Magus Tech

Vol 2 Chapter 1297: Water drops

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More than a month later, on September 1.

The beginning of autumn, the first day of Liangyue, is also the third day that Richard followed the army command room to move to Greystone.

In three days, Richard has already re-established his temporary research room in his new residence to continue his own research.


In the morning.

Graystone City, the former Sika Kingdom city, was like a wounded and conquered beast, prone on the ground.

It can be seen that the four walls of the Graystone City have been damaged to varying degrees, of which the east wall was the most damaged, and a large hole with a diameter of several meters was directly bombarded, and the surrounding walls of dozens of meters were covered with cracks and extended to At the gate. And the gates of this wall were missing, and the ground showed a large amount of burnt color, which was evaporated by the high ring fire spell cast by a powerful wizard in the battle to capture the city.

At this time, a lot of people were pointing around the city gate and the damaged part of the city wall. They were the workers who were preparing to repair the city wall.

These natures have nothing to do with Richard, who is now located in a huge mansion in the center of the city.

It is said that his former residence was once a royal member of the Sika Kingdom, so the decoration is extremely luxurious. When the city was broken, the royal family had no consciousness of martyrdom. Under the cover of several powerful men, they did not escape with anything, and left the mansion intact, cheaper than Richard.

Richard didn't have much joy in it. After all, he didn't lack money. He didn't like the excessively luxurious and tacky furniture in the mansion. The only thing that made him happy was that there was a huge garden in the mansion. Let him use it for external spell tests.

So he did not hesitate to summon two groups of soldiers temporarily, and let the soldiers shovel and compact the exotic flowers in the garden into an excellent outside spell test field.

At this point, he was standing in this new outside spell test field, preparing for a new spell test.

This spell is about the extraordinary factor of wind energy. It has an idea in Xia Ya, and after so long research, new results have been obtained. In this regard, the imperial taboo spells given by the Oscars are due. On the other hand, it is due to cracking the relatively simple Baltavan, and getting some inspiration and inspiration from the fragments of Baltar content records.

I hope that this test will be more successful... Then you can basically determine that some of your own bold ideas were really realized...

Richard pondered, took a deep breath, and slowly raised his hand to reach the air in front of him.

As soon as the thought moved, energy flowed out of the energy furnace in the body and was quickly released to the outside world for changes.


There was a faint sound of air fluctuations, and there was a light breeze blowing in front of the open ground. Nothing else happened.

However, Li Cha’s expression was solemn, and then he was surprised. He muttered: "Successful... It looks better than expected. It is out of the laboratory environment, and the effect can still be repeated in the outside world, and there is not much fluctuation. ,In this case……"

As he was saying, while a "popping popping" sounded, Richard looked around and saw that Bibi didn't know where to find a pair of slippers-like shoes and walked over.

Bibi saw Li Cha's hands raised, her eyes lit up, and she was very interested: "Hey, are you testing any spells, I can help you, I can really help you."

Bibi walked quickly while talking, because the speed was so fast that both slippers were lost in the middle of the walk.

When Richard saw it, he had a slight headache and regretted returning it to Bibi's body, allowing Bibi to regain freedom.

Originally, he felt that he had been idle, and he had time to guard against Bibi, so that the other party's body would be completely restored. Who knows, although the other party didn't do anything, he was too curious, wanted to participate in everything, and didn't remember it at all. In the Garden of Eden, Pandora, the Lich Old Man, and the Eight-Armed Skull have been taught several times, and they have done their own thing. And he didn't play enough in the Garden of Eden, and came out to find a presence in front of him.

"What do you do, what do you do?" Bibi hurried in a hurry, asking for a sense of presence.

Richard sighed softly, thinking about **** each other, while briefly explaining: "I made a barrier."

"Barrier? Where?"

"Just next to it, you can touch it."

"Really?" Bibi slightly reached out with a suspicion, and then raised her eyebrows, revealing an unexpected look, because she couldn't see anything, but she really encountered a resistance, like some glass wall. Block in front.

"Huh--" Bibi yelled out of her mouth and touched around, and touched a circle to make sure. There was really a one-meter square and a few centimeters thick barrier where Richard extended his hand. This effect is obviously created by wind spells, but some surprisingly, the barrier is too consistent with the surrounding environment, it is difficult to notice if there is no reminder.

Bibi had already imagined how miserable it would be if a barrier like this blocked her path and her unconscious head hit it.

"What the **** is this?" Bibi asked.

"Do you really want to know?" Li Cha asked with a glance at Bibi.

"Of course." Bibi replied without thinking, "Why not? My favorite is to know things that I don't know, to experience unexperienced experiences, to drink undrinked alcohol, and to eat uneaten food."

"But, you're sure I said it, can you understand it?" Richard responded. If Pandora asked he would answer directly, after all, Pandora was already quite basic. But Bibi is different. The current Bibi is similar to Pandora at the beginning. It is completely a little white without science education. I really said it and couldn't understand it.

Who knows that Bibi is confident, and said: "If you don't say, how do you know that I don't understand?"

"Okay." Richard said, pointing to the transparent barrier in front, "This is my latest research, the effect does not look very good, but because it is very basic, it is possible to develop a very amazing thing from this thing. Results.

First of all, this thing belongs to the field of extraordinary factors, that is, the lowest effect of the spell. According to my inference, he is suitable for all extraordinary factors, but in the state of wind energy extraordinary factors, it is the most prominent, so I use wind energy extraordinary factors as the main research object.

Its specific content is that through the specific combination of extraordinary factors, under the support of energy, it can produce a powerful force that allows a piece of air or the rest of the material to condense into one. This so-called cohesion is not a cohesion in the conventional sense. It is relatively stronger and can even be said to be almost indestructible-as long as energy is supported, it cannot be effectively destroyed.

This is a bit like the "water droplet" mentioned in a book-a special weapon made by placing close metal atomic nuclei under a strong interaction force field, which can destroy all the high-end military forces of a civilization just by impact- —Of course, the things I make now are far less scary, but they may be mature. "

At the end, Richard paused and looked at Bibi and asked, "How do you understand?"

Bibi's eyes were straight, biting one of his fingers and muttered in a low voice: "Extraordinary factor...wind energy...force...condensation...sturdy...water drops..."


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