In a separate room hundreds of meters away from the main laboratory.

The room is more than 20 square meters, and there are bookshelves lined up in front of the four walls. There are many books and scrolls on the bookshelves.

In the middle of the room, there is a wooden table more than three meters long and one meter wide, with sheets of papyrus paper used for calculation scattered on it. At this time, Pandora is holding a quill pen, her face tense, Writing on new papyrus.



After writing for a long time, Pandora solemnly wrote down a series of final results, after a few glances, she breathed a sigh of relief. The tight little face slowly unfolded, revealing a proud smile.

"Finally figured it out. Scared, Li Cha also said that I need at least three days to do it, but I succeeded in a little more than a day, I really underestimated me." Pandora sniffled, and said to herself with a bit of air, " But this is normal, I didn't tell Li Cha, he must not know: Although I didn't grow much in strength after waking up, my thinking has become much faster, so I am several times smarter than before."

"In this case, after studying for a while, will I surpass Li Cha directly?" Pandora thought, showing a smirk like a little fox. After realizing something was wrong, he restrained himself quickly, rubbed his face, showed a serious face and said, "Don't be proud, don't be proud, I will wait until I really surpass Li Cha, and then tell him the truth, so that he can have a good surprise. "At the end, he helped something on the bridge of his nose.

"Then you have to keep working hard." Pandora clenched her fists, secretly encouraging herself, quickly tidied up the scattered papyrus on the table, took out a new papyrus, and started preparing for new research.

At this time, the door was knocked.

"Duk, tuk, tuk, tuk!"

Pandora couldn't help but put down the quill she had just picked up, looked towards the door, and asked aloud, "Who is it?" She asked in her mouth, but she already guessed who was coming.

After all, in the entire Garden of Eden, except for the immovable ancient tree species of tin wood, there are now three living people. Among them, Li Cha's knock on the door was very rhythmic and very pleasant, and he knew it as soon as he heard it. The sound of knocking on the door now was chaotic, like a three-year-old child plucking the strings, and there was no one else except the old Lich, Ah Fu.

Sure enough, the next moment, the door opened with a "squeak", and the old Lich walked in, saying, "It's me."

After entering the door, the Lich old man took a quick look at Pandora's study room. He was a little surprised by the large number of books, but tried his best not to show it on his face, so as not to be underestimated by Pandora.

But when his eyes fell on Pandora, the Lich old man was really taken aback.

I saw Pandora at this time, with a pair of slender black round glasses on Linglong's nose, which made Pandora's original little devil aura hidden, and made her look a little more bookish. Those who didn't know thought it was that A well-educated young lady who was carefully taught by a noble family.

This is completely inconsistent with Pandora's usual image, at least not in line with the image of Pandora in his heart... The corners of the Lich old man's mouth could not help but twitch.

To this day, he still can't forget the experience of being beaten to death by Pandora's bare hands when he was just resurrected. In other words, if Li Cha hadn't returned in time, he might have been beaten to death by Pandora, and his bones might have to be dismantled.

Therefore, although he was a little angry that Li Cha planned his resurrection, he also thanked Li Cha for saving his life.

But now, the little devil who had almost trampled him into a corpse had suddenly changed his temperament, which really made him a little unacceptable. To be precise, it was a little scary.

After all, when a person is in any danger, he is not afraid when it comes out brightly. And hiding it like this now, treating him in a different way, made his heart beat.

For example, a lion roaring outside the house every day is scary but acceptable. Just close the doors and windows, stay vigilant, and avoid contact with each other. Then suddenly one day, the lion put on human clothes,

Knocking on the door politely, wanting to ask for a sip of water, is a bit scary.

Various thoughts were intertwined in his mind for a long time. The old Lich raised his hand and pointed at the glasses worn by Pandora: "Who are you?"

"Glasses." Pandora glanced at the Lich old man and said quickly, and then asked with some disdain, "Why, you don't know?"

"Of course I know!" The old Lich replied with a dark face, "I've seen many similar ones in Richard's laboratory, okay, but...don't normal glasses have glass pieces or crystal pieces on them? ? According to Li Cha, it seems to be used to change the focal length, why don’t you have it on it?”

"Because I don't need it." Pandora said, "I don't need to do experiments, I can see a small thing very clearly, and my eyes have not become myopic like Richard said."

It's really hard for a dragon to become myopic... After listening to Pandora's words, the old Lich couldn't help thinking of the funny scene of a squinting dragon bumping around.

After thinking about it, the Lich old man took a deep breath, looked at Pandora inexplicably and asked, "Since you don't need it, and you don't even put glass or crystal on it, why do you still wear it?"

"Because I think it looks good like this." Pandora said, "And I think wearing it like this can help me concentrate more. Every time I can't solve a problem, I wear it. It's very effective."

"Can it still be like this?" The old Lich was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head, and said disapprovingly, "It doesn't make sense at all, it's just a joke."

Pandora opened her eyes wide: "But I think it is very effective."

"That's because you're out of your mind. From my point of view, this matter doesn't have any logic." The old Lich said, "I advise you, take off your glasses, so that I won't feel awkward."

Pandora was angry, her eyes widened, she looked at the old Lich and asked, "Do you think you know more than me?"

"Oh, isn't it? My age is ten or dozens of times your age, and I know much more about nature than you do." The old Lich said.

"Then why did you come to see me?"

"Uh, this..." The old Lich's expression suddenly froze, remembering the real purpose of looking for Pandora, his Adam's apple moved, his voice was a little dry, and his tone was a little weak, "Well, I'm here to ask you for help with calculations A few questions."

"Really?" Pandora said, with her arms wrapped around her chest, she stared straight at the old Lich.

The old Lich opened and closed his lips, but he didn't speak for a long time, and the atmosphere in the room became a little awkward.

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