Magus Tech

Vol 2 Chapter 406: Vampire transformation

"Da da da……"

   Richard stepped closer and closer to Vasily. Vassily's eyes flickered and suddenly he cried out, "Wait!"

   "Huh?" Richard stopped and looked at Vasily, "How?"

   "Uh, that... I... want to ask you a question."


   "Boy, what are you...?"

"What do you think?"

   "I and the little girl just now are monsters!"

   "Maybe." Richard said, without further discussion on this topic, he continued to move closer to Vasily.

   "Stop, stop!" Vasily cried again.

   "What?" Richard asked.

   "You tell me the truth, what is your identity? Why do you want to do it right? Do you know what the consequences of doing this? I tell you, you can never afford it!"

   "Actually, you are doing the right thing with me? I said, if you can, I definitely don't want to provoke you, but now in this situation, I have no choice but to kill you."

  Richard finished, and walked to Vasily.

  Vasily called for the third time.

  Richard suddenly smiled at this moment: "In other words, are you deliberately delaying time?"

   "Well, this..." Vasily's expression became strange, "You see it?"

   "Actually, I saw it from the beginning." Richard said, "Obviously, you were greatly affected by the mental shock just now, and it takes time to recover, so it is delaying time."

"then you……"

"You want to ask me why I noticed that you are delaying time and are still cooperating with you, right? The reason is simple, because I am also delaying time and I am also preparing something. And the reason why I say this is broken, then It’s because, I’m ready, so... are you ready?” Richard asked.

   "You!" Vasily's eyes widened, looking at Richard's gaze, and the whole body was useless. He looked at Richard in front of him and felt that this kid was not human at all.

   And Richard raised his hand without nonsense, and suddenly, Vasily saw the galaxy that fell into the world.

   Yes, galaxy-thousands of stars!

  Dense and dense, hundreds and thousands of countless Mars form a densely packed barrage, which is very violent.

   "Ah, no!" Vasily could only make a call, and the barrage came in front of them, and then exploded.


  The explosive fire column rose ten meters high, and the whole earth trembled. The violent shock wave swept everything in the courtyard ruins, making the already ruined environment even more terrible.

  Because the rain was still falling, he did not raise dust, allowing Richard to clearly see the situation of Vasily after the explosion.

  Vasily, not dead.

   Well, not dead.

   At this time, Vasily was in a weird posture, all the flesh and blood of the lower body disappeared, and Bai Sensen's bones were exposed. The exposed bones bifurcated like branches, and many other white bones grew. The roots of the white bones are bent upwards, densely wrapping Vasily's upper body, forming a weird armor, which is like a special insect cocoon.

  Variable tectonic system spells·Lower ring·Silver bone armor!

  Vasily used this to resist the barrage of Richard's spell.

   Richard's eyes narrowed, and he was a little wary of this kind of spell he had never seen before.

At this time, Vasily coughed a few times, and then a bitter voice came from the bone armor, cursing: "Cough, damn, cunning boy, you know if you know, you almost broke my big event. It doesn't matter, you didn't kill me in the end!

   Hum, since this is the case, then you can enjoy my anger! I tell you, in my current state, you can't break my defense at all, and I can easily crush you into powder! Understand! "

   Richard's eyes narrowed and his fingers rubbed lightly. Crystal particles like salt floated out from between the fingers, floating in the air inconspicuously, and drifted to the surface of Wassily's white bones, attached to it.

  Vasily continued to shout, and said cruelly: "Boy, you wait, you will regret it, you will absolutely regret it! You dare to do right with me, you..."

  Richard ignored Vassili's words, saw the spell salt was ready, and raised his hand, a spell barrage popped out.

  Vasily shouted: "Boy, are you a fool! I said, your attack can't hurt! To! I! Are you..."

   "Boom-Rumble Rumble!"

An unprecedented explosion occurred, and a fireball with a diameter of several meters emerged from the entire courtyard. The shock wave was substantially diffused, like a continuously expanding white halo. Wherever it went, all the bricks, stones and mud jumped up and then fell, the nearby courtyard The houses and courtyard walls collapsed one after another.

   For a long time, the aftermath of the explosion dissipated and Richard looked at the explosion center.

   saw that the bones of Vasily's whole body had been crushed to the fullest-maybe the bones were very hard, but under the dual effects of the spell salt and the shattered shell mode, they did not withstand it.

   But... Vasily is still not dead.

   Well, Vasily was not dead. The other side was still on the burnt concave ground, and there was still a head in the bone fragments of one place.

   At this moment, this head had huge eyes, his expression was both surprised and angry, his mouth closed, and he said to Li Cha: "Boy! You... damn, I remember you! I..."

   Suddenly Vasily's voice stopped abruptly.

   Because Richard went straight over, he grabbed Vassily's head. Richard is going to put this head in the iron ring of space and have time to study it. Who knows, at this moment, with a "bang", Vasily's entire head burst like a watermelon, and a large blood mist was born.

   Richard raised his eyebrows and was vigilant. He quickly used the "wind repulsion" and pushed the blood mist to the side.

   A weird scene occurred, and I saw that the blood mist pushed on the side burst out, and several blood-red vampire bats were born from inside.

this is……

   Richard was stunned and couldn't help but think of the legendary vampire-the legendary vampire can be transformed into a vampire bat to save life in a critical moment. Is this what Vasily did?

Having said that, Saumon was transformed into a werewolf after being defeated by consciousness, and now Vasily came to visit the It’s really not surprising-in this wizarding world, under the influence of spells, what Can happen.

   is just...

  Looking at the vampire bat, Li Cha frowned and had a bad hunch. As soon as he raised his hand, the spark star flew out, and flew towards the vampire bat, ready to destroy the vampire bat.


   "Boom" a few bangs, Mars exploded, the vampire bat soared quickly, avoiding the attack.

Vassily's out-of-tune voice came out of the vampire bat, saying what he had just been interrupted, and said angrily: "Boy, I... swear, I really remember you this time! And you, too It's really dead! You may be able to kill the fool of Somen, and after he is resurrected, you will not remember you, but I am different!

  You can't kill me, even if you crush my body completely, it won't kill me. And if it doesn’t kill me, I don’t need to be resurrected, I can keep a complete memory and I can keep you in my heart!

   When the time comes, I will take our companions and keep chasing you! No matter where you flee, you must find you, then kill you, and kill everyone who is related to you! Haha, are you scared, wait, this won't be long! "

  The words fell, and the vampire bat flew high again, and flew towards the horizon.

   Richard's eyes narrowed into a slit.


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