's body, and ended the opponent's life.

Then he looked at the rest of the demonized creatures...

There was not much trouble in the ensuing battle. The newly bred demonized creature was a twisted and weird animal. The potential is extremely strong, if given a certain amount of time to grow,

It is very likely that all of them have reached the level of a third-level wizard.

And it has not low intelligence, just after a while of fighting, it has learned methods such as joint attack and attacking east and west. It can be guessed that if the other party is really given a chance to become a mature body, the three of Li Cha will definitely not be able to deal with it easily.

However, the current demonized creatures have not grown up after all, they are infants, so they have great potential, but their strength is equal to that of the demonized creatures that gave birth to them, at most slightly surpassed.

Therefore, under the attack of Li Cha and the others, the demonized creatures had no hope of victory at all.


The battle continued, and when half of the damage appeared, the strange demonized creature seemed to recognize this reality. With a whistling sound, they stopped fighting and changed their fighting methods. Taking advantage of the complex terrain of the forest, they began to use guerrilla warfare to constantly harass and sneak attack.

If other wizards encountered this situation, it might be a headache, but for Li Cha and the other three, it was only a little tricky. The three of them heightened their vigilance and fully let go of their perceptions, so that every strange and demonized creature that sneaked up would never return.

After going on like this for a while, the number of weird and demonized creatures has been less than one-fifth of the original.

After another half-rabbit, half-fox demonized creature was hit in the head by Popo Bovich, all the demonized creatures screamed and fled into the forest separately, giving up attacking completely.

The forest returned to silence, as if nothing had happened.

Seeing this situation, Li Cha and the others did not breathe a sigh of relief. The expressions on everyone's faces were a little dignified, because from the experience just now, they had already guessed a truth.

As long as you are not blind, you can see that the collective massacre of demonized creatures, the birth of new strange demonized creatures, and the organized attacks of strange demonized creatures did not happen simply.

"We seem to have gotten into a big trouble." Richard said, narrowing his eyes slightly, "Whether it's the demonized black snake, or the new strange demonized creatures before, it shouldn't be the real culprit that killed the members of the previous exploration team .

Their identities are nothing more than pawns and weapons, and there should be a higher-level, deeper hidden life manipulating them. This manipulated life is what we are looking for.

According to the performance of the opponent who has been coming, the opponent obviously has a lot of intelligence and many strange abilities. Perhaps these abilities are subject to some restrictions, but as long as they are willing to pay the price, the other party can quickly and widely affect creatures, control creatures and even create creatures.

This is obviously beyond the scope of ordinary demonized creatures, it is very likely..."

"Strange species." Holo on the side answered.

Li Cha paused, glanced at Holo, nodded, "Yes."

Not far away, Popobovitch was fiddling with the skin of a dead demonized brown bear. Hearing the conversation between Richard and Holo, he looked up and asked with some doubts, "What strange species?"

"You don't know?" Li Cha asked, "The branch has a lot of relevant information."

"Is it—" Popo Bovich draws out, "Maybe, but I kind of forgot, how about the two of you...remind me?"

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