Magus Tech

Vol 2 Chapter 467: What about the key? !

In the arena, Richard was still waiting for someone to come out and announce the result. However, it was discovered that the Rob Kingdom missions as spectators were gone, and it was understood that although the result was not announced, the competition was over.

   waved the dust in the air, Richard stepped off the wooden platform that was only half left, and walked to the corridor leading to the lounge in the arena.

Princess Ruth in the hallway voluntarily greeted her at this time, apparently seeing the "accident" happening on the wooden platform, staring her eyes and asking curiously, "Hey, that... the explosion, what are you doing? Did it?"

   "How do I do it? Oh, you don't have to deal with this, it's my secret." Richard said, Spell Salt, a super-tech product, is naturally bad and can't be said.

To Princess Ruth, Richard continued: "In any case, Your Royal Highness, Princess Ruth, I did exactly what you did: winning, not killing, seriously injured, it looks unintentional, there was an accident, and the time is short. I I feel that what you gave me is considered complete."

   "Ah, okay."

   "Then next, can I get my remuneration?" Li Cha asked, "You said before, your father has a special library, it is better to start from where."

"Well, you are waiting for me here. I will ask my father for the library key now. When I get the key, I will come back and take you to that special library." Princess Ruth didn't bother. Expressed quickly, "In other words, although I have seen that library, but have not been in it once, I am also curious..."

   said, Princess Ruth went away.


When Princess Ruth walked for nearly two hours, Richard waited in the interior lounge of the arena, almost all doubting that when Princess Ruth was gone for not fulfilling her promise, she heard footsteps outside the door Come.

"Da da da……"

   The sound of footsteps approached, the door opened with a "squeaky" sound, and Princess Ruth walked in.

   The princess walked in with a smile on her face, full of enthusiasm, and the whole body gave a kind of pleasing feeling, as if it was not a princess at all, but a...maid.

Richard noticed that Princess Ruth had a large food container in her hand, and before he could ask him, Princess Ruth had opened the food container and brought out a plate of food from inside to the lounge table Let go.

  Steak, grilled chicken, cooked fruits, bread with honey...

   "Richard, you just took the stage to defeat that annoying Kelly. It took a lot of effort. You must be hungry, eat something first." Princess Ruth said with a smile.

Looking at Princess Ruth, Li Cha suddenly realized something, raised her eyebrows, and said, "I'm not hungry. Now I want to figure out more than I'm eating. You said yes, you want to get it from your father. What about the key?"

"Uh, that--" Princess Ruth prolonged slightly, suddenly remembering something, opened the last layer of the food container, took out a small porcelain bottle from the inside, shaken it, and issued a sweet "ding dong" that the liquid hit the bottle wall. sound.

"Richard, you should be thirsty if you are not hungry?" Princess Ruth continued to ask with a smile, introducing the liquid in the small porcelain bottle in her hand, "This is one of my favorite fruit wines, although not Very sweet, but delicious. Make sure you want the second sip after the first sip, and the second sip after the second sip..."

   "But I am not thirsty and do not want to drink fruit wine. I just want to ask, what about the key?"

"Ah, are you hungry or thirsty, then you must be tired?" Princess Ruth did not answer Richard's question, but asked again with a smile, and then asked herself, "Well, it must be tired. It takes a lot of effort to fight on the wooden platform, and the carriage is waiting outside. I will take you to take a rest in the palace. Where can a special pharmacist apply your body to your body to relax your muscles and body, Make sure you can eliminate all the fatigue quickly. By the way, the pharmacist is a pretty woman..."

   "The key?" Richard asked a third time, looking directly at the smiling princess Ruth, grasping the key to the matter, and leaving no room for the other party.

  Princess Ruth finally couldn't hold back, and her smiling expression stiffened, revealing a slightly embarrassed look: "That, that... Richard, listen to me..."

   "Well, you say."

   "That, you listen to me explain, things are not what you think..."

   "Well, you explain."

   "That..." Princess Ruth made a noise, and Richard looked seriously, and said, "Speak, explain, I really want to hear your reasons."

   "Uh--" Princess Ruth lowered her head and took a deep breath, "huh--"

Looking up, Princess Ruth confessed: "Well, I'm telling you the truth, that's... I didn't get the key. My father said that his private library is very confidential and can't be let in." That... don’t get angry first, I assure you that you can still enter any library except this one..."

   In the end, Princess Ruth's voice could not help becoming smaller, because she found that Richard looked at her expressionlessly.

   "What's wrong, isn't it?" Princess Ruth whispered, her face guilty.

  Richard looked at Princess Ruth and said very seriously: "Dear Princess Ruth of the Black Holy Mountain Kingdom!"

   Hearing Richard's name, Princess Ruth's body could not help but tremble slightly, and there was an urge to clamp her legs. It is clearly realized that Richard may be a little angry. After all, this was what Richard said this time last time, shutting her in the room of the Baishi High Tower College and doing that kind of thing.

   Say, won't you come again this time?

Princess Ruth thought about it, and listened to Richard: "Honorable Princess Ruth of the Black Holy Mountain Kingdom! Do you remember what I said before? At the beginning, you made a lot of comparison tests, I did not A veto will give you a way to complete it.

The reason why    is this is to make your promises and my rewards cashless. Now you tell me that the library that is most useful to me and contains the knowledge I want most does not allow me to go, so what is the point of asking for compensation? "

"I--" Princess Ruth chuckled, looking at Richard slightly, "I don't want to do that, but my father didn't agree, what can I do? He also trained me and said that I shouldn't Nonsense, promises, I..."

  Richard did not speak, just looked at Princess Ruth expressionlessly.

   Princess Ruth said helplessly: "Do you really have to go to that library?"

   "What do you think?" Richard asked back, "At the time I made the request, but for all the libraries, don't you think it belongs to all of them?"

Princess Ruth listened completely without temper, and the next moment seemed to make a decision, gritted her teeth and said, "Well, since you want to go to that library so much, then I must give you the key. Well, say To do it! You are waiting for me here, I will definitely bring you the key back, and steal it back!"

As the words fell, Princess Lu showed her generosity with the words "Although there are thousands of people going forward", "Guide the knife into a fast and live up to the young man's head", "Who has never died in life since ancient times, leave the heart of the heart to take care of the past," and went out the door. .

   is very determined, very tragic, very wronged and reluctant...

  Richard watched, watching Princess Ruth leave, her eyes blinked, and she said nothing.


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