Magus Tech

Chapter 100: End of test

   looked at the mouse in his hand, Li Cha's eyes flashed, and then shook his head.

   No, not dead. The heart is still beating, but the vital signs are very weak, the mouth grows large, and a heavy gasping sound sounds. It looks like... some suffocation?

   reached out and put the mouse on the ground, Richard stepped to the side, picked up an oil lamp lit in the room, put it in the iron ring, and then took it out again.

   Sure enough, the oil lamp has gone out.

  This can determine why the living thing can't be put in the iron ring, or why it can't be put in the living thing for a long time, because the inside is in a vacuum state.

   Vacuum? No air?

  Thinking this way is reasonable.

   Air has volume.

   Usually put things in the warehouse, you can fill the warehouse, but do not feel the influence of the air, because the warehouse is not closed, as the things are put in, the air will be squeezed to the rest of the place, squeezed out of the warehouse.

   But inside the iron ring is different. This is an absolutely closed and absolutely isolated space that cannot communicate with the outside world. The volume occupied by air cannot be ignored. If the space in the iron ring is not evacuated, it is possible that only a small part of it can be put in, and then it will be forced out by the air.

  Although air can be compressed, as long as you have played with injections on modern earth, you should understand that the smaller the compressed air volume, the greater the rebound force. If the air is compressed to half, and then something is forcibly inserted, it is likely to be directly squeezed by the rebound force of the air, which is obviously not worth the loss.

   After all, the value of air is almost non-existent. If you can put things, you will naturally not let a mass of air occupy the space, and the iron ring will be evacuated.

   In this way, the question about the placement of living things is even clear.

   The space props in the current world are not incapable of being put into living creatures, but just give up this purpose for maximum utilization. If you have to put a living thing, you can also put the living thing on the oxygen bottle. Or, if you empty the space inside, completely abandon the storage function of the warehouse, and fill it with a certain amount of air, then you can let a living body survive for a short time.

   In fact, the space in the iron ring is relatively small. If it is larger, like the legend, it has tens of thousands of cubic meters and cubic kilometers, so there is no such problem. In a huge space, air can circulate, allowing storage and life to be accurate, and even more advanced transformations can be made.

  For example, try to create an energy source, and then move the soil, water, air, plants, bacteria and animals into the space to create a biological environment that can be circulated normally.

   This environment, made a little smaller, is an ecological ball. Slightly larger, it is a self-sufficient garden. A little bigger, it can be made into a village.

   Bigger, you can make a city, a plain, or even an entire continent. Continue to expand, then you can form a planet, a galaxy, or even a universe.

  Richard sometimes thinks about it. Is it possible that the modern earth that I have stayed in and the current world has been made like this?

   A world that is artificially made and exists in a box?

   This is not an unfounded conjecture. Richard read a space spell in the "Monroe Chapter" where the ancient wizard civilization was lost.

   The name of the spell is called "Paradise Lost", and the caster can use his powerful power to cut a space from the main world and open up a "half plane" similar to the small world. In the half plane, the caster can set everything for himself as God, can transform the terrain, environment, climate, place creatures and humans, and finally make a kingdom that he can carry with him.

  The kingdom has a variety of performances due to the different needs of the caster.

Adventurous spellcasters will turn it into a huge war fortress with tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of heavily armed soldiers, thousands of wizarding legions, numerous giant mechanical golems, tamed demonized giants Beasts, dangerous spell fighting machines, etc. Once in distress, the caster can instantly release a huge army to help him fight and crush the enemy.

The caster of    research will turn it into a huge academy in which outstanding talents from all over the world live and work for him. A caster who likes violence will turn it into a **** purgatory city, where he builds one after another colosseum, and will hold people from time to time. The woman-like spellcaster directly establishes a real "daughter country" in it, allowing beauties of various styles to live in it and satisfy their own private interests.

The spellcaster can return to his "paradise lost" for rest, enjoyment, and relaxation at any time while traveling around the world, which is why it is called "paradise lost"-in which fun is lost, because every moment is pleasure.

The ancient wizards of this kind of magic once caused collective madness. According to the records of "The Chapter of Monroe", there was an era when all powerful wizards were opening up their own "paradise lost", like a winter hamster. Everything is hoarding. But after the advent of the Holocaust, everything no longer exists, whether it is the main world, or the half plane in the Paradise Lost, all destroyed.

  When the new wizarding civilization developed from the ruins, the inheritance of space spells has been broken. So far, the current wizards in the world can no longer make space props, let alone open up half planes like Paradise Lost. With the passage of time, with the damage of space props passed down, space props have become extremely scarce. Even space props with only a dozen cubic centimeters and barely put into a short staff are extremely rare.

   Like the iron ring in Richard's hands, it is already considered to be expensive.

  Richard does not know what the identity of the mysterious wizard is, but he can have such a practical iron ring. But since he got it, then we must find a way to squeeze out all the value.

   Take a deep breath and Richard continues to test.


  After a long time, Richard completed all the tests in the already had a general understanding of the iron ring in his hand.

   Take out a new papyrus scroll, a quill pen, and a bottle of ink, and prepare to record. Glancing at the broken wooden table on the ground, Richard shrugged, took the papyrus and other objects, walked to the bed, and put it on the bed.

   On the ground, the rat who nearly died of suffocation recovered a little bit. Originally, he was lying on his stomach with his stomach open and gasping, but suddenly he turned over and stood up.

  Recalling the inexplicable series of tortures just now, the mouse's eyes swept around and he fled quickly.

   The next moment, but felt his eyes fell on it, and immediately stiffened.

Richard looked at the mouse, his eyes flickered, and his mouth murmured: "You know, you are lucky--before I died, I was given the information I wanted, or you would suffer a lot. "

   "Squeak..." The mouse narrowed his neck, watching Richard scream.

   "Let's go." Li Cha waved, "Don't let me see you again, otherwise I can't guarantee you will be so lucky next time."

   "Squeak..." The mouse quickly drilled into the hole made by the bed.

   "Get out of the door." Li Cha shouted.

  Mouse stopped, looked at Richard, the next moment he ran out of the door and quickly disappeared.

  Richard was not surprised by this-mice can hear human language, which is already a consensus of research. Not only mice, but in fact, pets such as cats and dogs can master hundreds of human vocabulary. The so-called animal IQ is equivalent to human four or five-year-old children. It is not just a simple talk, but there are really All embodied.

   Seeing the mouse leave, without the last interruption, Richard took a chair from the side and moved to the wooden bed, holding a quill pen on the papyrus scroll to start writing.

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