Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 940: I’m Just a Skeleton

Rommel trimmed the hair on the back of Lida White Rabbit, looked at Li Cha again, and said seriously: "Okay, Wizard Li Cha, since you are so persistent, I will give you another chance. To be honest, "Book of the Void" "The confidentiality level of "Blood Alchemy" you redeemed last time is even higher. Not to mention you who are not core members, even most core members have no right to redeem it. But I can give it to you, and there is no need You overdraw points."

"What about the conditions?" Li Cha asked.

"Did you know that the "Book of the Void" kept in the branch is not complete, it is only a part, the lower part to be precise. The missing upper part, according to the clues obtained by the previous members of the organization, is in the Southern Freedom Federation On the border, in a city close to the Soma Union, it was collected by an ancient wizard family, but it is not known exactly where it is hidden.

Well, if you can go to that city and successfully get back the first half of "Book of the Void", I will lend you the second half of "Book of the Void" for you to study together. "


"At any time, you can go to the reference room to obtain relevant information about the mission."

"Okay, I'm ready to go."

"Yes." Rommel nodded, looked at Richard after a pause, and said, "Wizard Richard, I hope you will carefully consider your research path when you get back the "Book of the Void". It's scary, but it's scary if you can't see the mistakes and continue to move forward-the direction is wrong, the harder you work, the farther you will be from success. If you want to understand this, give up studying "Book of the Void", then I can I will give you other rewards for completing the mission, believe me, the rich rewards will exceed your imagination."

"Thank you, Director Rommel." Li Cha nodded his head lightly, got up and walked out without saying anything.

Rommel watched Li Cha leave without saying a word, staring at the gray-green door of the conference room non-stop, as if trying to see through it. The air around his body gradually solidified, and the conference table was squeezed, making a "creaking" sound. The big white rabbit in his arms shrank into a ball, trembling crazily, as if it had encountered a natural enemy.

A few seconds later, Rommel frowned, and dense wood cracks burst out on the surface of the conference table, and the white rabbit couldn't help screaming.

"Squeak - gurgle!"

Kanon kept looking at the white rabbit, and couldn't help reminding: "Director Rommel, you..."

Rommel suddenly lost his momentum, glanced at Canon, got up and walked out with the white rabbit in his arms, before going out, he replied: "I'm fine."

"I..." Kanon's remaining words were stuck in his mouth, and he said dryly in the empty conference room after a long while, "I'm not worried about you, supervisor, it's..."

"Oh." Finally, Canon sighed, shook his head and walked out the door.


Two days later.

In the Garden of Eden.

With a "squeak", Li Cha walked out of the No. 3 research room where the ancient tree species tinwood was "imprisoned".

In the open space not far away, Old Lich Ah Fu was sitting on his easy chair, while a huge skeleton two and a half meters high was kneeling on the ground, with its upper body lying on the lap of Old Lich.

The Lich old man bowed his waist, holding a white bone he dug out from nowhere in his hand, and was installing it right on the back of the skeleton.

After finally installing the three arms on the left side of the back, the old Lich wiped his sweat and was about to take a rest when he suddenly saw Li Cha coming out and hurriedly pushed the skeleton away.

Quickly catching up with Li Cha, he glanced at the No. 3 laboratory where Li Cha had just walked out, subconsciously lowered his voice and said, "Hey, kid, do you really have to travel far?"

"That's right, didn't I already told you earlier today, why are you asking again?" Richard said.

"Why do you ask me again!" The old Lich couldn't help but stare, pointing to the No. 3 research room, "You left, the tree inside really went crazy, what should I do?"

"Don't worry, it won't go crazy."

"What if, I mean, what if you go crazy?" the old Lich said suspiciously, "The tree in the room said that because it absorbed the energy of the void,

Once the space prop is fixed in place, it cannot be moved casually. I always think it is a conspiracy to prevent you from leaving with this space prop. You must be vigilant. "

"Don't worry." Richard said, "Mr. Ah Fu, according to my calculations, even if the other party really wants to make trouble, they won't be able to store enough energy to use it in a short period of time. Even the most daring guess , the other party will have to wait until seven days later—the eighth day to be able to attack. And I will set off tomorrow, and I will try my best to complete this task and come back within the next seven days, so as to prevent the other party from causing trouble."

The old Lich didn't feel relieved, and asked: "Then what if you don't come back within seven days? Am I in danger?"

"Have confidence in yourself, Mr. Ah Fu." Li Cha smiled lightly, "Even if you don't have confidence in yourself, you must have confidence in the magic puppet you made. Although the tree in the room is an ancient tree species, but Now, after all, I have been injured, and I can't recover my strength openly, so I really can't be stronger, you and your puppet can deal with it."

"But..." the old Lich still wanted to say.

But Li Cha didn't listen, as if he had something to do, he patted the old Lich on the shoulder, turned and left.

Looking at Li Cha's back, the old Lich couldn't help muttering: "You have to have confidence in myself and my magic puppet? I'm a lich who was resurrected with garbage corpses and seriously affected my strength. What kind of confidence can I have? Even if I have confidence, I was beaten away by the little girl at first and the angel later.

Besides, my spell puppet has only been modified once or twice. Although its strength has improved, it is still a weak skeleton in essence. Especially this time the modification has not been completed yet, he is considered a semi-cripple, it would be strange to be able to defeat the strange species of longevity, and it would be strange to have confidence! "

Muttering, the old Lich frowned and walked back to the easy chair, ready to continue installing the arm to the skeleton.

Although he didn't like the skeleton at all, but after all, the more strength, the more peace of mind.

But at the next moment, when he was looking for the bones to be installed, he found that the remaining bones on the ground had disappeared. Looking up suddenly, he saw six white bones shaking slowly behind the skeleton, as if greeting him warmly.

The old Lich was taken aback, looked around, looked at the skeleton and asked: "The little girl came just now, helped you fix the remaining arm?"

"No, no." After finishing speaking, the Lich old man himself denied the speculation, shook his head, grinned and said, "The damn little girl, when I went to find her just now, she was troubled by problems, how could she have time to come over?" .So you installed the arm yourself?"

At the end, the Lich old man looked at the skeleton, and couldn't help but widen his eyes: "First I drew the design for myself, and now I'm installing the arm for myself, you...what the hell are you?"

The skeleton looked at the old man Lich, and stared at the old man Lich for a long time. Because of the lack of muscles and skin, the bare skull could not show any expression. Only the faint blue flames in the eye sockets are burning steadily, and occasionally there will be a slight jump, like stagnant water, as if calmly saying: What can I be, I am just a skeleton. Isn't it normal for a skeleton to install an arm on itself?


The Lich old man swallowed his saliva with mixed emotions, and swore in his heart that the skeleton in front of him was definitely the weirdest skeleton he had ever seen in his life.


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