Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 942 Give up treatment

In the reception room, Li Cha left for a long time before Bobo Bo Weiqi realized it, and loudly argued in the direction of Li Cha's departure: "Hey, I'm not sick, but at most...injured. Yes, Injuried!"

Saying this, there was a sound of "boom", and Popobovich shook his body and almost sat down on the ground.

Bending down slightly, Popo Bovich turned his eyes upward with difficulty, and looked towards the top of his head. He saw that the grass-green hair had grown vertically to a height of more than five meters, and his hat directly touched the roof. He was still working hard. Drilling out of the roof.


Popo Bovich yelled.


There was a sound of footsteps, and a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl ran in, with big and bright eyes, and a few freckles on her face. Because he was running so fast, the one with the twin ponytails on the back of his head was bouncing around, and it was Popo Bovich's apprentice.

"What's the matter, teacher?" The female apprentice named Jessica ran in, glanced at Popobovich and asked with concern.

At this time, because the hair continued to grow, Bobobo Weiqi had already sat on the ground helplessly, with an expression of giving up treatment on his face, pointed to the top of his head, sighed and said to Jessica: "Help me cut my hair Alright."

"But..." Jessica was puzzled, "But teacher, can't you cut it off by yourself?"

"I've used spells to cut hundreds of times before, and I'm tired—I'm tired, and I don't want to cut it anymore." Bobobo Weiqi exhaled.

"Okay." Jessica responded, and quickly turned to leave. When she returned, she had an extra pair of metal scissors in her hand, and she held it and greeted Popo Bović's head.

"Crack, click, click!"

With a few snaps, Popo Bović's straight grass-green hair, like a tree that had been sawn off, swayed abruptly and hit the ground. However, because of its light weight, it hardly shakes up much dust.

Jessica put down the scissors, dragged her hair with both hands, and walked out. As she walked, she said to herself, "Although this hair is light, it is more heat-resistant. Some more may be enough for dinner."

"You said yes, teacher?" Turning her head, Jessica said to Popo Bovich.

"Maybe." Popo Bovich replied noncommittally, forcing out a bitter smile, which was uglier than crying.


next morning.

Early in the morning, Li Cha finished his orders, got into the carriage, and left the Blue Lake Manor.

Outside the manor, watching Li Cha and the carriage disappear on the horizon, butler Jia Lie lowered his waving arms.

Turning around and looking at the servants of the manor, he couldn't help but straighten his waist, and said: "You have also seen that the master is away again. This is not the first time, nor is it the last time. You should be used to it—— Anyway, I'm used to it—the master is busier than us."

After Jialie finished speaking, he waited for the laughter of the manor servants, but all the male and female servants looked at him with wide eyes, extremely quiet.

Why, isn't the joke I said funny, or did you not react? It shouldn't be... Jialie was a little uncomfortable, pulled his clothes with his hands hidden behind him, cleared his throat and pretended to be serious: "Okay, I won't talk nonsense, while the master is away, We are to work as we do when the master is around.

Be positive, don't be lazy, or you will be caught by me, the first warning, and the second deductions. The other thing is to prevent thieves and fires, thieves are secondary, there are no such blind thieves in Jialan City, if you come here to steal things, fires are the real big deal. Now that the weather is getting hotter, the chance of fire is getting higher and higher. If it is not dealt with in time, the loss will be heavy. I don't want to wait until the master returns and not even recognize the manor. do you know? "

"Know!" Many servants said in unison.

"Okay, let's go, let's start working." Jialie waved his hand.

Many servants dispersed immediately, and when they were far away, they started whispering, but they didn't know what to say.

Jia Lie looked at it, approached calmly, and was curious to hear what the other party had to say.

As a result, when the other party noticed it, he immediately stopped talking and looked at him.

"Housekeeper Gallet, do you have any orders?"

"No, no." Jia Lie waved his hand to hide a little embarrassment, and walked away quickly.

Walking back to his room, after thinking for a long time, he asked a little uncertainly, "They seem to be a little afraid of me. Is that so? Why?"


Garden of Eden.

Pandora walked out of her study, walked to the open space in front of the main laboratory, and threw a piece of paper full of data to the old Lich.

The old Lich was covering half of his face at this moment, frowning and looking ahead, as if he had a toothache. In front of him, the bloated skeleton of two and a half meters was only more than one meter left at this time - the upper body stood intact on the ground, but the lower body was dismantled into bones all over the floor.

The old Lich caught the paper dropped by Pandora, glanced at it, and asked with some doubts: "Hey, little girl, are you sure you have calculated all these values ​​correctly? If I make a mistake, my transformation will fail. .”

Pandora rolled her eyes: "If you don't believe me, you can do the math yourself."

After leaving such a sentence, Pandora walked towards the study without looking back.

The old Lich looked at Pandora's back and murmured softly, "If I can count, I'll come back to you? But, don't you just know how to count? Why don't you be so airy, can you be polite?

After all, in terms of age, I am also your elder. Besides, I'm also thinking about our safety together, otherwise I don't want to transform the magic puppet. "


Pandora with sharp ears seemed to have heard something. As she was walking, she suddenly turned her head and looked directly at the old Lich.

The old Lich stared blankly, lowered his head, coughed a few times, and quickly looked at the skeleton with only half of its body left.

Pandora then walked into the study.


Ash Academy.

In the attic, Bobobo Weiqi sat on the ground slumped, without turning his eyes, the bundles of hair on the top of his head were like weeds piercing the soil, constantly growing upwards.

After a long while, the hair grew to a height of more than one meter. Popo Bovich weakly lifted a metal scissors tens of centimeters long, and cut the hair with a "click click"—even though he used wind blades and other weapons Spell cutting would be easier, but he has cast the same spell hundreds of times, and he feels like vomiting when he casts it, so he has to use this method instead.

With a few clicks, the hair was cut and fell to the ground.

Popo Bovich grabbed it and threw it into the distance, and threw it to the corner, where he saw that there was already a huge pile.

After taking a look, Bobobo Weiqi touched the ends of the hair that was still growing, and said in despair: "Oh, when will this day be the end!"


on the road.

Li Cha had already left Jialan City in the carriage, heading northeast.

The next stop was a small town called "Muller", the next stop was "Maple City", and the next stop was "Damkel City".

In the end, walking along this road is the end of this journey and the place where the task is carried out, that is...

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