Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 923 Light up the sky

Holo didn't notice the meaning in Richard's eyes, and continued to tell the content of the strange species:

"In addition to the short-lived strange species and the long-lived strange species, the third is the most powerful strange species-the immortal strange species.

The lifespan of this strange species is almost unlimited, and its power is far beyond imagination. Not to mention that a single wizard cannot compete, even if the strongest wizards join forces, it is also difficult to defeat. They are asleep most of the time, but once they wake up, they will bring havoc to the whole world, and they are one of the most important enemies of ancient wizards.

Under this category, it is divided into giant species, void species, deep sea species...

The giant species is a very ancient creature in this world, born before human beings. Their appearance is similar to that of humans, but their volume is dozens or hundreds of times larger. It is said that some of the oldest giants were as large as mountains and were called mountain giants. In ancient times, when human power was still relatively weak, giants often harassed human beings, broke through towns, and plundered a large number of people for food. Fortunately, the ancient wizards became stronger later, and after a long period of hunting, most of the giants became extinct, and the rest fell into deep sleep and hid.

Void species are said to be older than giant species, and their living areas are different from giant species—giant species mostly live on land, while they live in the void. They have a unique structure, and the place where they are located is difficult for the most powerful demonized birds to reach. Therefore, they have little contact with humans, but occasionally they will cause great disasters to humans when they land on the ground, such as causing large-scale storms, thunderstorms, and snowstorms. Therefore, they were also hunted and expelled by ancient wizards, and are now extinct.

The deep-sea species is one of the oldest creatures in the current world, older than the giant species and the void species, and they existed not long after the birth of the world. The bottomless ocean is their living area. The stronger the existence, the closer to the bottom of the sea it will live. There may be thousands of meters or tens of thousands of meters from the sea surface. The pressure is beyond imagination. The most powerful wizard Neither can get there easily. Therefore, the ancient wizards did not completely clean them up, and they still exist today. However, due to the little contact with humans, it can be regarded as extinction in a certain sense.


After talking for a long time, Hero paused and said, "Almost, these are all the immortal strange species of the third largest category."

"What is the fourth type of strange species?" Popo Bovich asked aloud, "You said that the third type of immortal strange species is already the most powerful, so the fourth type cannot be stronger Bar?"

"The fourth type..." Holo said, "The fourth type of strange species, it is difficult to determine whether it is stronger, because they have too many secrets and unimaginable magic, so they are collectively called mysterious. Strange species."

"Mysterious strange species?"

"Yes, mysterious strange species." Holo nodded. "This means that they are mysterious and unpredictable. Maybe they are weak and not as short-lived strange species, or they may be very powerful and can play a role that immortal strange species do not have. Sometimes, It is uncertain whether they are living things or not, they can only be attributed to life.

There are many types of this category, but the overall number is small. In many cases, one or several of them form a separate category. Such as Flower Fairy, Water Fairy, Treasure Fairy, Lucky Fairy, Misfortune Rabbit, Activated Hat, Snow Fairy..."

More than ten minutes later, Holo finally finished speaking. After hearing this, Popovich showed a dazed expression, and finally "remembered" the information about the strange species.

He nodded his head lightly, as if he was speculating, and then Popovich clicked his lips, looked at Holo and asked, "Then what kind of strange species are we encountering in the forest now?"

"According to the other party's performance, it may be a kind of long-lived strange species - ancient tree species." Holo said.

"Ancient tree species?" Popo Bovich listened, trying to recall what Holo said just now, and asked, "Is that the World Tree? Or the Tree of Life, or the Ancient Tree of War?"

"It is not yet certain,

We can only know that the other party can influence and create creatures, and has a strong ability to control the forest. Maybe the entire forest is its territory. According to some records, the other party should not go all out yet, and if they really use their full strength, the entire forest will be connected to the other party by then. The eyes of every animal in the forest are the eyes of the other, and every tree in the forest is the incarnation of the other. "

Popo Bovich's face turned green: "Is there still a fight?"

"This is the most troublesome part." Holo frowned. "It is impossible for us to be an enemy of the entire forest. Unless we can find the opponent's body and launch a fatal blow, otherwise we will be dealt with to death if we drag it on. The opponent is Those who own the entire forest resources, I can guess now that the other party must be somewhere in the forest at this time, producing large quantities of newborn demonized creatures like just now. When the newborn demonized creatures have fully grown and become mature, we The mission has only one possibility of failure.”

"Then how can we find out the other party's body?" Popo Bovich realized the seriousness of the problem.

"I don't know either." Holo shook her head helplessly, "The forest is too big, every tree may be the body of the other party, if we search one by one, by the time we find it, there may already be several After a month."

"Then..." Bobobo Weiqi was silent, his eyes rolled, and he tried hard to think of a way but couldn't think of it.

Li Cha said at this time: "Actually, there is a good way."

"Huh? Really?" Popo Bovich quickly turned to look at Richard.

Holo looked at it too, and asked, "What?"

"Wizard Holo, you said before that the opponent owns the entire forest as a resource, and being in the forest is the opponent's home field, so we can't drag it on." Richard said, "Then what if the opponent loses the home field? Make the forest cease to exist Woolen cloth?"

"What do you mean?" Holo guessed something, a little surprised.

Bobobo Weiqi opened his eyes wide and looked at Li Cha: "Could it be that you are..."

Li Cha didn't answer directly, and said slowly: "There are many trees in the forest, which have disadvantages and advantages. The disadvantage is that they will become a disguise for ancient tree species. The advantage is that they are all good fuel."



After more than half an hour.


There was a loud bang, and a pillar of fire tens of meters high shot up in the forest, and then spread outward. Like a torch, it ignited the surrounding trees tens of meters away, and the flames even spread hundreds of meters away.

This was just the beginning, followed by a series of "boom boom boom" sounds.

One after another, pillars of fire appeared in various locations in the forest, creating fire scenes one after another.

Ten minutes later, many fire sites came into contact with each other, gradually forming a wall of fire several kilometers long and tens of meters high, spreading continuously in the forest.

At this time, the sky outside the forest has not yet lit up.

And the sky in the forest brightened ahead of time.


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