Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 935 Energy Absorption and Purification

"Hey, boy, wait a minute!"

Seeing that Li Cha was about to step away again, the old Lich remembered a very important matter again, and hurriedly called Li Cha to a stop.

"What?" Li Cha looked at the old Lich and asked.

"I just thought of that. You said that you suspect that the tree in the house has other ideas and may try to do some dangerous things secretly. You are not worried about this, and you are even going to catch the other party on the spot and force the other party Accept your harsher conditions, right?" said the old Lich.

"Is there a problem?" Li Cha asked a little strangely, "Didn't we confirm these things a minute ago?"

"Of course there is a problem!" The old Lich said angrily, "Based on what I know about you, it is impossible for you to stay here all the time, you may go out at any time, and sometimes you will go away for several days .What if, I mean, the tree in the room messes up while you're gone?"

"Isn't there you?" Li Cha glanced at the old Lich, and replied calmly.

"Me?" The Lich old man froze for a moment before he understood the meaning of Li Cha's words, his eyes widened, "You are really going too far, the tree in the room is a long-lived species, don't look at it now Yes, it really erupts, and I don’t know how strong it will be. At that time, I will deal with the other party, what if there is danger? Besides, as a lich... well, although I am not afraid of it, but in case something happens Mistakes, how to deal with failures?"

"That's why you told you to keep working hard." Li Cha said, "Improve your strength and develop more powerful magic puppets. When the other party makes trouble, you will be able to deal with it."

"What did you mean by what you said just now?" the old Lich blinked.

"what you think?"

"Is this..."

"Okay, I'll go to work first, you... Feel free."

Li Cha waved his hand and walked to the side, leaving the Lich old man in place, blinking constantly, not knowing what he was thinking.


In a blink of an eye, a week has passed.

A week later, Eden, machining sector, research room No. 3.

The ancient tin wood, which was just moved here, has changed a lot compared to a week ago.

At this time, it was fixed in a glass pool filled with nutrient solution by a black iron bracket. The trunk had grown to a height of one and a half meters, and its diameter was more than ten centimeters. It looked like a cylinder. Most of the trunk has no branches, only at the top, there are dense branches, forming a dense canopy-but there is no leaf on the canopy, which looks bare, like a messy tangle of wires.

Li Cha appeared inside, fiddling with a machine beside him.

The machine is a bit like a slot machine used for gambling on Earth, but it is more complicated. The position of the display screen is occupied by many pointer instruments, the joysticks and buttons are densely arranged on both sides, and there are wires coiled under the machine.

"Crack, click!"

Li Cha adjusted the machine with his hands for a while, then turned his head to look at Ximu, and asked aloud, "Are you ready?"

The bark on the trunk twisted for a while, exposing Tinmu's face, and a rush of air was blown out of a small hole with a diameter of two centimeters, and then Tinmu's voice sounded: "Intruder, I'm ready, you can start."

"That's good." Li Cha nodded, grabbed a wire connected to the machine, and approached Ximu.

This wire is as thick as a baby's arm, covered with black insulating material, and has a pointed tip like a bird's beak at the end. He was dragged by Li Cha to the side of Tin Wood, and approached Tin Wood's trunk with the pointed end.

When the pointed tip is about to touch the tinwood trunk, the tinwood trunk will automatically open a round hole, allowing the pointed tip to be easily inserted and then wrapped.

Li Cha looked at it and nodded, then turned and walked back to the machine, and picked up the second black wire that was as thick as a baby's arm.

Then the third, fourth, fifth...

in the end,

Li Cha inserted more than a dozen black wires into the trunk of the tin wood, and then stopped.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

Standing in front of the machine and fiddling with it for a while, Li Cha looked at Ximu and said, "You can supply energy now, first use a small amount of energy to do some tests, and then increase it slowly."

"Intruder, you have told me this three times before. I am a superior life with wisdom. You don't need to be so verbose. I can understand you." The ancient tree species Tinmu said impatiently, before finishing his sentence. , the branches at the canopy vibrated quickly, rubbing against the air in the room at a very high frequency.

Ten seconds later, it seemed that friction had generated an electric current, and suddenly a bright blue arc flashed across a tree branch. Immediately following various arcs of red, cyan, green, yellow, and purple, "crash" all appeared at once, covering the entire canopy of the tree.

After that, the current was continuously transmitted to the trunk, and then along the wire, it entered the machine in front of Li Cha.

"Crack, click, click!"

Li Cha squinted at the readings of some instruments on the machine, quickly adjusted the many joysticks, and said while adjusting: "Okay, everything is normal, increase the energy supply, and double it first."

"I know." Tin Wood said, a denser electric arc appeared on the canopy, and the energy absorbed from the void across the space quickly doubled, passing through the trunk, wires, flowing through the control machine, and then along the wires that had been buried long ago , passed to the rest of the place to play a role.

"Double the increase, click, click!"


"Continue to double, click, click, click!"


After going on like this for several minutes, when Li Cha yelled "double the promotion" again, he was rejected by Ximu.

"I can't do it anymore, I'm close to my limit now." Tin Wood said, and found that its canopy couldn't look like it used to be at this time, it was occupied by arcs of various colors, forming a dazzling mixture of various colors. light cluster.

Li Cha glanced at Ximu, thought for a while and said, "Okay, just keep it as it is now, under normal circumstances, how long can you keep it?"

"If no changes are made and there are no accidents outside, then I can keep this situation until one year later - when our cooperation ends." Ximu said.

"That's best, just keep it like this. If you have any questions, tell me in time, and I will help you." Richard said, adjusted the machine again, turned and walked out, and walked to the No. 2 research room middle.

At this time, the No. 2 research room is much more complicated than before, and many new equipments have been added, but the most core part is still the laser generator in the center.

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