Magus Tech

Vol 2 Chapter 1192: Dove Girl


  Richard listened to Jasmine's words and smiled: "Well, I'll explain. It's actually very simple. The distribution problem you mentioned is the same as two people want to share a cake.

  Everyone wants to divide a bigger piece, it is difficult to satisfy two people at the same time. But it can be solved this way: let one person be responsible for cutting the cake into two parts, and the other person can choose which one belongs to himself first.

   In this way, the first person will try to divide the two cakes equally, and not let the second person take advantage. The second person tries hard to choose the one he thinks is the biggest, and does not let the first person take advantage of it. In the end, both of them can be satisfied.

   applies to the question you said, then we can let one side be responsible for dividing the unknown value into two parts, and the other side chooses, naturally there will be no dissatisfaction. "

   "Uh, this is quite reasonable..." Jasmine said.

   "Of course." Richard said, "This can be proved by mathematics. Mathematically, the two people who cut the cake are regarded as A and B, of which..."

After dozens of seconds, after almost a long paragraph of speech, Li Cha ignored the gradually complicated Jasmine expression and continued: "In fact, it is easiest for the two to divide the cake as long as they do not intentionally complicate the problem. Yes, it's an increase in the number of people. It's a bit of a hassle for three people to divide the cake and four people for the cake, but it's not too complicated.

   For example, if three people divide the cake, if it is fair, it is better to introduce a fourth person as a referee. The three people who divided the cake were A, B and C. First put the cake on the table, the referee walked from left to right with the knife, and three people standing on the right side of the referee.

  The referee started to walk, and anyone of A, B and C called to stop, the referee swiped the knife at his position to cut the cake, and gave the left cake to the person who called to stop. Then the other two perform the ‘you choose’ option. The mathematical logic is..."

   "Four people are..."

"Five people……"

   "In fact, if there are more than three people, the formula can be used universally, specifically..."

  Richard continued to say that after half a day he finally noticed the long-haired woman Jasmine, her expression became very strange, and she stopped her mouth in time.


   Richard took a deep breath and looked at Jasmine: "The explanation is like this. In fact, I can say a little more detail, but I think you should understand."

   "Understood, um, understood." Jasmine said, his voice a little stiff, and then pursed his lips, "Then, I have only one last thing that needs to be determined."

   "The last thing? Please say." Richard said.

   "That's...for example, I mean for example. For example, there is an item in the ancient ruins that is very valuable and very attractive. You and we want to get it. For this reason, we will give up all other gains, how should we solve it?"

   "Well, it's very simple."

   "It's easy?"

"Of course it is very simple." Richard said, "For such a problem, I know there is a place where there is a very straightforward method, which is to roll the dice and use luck to decide. For example, if you roll the dice and roll out six points, I roll the dice and throw three points, then the things belong to you, otherwise they belong to me.

   Of course, considering that we all have extraordinary powers, even mastering prophecy spells, it may have some influence, and the dice roll may not be too convincing. That can also be done by auction.

   The specific performance is that we take turns to bid on items, as long as we can get the corresponding equivalent items to offset, it can be called as high as possible. In the end, one party always has insufficient financial resources to withdraw, and the other party can get the items. The party who withdrew also has compensation, that is, taking away the bidding money and the bargain. "

   paused, Richard continued: "If you are not satisfied with these two methods, then use the third method, such as...the fourth method...the fifth method..."

  Finally speaking, Li Chawang said to Jasmine: "In short, I have dozens and hundreds of ways to ensure fairness. I can make you never lose money, and accordingly, don't plan to let me lose money."

  Jasmine was obedient and looked at Li Cha for a long time without speaking.

   She must admit that the method Richard said was indeed fair, so she could not find any reason to refute the opportunity.

   Now that Richard has two seals in her hands, she must cooperate with Richard if she wants to explore the ruins. Whether she can get what she wants from the ruins depends on how the specific situation has developed.

   She is very resistant to this uncertainty, but can only accept it.

   "Okay." After a while, Jasmine said, nodded at Richard, "I promised you."

   "Very good. Then can you go?" Li Cha asked.

   "Yes." Jasmine said, taking the lead and heading forward.

   walked a few steps, thought of something, and slightly turned his head to ask Richard: "Say, did you hear me and my team members say anything when you hid and asked us to find it?"

  You mean, the thing your team member called you the princess, and the thing that you colluded to want to deny me... Licha's eyebrows moved, looking at Jasmine with a smile: "I didn't hear anything."

   "Really?" Jasmine didn't believe it. She looked directly at Li Cha's eyes as if she wanted to find a clue, but she was disappointed.

Richard opened his mouth and said to Jasmine: "I advise you not to continue any further. It is better to explore the ruins a little faster. Believe it or not, I have a prophetic intuition: if we move too slowly, we may not What additional troubles are encountered."

   "Extra trouble? Your intuition?" Jasmine frowned, saying bluntly, "Are you a man's intuition more sensitive than my woman's intuition?"

   "Believe it or not, it's all in you." Richard chatted.

   "Well, let's go." In the end, Jasmine chose to believe, no longer verbose, and took the lead to move forward quickly, and disappeared at the end of the horizon in a moment.


   Almost time.

   A figure walked into Ashwood Town.

   This is a young girl with strange clothes on her body, but it is difficult to conceal her peerless look.

   Cheeks are so white and clean, like a porcelain doll, her eyes are constantly turning like sapphires, looking at the unsurprising buildings on both sides of the gray wood town street with interest.

   is Bibi!

   is the ring of color, the Dead Sea, seriously injured by the bombing of truth by the nuclear bomb, and sent Bi to find the trace of Richard. After she left the Dead Sea, she first flew herself away and played with it for a few months. After that, she rarely found a little conscience, remembered the assigned task, and prepared to complete the task before continuing to play.


   There was a sound, a white dove fell from the sky, flapped its wings and fell on Bibi's outstretched palm, and then cried out.

Bibi seemed to understand, raised his hand, let the pigeons fly, and murmured: "According to the pigeons, the breath of that goal was once retained here briefly, maybe I can find some clues here. Then... Where can I find it?"

  Bibi's eyes continually glanced on the finally locked a place-the only tavern in Ashwood Town.

  As for the reason, she didn't think about "information in the tavern" at all, but she felt that it looked more lively, like the casino she had stayed in before, it should be more fun.

   Then take a look, this is to perform tasks, not to play.

   Yes, it's not playing.

  Bibi made a decision in his heart, without hesitation, he walked quickly.

   in the tavern.

The bartender behind the counter was looking sadly at a wine barrel next to him: the effect of his sales was getting worse and worse. In view of the bad beer brewed by the pub owner, he didn’t return customers at all. After everyone pitted it again, the bad results finally broke out today-almost a morning, a glass of beer was not sold.

How to do? Unless there is an innocent person inquiring about the news, he can take the opportunity to pit each other, otherwise this barrel of wine may not be kept intact until tomorrow.

  But then again, even if there is an injustice big enough stupid, the other party can not buy this whole barrel of wine.


   Thinking of this, the bartender sighed for a long time.

   At this moment, the tavern door “squeaked”, and Bibi probed into the brain.


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