Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 925 Because it is powerful, so damn it

Seeing the vines appear, Bobobo Weiqi's face obviously froze for a moment. After realizing that he was deceived, he looked at the giant tree Tinmu and shouted with some grief: "You lied to me?"

The giant tree didn't respond, and the vines kept approaching Popo Bović.

"Okay! You wait for me!" Popo Bovich gave the giant tree a hard look, and threw down such a sentence angrily.

The next moment, with a loud shout, an air missile hit the ground heavily, and then jumped up with the strength of the recoil, quickly dodging the strangulation of more than ten black vines.

Then, taking advantage of the short time in the air, he took out a bottle of the pink potion he had used from his bosom, and poured it into his mouth.


The potion entered the body, and the energy exploded. It traveled along Popovich's body surface to the top of his head, producing a fireball the size of a watermelon.

Bobo Bo Weiqi faced the fireball, his eyes widened and he slammed his fist on the black vine.


Energy was injected into it, and the black vine that was hit quickly expanded, exploded, and died, and fragments and slime splashed around.

The rest of the black vines continued to attack, and Popobovich was not afraid, attacking with hands and feet, and releasing energy missiles from time to time. At this time, with strong anger in his heart, his combat power has increased by more than half.

As a result, in just a short while, the dozen or so black vines that attacked him were all dead.

At this time, the fireball that Popo Bovich was holding had just extinguished, and there was even residual heat on his bare scalp.

On the other hand, Richard and Holo's progress was not too slow, and they solved the sneak attacking vines almost at the same time.

Speaking of which, the attack power and defense power of the vines are not very strong, that is to say, they are relatively fast. As long as they were not successfully attacked in the first place, it would be difficult to cause too much trouble to a third-level wizard.

After the field was empty, Popo Bovich looked at the giant tree with sharp eyes, gritted his teeth as if controlling his emotions, took a deep breath and said seriously: "I'm going to ask you something, what you told me before Is the method of regrowing hair real? If it is true, I can forgive you for your previous deception, and we can still talk."

The giant tree didn't answer. It looked at Popo Bovich like a fool, and shook the branches slightly. Hundreds of demonized creatures roared and rushed up behind it.

At the same time, in the distance - at the edge of the fire scene, thousands of beasts created a fire zone of hundreds of meters, received the signal, turned their heads in unison and rushed towards the three of Li Cha, and The demonic creature flanks back and forth.

"You really are lying to me." Popo Bovich shouted after seeing it, gritted his teeth, and faced the demonized creature angrily.

A demonized bison rushed up, and with a "bang", it was knocked to the ground by Bobobo Weiqi's punch. Then Popo Bovich grabbed one of the demonized bison's front legs and spun around in the group of demonized creatures like a sandbag.

"Bang bang bang!"

For a while, the sound continued.

Holo took a look at Popovich's performance, and made sure that Popovich could handle it, so she didn't help. With a touch of his feet, he jumped up lightly, and landed behind thousands of beasts.

After falling, he stretched out his arms, and a large swath of crimson was released, dyeing the air a bloody color. All the beasts that came into contact with had no chance to struggle, and fell down screaming and dying together.

The wild beasts outside were not afraid after seeing it, but were enraged. They stepped on the corpse of their companion and continued to charge forward, attacking Holo.

Holo narrowed her eyes, said nothing, and let out patches of crimson with her icy face, enveloping more beasts and taking their lives.

The two battlefields of demonized creatures and many wild beasts are under control.

Li Cha didn't care about this, and after chanting the mantra, many light spots emerged, which were condensed into a three-piece set of Achilles Armor, Emsley's Shield, and Rondonic's Spear.

Li Cha controlled the Longtonic Spear and attacked frequently to help Popovich and Holo deal with potential dangers. At the same time, he paid close attention to the movements of the giant tree Tin Wood, and was alert to any killer tricks of the other party.

But until the demonized creatures and many wild beasts were killed, the giant tree Tinmu didn't do anything, just watched quietly, which made Li Cha more vigilant while being puzzled.

In his thinking, the giant tinwood tree shouldn't give up resistance so easily.

A few minutes later.

The three of Li Cha stood side by side in front of the giant tinwood tree. Bobobo Weiqi was covered in blood, staring at the giant tree and said: "You liar, do you see how powerful we are now? Want to sneak attack us, want to attack us?" It is impossible to kill us with demonized creatures and wild beasts—we are stronger than you think! Now, it is up to you to pay the price! Tell you to kill, tell you to lie to me, tell you to do all the bad things, I You must be dismantled and burned as a log!"


A cloud of turbid air was ejected from the trunk of the giant tree, and a buzzing sound sounded, and the giant tree Tinmu spoke again. At this time, it had no guilt or fear, but said to Popo Bovich in an emotionless tone: "I kill people, I lie to you, do all the bad things? In my eyes, but No, this is just a choice I made for survival. Killing people is to not expose me, and lying to you is to get rid of you, so as not to expose me. Everything I do is for my survival. And I Is there anything wrong with wanting to survive?

I want to tell you that I existed in this forest a long time ago, even, before the forest. My life is extremely long, beyond your imagination, and I am the master here. If there were no intruders like you, I could live here peacefully for hundreds or thousands of years, this is my home! You broke into my house, destroyed the things in my house, and you still don't allow me to fight back? In the final analysis, is it me who has done all the bad things, or you who have done all the bad things? "

"This..." Bobobo Weiqi was choked immediately, obviously he didn't expect a tree to be so eloquent, his eyes widened for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

Beside him, Holo suddenly spoke up, and said to the giant tree Tin Wood: "From your point of view, it is us invaders who have done all the bad things, and there is nothing wrong with you wanting to survive."

"So, you admit that you are the wrong party?" The giant tree Tinwood was a little surprised, and glanced at Holo, "Then what are you going to do now?"

Holo stared at the giant tin tree for about two seconds, and slowly gave the answer: "Kill you."

"What did you say?" All the values ​​​​of the giant tree shook together, and asked excitedly, "You said, you want to kill me? Even if it's your fault, you still want to kill me?"

"Yes." Holo nodded, confirming, her eyes turned cold, "What's wrong is that we are right, you should be respected if you want to live, but... your existence itself is a threat—to me A major threat of the same kind. For safety, you must die. This has nothing to do with right or wrong, it is only about the vigilance of one life and another. You are very strong, but as a life different from me, the stronger you are, the more you should die , that's the truth."

The giant tree was silent.

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