Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 932 Soilless cultivation

"No more, no more." The old Lich laughed after hearing this, with a smile on his face, but he still tried his best to put on an appearance of "I just did something insignificant".

Waving his hand, the old Lich said: "Actually, it's nothing. It's just that while you were out, I was bored and just fiddled with it. In the end, I came up with such a thing. Apart from doing a little chore, digging pits, It's not very useful to move things, sometimes you can make mistakes in your work, so don't think too highly of it."

At the same time as the old Lich was speaking, the skeleton digging a pit in the distance threw the shovel away with excessive force. The skeleton grabbed the air and continued digging on the spot for a few more times before it came to its senses. It slowly turned its head and glanced, locked the position of the shovel, walked to the vicinity with heavy steps, bent down to pick it up, and walked back to the edge of the pit to continue digging.

Li Cha looked at it and couldn't help smiling, but he didn't take it lightly. He said to the old Lich: "Maybe this skeleton's work is really rough and error-prone, but the internal structure is still precise enough. Especially the rotation The design of the mechanism and the balance of the weight, in my opinion, use a lot of mathematical knowledge-Mr. Afu, I despised you before, and your knowledge is higher than I thought. "

"Hehe, it's a trivial matter." The old Lich said indifferently, "By the way, I'm going to add another arm to this skeleton, and install it in the heart, so that it can do things more conveniently."

"Three arms? Not a bad idea." Richard said, paused and said, "But if there is one more arm, the weight must be rebalanced to prevent the center of gravity from being affected, and the structure of the back must be changed accordingly. Depending on the situation, we must Add 10kg to 20kg of weight on the back, uh, that is to add about 18lbs to 36lbs of weight. The specific value and position can only be determined after special calculations.”

"I naturally thought of this." The old Lich said, "The value has been calculated long ago, and I will adjust it after I rest...Gah!"

Halfway through the speech, the old Lich stopped abruptly, his face changed, and he became a little weird.

Li Cha looked to the side suspiciously, and saw Pandora walking over, holding a half-bald golden-haired rhubarb dog that looked a bit like Popo Bovich in her left hand, and holding a piece of paper in her right hand.

"This is?" Li Cha frowned slightly, looked at Pandora and asked, "Is there a problem that can't be solved?"

"No." Pandora shook her head, looked at Ah Fu, the old man of the Lich, walked straight to the nearby place, threw the paper in her hand to the old man of the Lich, and said, "Hey, old man, what you asked me to count before, I'll find time I calculated it for you in advance, and the value is 13.65 kilograms, which is 30.0930988 pounds. Well, come to think of it, you can’t be so accurate, so you just need to remember 30 pounds.

Alright, I've finished the work for you, so according to what you promised me, your dog will continue to follow me these few days. By the way, before I calculated for you a lot of things for steering and balance weight, you promised your dog to follow me for 15 days, including the 5 days this time, a total of 20 days. Ten days have just passed, so there are still ten days left. After ten days, I will return the dog to you. gone. "

After speaking, Pandora quickly turned around and led the golden retriever dog to the side.

The golden retriever and big yellow dog looked at the old Lich with a reluctant look, as if saying, "You're just throwing me to someone else?"

The face of the Lich old man was full of embarrassment. He didn't look at the golden retriever big yellow dog, but turned his head to look at the air next to him. The atmosphere in the field was a bit weird.

After a while, when Pandora was far away, the old Lich looked up at Li Cha, and asked seriously: "Well... Let me tell you now, the iron pipe inside the skull bone was made by myself, and it is the same as that little one. The girl has nothing to do with it, do you believe it?"

"Guess." Li Cha looked at the old Lich and said calmly.

"I..." The old Lich's eyes widened, and he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Forget it, believe it or not..." The Lich old man waved his hand loosely, with a somewhat slumped face,

Lie back on the easy chair, "You better hurry up and plant trees over the pit, I don't care about the rest."

"Then you can rest. But I don't need your hole, let the skeleton fill it up." Li Cha glanced at the old Lich and said.


The Lich old man who just lay down quickly sat up, looked at Li Cha, and said in surprise: "Well, why, I can't use my pit, why? It's not well dug, it's too shallow? It's okay, I can let the skeleton Dig a little deeper."

"No, it's not a matter of depth, but I don't feel at ease putting the heart of the tree in the soil." Li Cha looked at the heart of the tree in his hand and said, "After all, this is a long-lived strange species, although I won't be like the truth will That way, annihilation at all costs, but I don't take it lightly either.

Really planting the other party in the soil is to give the other party a layer of protection and a layer of camouflage. The part above the ground can be seen, but the part underground is difficult. I don't want to let the other party control the entire underground of this space without knowing it-there will be endless troubles. Therefore, some restrictions must be made, and other methods should be used to revive and grow the other party, so as to facilitate supervision. "

"What kind of method is that?" the old Lich asked.

"Soilless cultivation." Li Cha said softly, without saying anything more, holding the heart of the tree, he walked into a room next to him.


The old Lich looked at Li Cha's back, took a breath, and showed a pondering expression. He tilted his head and thought for a long time, but he didn't understand what "soilless cultivation" was.

"Soilless...Cultivation? No soil?" The Lich old man pursed his lips, "Could it be the lost elf planting method in ancient times? No way, in my previous era, elves were all legends, and there was nothing left. Now that it’s down, there’s something left behind?”

"Impossible, absolutely impossible." The Lich old man shook his head, stood up curiously, and followed Li Cha into the room.

The interior of the room has obviously been remodeled by Li Cha in advance, and all irrelevant things have been cleaned up, leaving only a stone platform.

There is a glass pool with engraved patterns on the stone platform. It is more than three meters long, one meter wide, and only a few centimeters deep. Several glass columns stand in the center of the pool. I don’t know what to do.

The pool was filled with a colorless and transparent liquid. The Lich old man subconsciously thought it wasn't water, but he didn't know what it was. In addition, he also saw that there are pipes at both ends of the pool to inject liquid and discharge liquid, so that the liquid can flow slowly.

At this time, Li Cha held a light gray board with both hands, and gently placed it in the pool.

The board is about one meter square and looks very light. It floats directly after being placed in the pool.

There was a hollow in the center of the board, and Li Cha put the tree heart in it. After that, he moved the board slightly so that the board was fixed on the glass column in the center of the pool, and he nodded his head lightly.

The old Lich frowned, looked at Li Cha and asked, "Is this the end? Is this what you said about soilless...cultivation?"


"Can this work? How can it be done without soil?"

"You'll know if you take a look?" Li Cha said softly, without further explanation.

"Okay." The old Lich patiently looked at the tree heart on the board. With a twitch of his eyelids, he saw many fine milky white fibrous roots protruding from one end of the tree heart, swinging slowly in mid-air.

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