Magus Tech

Vol 2 Chapter 1185: I'm fine

   In the depths of the forest, tin wood is placed outside.

  Richard walked out of the cave and went to Ximu. As a result, he smelled a strong **** smell a few tens of meters away, and could not help frowning.

   accelerated his pace and walked to Ximu's heel, he saw a silver-haired wolf lying under Ximu's feet. There are dozens of piercing wounds all over the body of the white wolf. It seems that he has been shot by arrow rain, but there are no arrows or arrow shafts. In addition, there are jagged tears on the edges of the wounds, which is very peculiar.

   A few meters away, the tall gray wolf I had seen before, was looking at the white wolf worriedly at this time, looking at Ximu from time to time.

  Ximu said nothing, and the branches hung down from the canopy to form arms and pressed against the wound of the white wolf.

   On the palm, there was light green energy produced, which was poured into the body of the white wolf a little bit to let the wound heal, but it was slow. Sometimes, I don’t know what weird energy is doing. It is difficult to repair a few wounds. The inexplicable wounds will burst, and a lot of blood will flow out, so that Ximu will try to waste it.

   However, Ximu was not irritated by this, but kept his face calm and continued to treat the white wolf.

   Richard watched for a long time, frowning and asked to Ximu: "What's going on?"

   "It's nothing. It's just a demonized beast that I focused on. In the forest, I was injured by other demonized beasts. I'm healing it now." Ximu said, unable to hear any emotions.

Licha blinked, and was not distracted so easily. He looked at the wounded white wolf again, especially at the wound on the white wolf, and asked aloud: "General demonized beasts will not cause this. Wounds? It doesn’t look like it was caused by magic, it looks like a special insect mouthpart."

"It hurts a demonized insect, a demonized insect I hate very much." Tinwood vocalized, his tone was slightly higher, and there was a hint of hidden anger. "Huh, that's why these insects dare not come My core area, otherwise I will wipe it out."

"All wiped out?" Li Cha's eyes flashed, capturing key information, and looked up at Ximu seriously, asking, "There are a lot of demonized insects? In other words, you won't have any trouble recently, I see you There are fewer guardian creatures. Is this the reason? I just have some time now. If you can’t handle it, I can handle it for you.”

Ximu listened, glanced at it, and said: "Boy, put away your good intentions, but I am a great tree sage, the source of the forest, the immortal guardian--Yuktrahir Alheyden ·Tinmu!

   I confess that the forest I am in now is much larger than the one I stayed in before, and there are many troublesome demonized creatures and special life living. However, in my eyes, they are just some minor problems. It really annoys me, I can completely eliminate them without your help. "


   "Of course it is."

"But the words come back." Ximu eased his tone and continued, "I'm busy now. After all, maintaining your iron knots is very laborious, absorbing energy from the void, and transmitting it to the iron knots. In addition, I will also try to pursue a breakthrough in the level of life and evolve to a higher level. So, if you are really bored, you can help me..."

   "Wait a moment." Ximu said here and was suddenly interrupted by Richard.

   saw that Richard had sensed something. He reached out and pulled out a handkerchief from his arms. The three magic patterns on the handkerchief quickly turned on, and dimmed after more than ten seconds.

"Do you contact and cooperate? It seems to be the same as I thought." Li Cha looked at him, his eyes narrowed, and he said to himself, "In this way, go back to the place where you came before, discuss the matter, and you can explore the remains. . If it is successful, the exploration of the ruins is completed within three days. It is not too time-consuming to take the things in the ruins to study, it is more cost-effective than collecting spells."

  After speaking, Richard stepped towards the outside of the forest.

   walked out a few steps, remembered something, stopped and turned to look at Ximu, and said, "Hey, I almost forgot, just like you said, just ask me to help you, right?"

"Huh, boy, you heard it wrong, I didn't ask you to do anything for me." Ximu replied coldly, "I mean, my ability is enough to handle everything in this forest, so what should you do? Just do it, don’t continue to influence me here."

   "Are you sure?"


   "Okay." Richard shrugged and turned to leave.

However, after walking more than ten meters, Richard stopped again, turned his head to look at Ximu seriously, and confirmed to ask: "Really okay? You will not be the same as Mr. Afu in the mine. For the sake of face or other reasons, there is something wrong but not Say? This is not a good choice, whether it is to be a man, a tree or a long-lived species, it is better to be wise."

   "Huh! Boy, why are you so verbose!" Ximu was dissatisfied and hurriedly said, "Come on, go quickly, I'm really okay, don't think about it!"

   "Really? That's all right, but in case of any emergency, be sure to contact me." Richard finally asked, "The crystal ball for contact has been given to you, and the method has also told you. I hope you haven’t forgotten."

   "Don't forget, let's go." Xi Muxi said the last words like gold.

   Richard shrugged, no longer verbose, stepped on, and flew away outside the forest.

  Ximu watched Richard leave, and after more than ten seconds, he withdrew his gaze and concentrated on treating the white wolf from his feet. After a while of treatment, he looked up at the other direction in the depths of the forest and muttered to the white wolf: "According to the plan, the attack should start soon, no accident, after ten minutes, your injury will make the enemy thousands. Double repayment."

   "Yes, repay thousands of times..."


   The wounded white wolf seemed to understand and called out.

   touched the gray wolf on the side and also screamed.



   In the direction that Ximu looks at on an open field in the forest.

   There is a honeycomb as big as a house. Thousands of bees flying and hovering above the honeycomb make a "buzzing" sound because the formation is too dense and looks like a black cloud.

   If you look closely, you will find that this bee is not the same as the ordinary bee, and the tail pin is much larger. In addition, there are very few bees with scorpion-like barbs on the tail pins. There are also some bees, whose tail pins are hollow and serrated, like special tools for burrowing.

   The scene maintained this horrible scene for ten seconds. Suddenly "click", the surface of the huge honeycomb cracked and quickly spread.

   "Wow", the whole honeycomb is divided into two halves, a strange creature the size of a rhinoceros, drilled out of the honeycomb.

The strange creature drilled by    is a bit like a beetle, with a black shell, a flat head, a pair of huge compound eyes, and two tentacles at the top of the head. Of course, the most striking thing is the huge belly below, like a flexible warehouse.

   Once the strange creature appeared, many bees above were buzzing and huddled together, like fear and celebration. A large "black" cloud suddenly became darker... It was a bit scary.



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