Mai Kitsune Waifu

Chapter 163: Put on the mask

Chapter 163 Putting on a mask

Anything to listen to me?

Liu Yi couldn’t help but feel a little evil...

If you are in bed... let your sister listen to yourself, use some special positions...

Oh, God!

Liu Yi, Liu Yi, what are you thinking about!

Li Biyue is now your sister!

What do you think is a mess?

The fight should be played...

Thinking of this, Liu Yi couldn't help but reach out and open a little mask and slap on his face.

"Brother, what happened to you?"

Li Biyue saw Liu Yi beat himself and suddenly asked in surprise.

"Yes, there are mosquitoes..."

Liu Yi's face is slightly red.

"Mosquito? Impossible... this season..."

Li Biyue couldn't figure it out.

"Right... see your sister, do you still have a mask?"

She suddenly stared at the white mask.

"Well... you can show your sister..."

Liu Yi touched the mask and said, "But after I get out of the elevator, can I wear it again?"

"It can be..."

Li Biyue nodded. "Your self-protection mentality is good."

At the same time, Li Biyue still has some sweetness in his heart.

Only I can see the true face of Liu Yi? This is good.

Liu Yi nodded and then took off his mask.


When Liu Yi was removed, Li Biyue’s breathing almost stagnated.

She looked at Liu Yi so stunnedly, and looked at Liu Yi’s hair.

"Sister? What happened to you? Speak?"

" are going to put the mask back on..."

"Ah? Ok."

Is it too ugly to grow up? Let my sister get scared?

It shouldn't be... Liu Yi feels that although he is not handsome enough, he is not sorry for the audience...

It’s a good guy who’s a good eyebrow...

But how did my sister have such a big reaction...

" will see the hunter later, you will wear a mask, don't take it off, okay?"

In the voice of Li Biyue, I even brought a bit of pleading. "Listen to my sister, is it good?"

"it is good……"

This Liu Yi has no opinion.

"Sister, I am scared to you long? Is it too ugly?"

"Not... my brother is not handsome, but he can see."

After stopping Li Biyue, Liu Yi wanted to cry without tears.

My sister, can you be more subtle?

"Just... just..."

"What is it?"

"Nothing... Anyway, seeing hunters in the future, especially the hunters on the A level, can't let him see you, okay? No matter how other hunters say, coercion, you can't pick. Your face, Among the hunters, only the older sister can see, OK?"

"Well... sister, you are too overbearing."

"I am overbearing, how?"

"Overbearing is good..."

Liu Yi is very helpless.

And he did not understand, at this time Li Biyue's heart was shocked.

The prophet has long outlined the appearance of the legendary man.

But this is also a high-level secret, not everyone knows.

I have seen this legendary man's true appearance... only senior hunters above level A.

And my brother...the same as his long...

Li Biyue can't imagine himself... I can't easily recognize my brother, actually... will it be the legendary person?

But the access is also a lot bigger!

The strength of the younger brother is so weak... How could he be a legendary man?

A headache... it’s really a headache...

The most headache for Li Biyue is that she can't imagine it.

If the younger brother is really a legendary man, then it is his own to lead him into the hunting artificial society!

Her Li Biyue, in the prophecy, also occupied such an important position?

The future is unpredictable, and the two roads are in front of the younger brother.

Is guarding or destroying.

Right... I am his sister!

I have to guide him well and go to the right path!

Li Biyue, Li Biyue, this is your chance!

Saving the world is also an opportunity to save your brother...

Li Biyue’s eyes suddenly lit up.

"Get a mask, we are coming."

The elevator speed has slowed down a bit, Li Biyue also reminded.


Liu Yi nodded, and he was very obedient to buckle the mask.

He didn't understand why he believed Li Biyue so much. He only felt that he was with her side and really felt a sense of ease.

And Li Biyue can't harm herself. If she really wants to start with herself, she has already given herself to the second, and she doesn't have to take him to the hunting artificial meeting.

"Many people in hunting will be more weird... Well, although the supervisor here has some bad contacts, but my sister covers you, you don't have to worry about him."

How does Liu Yi hear more and more.

Is hunting a human being really a good place?

“There is a satellite receiver at the very top of this office building, and there is a sky-eye satellite in the sky, which belongs to the industry of our hunting artificial society.”

Before the elevator stopped, Li Biyue first introduced it. "So many times, some tasks are released by the hunter labor association itself. It is not only a cooperative relationship, but also an opportunity for the disciples to exercise. At the same time, it is also to dig some Talents that can be shaped, draw into our hunting artificial society."

It turned out to be... a win-win strategy.

Liu Yi couldn't help but nod and secretly admired the high level of the hunting artificial society.

"Okay, we are here."

The voice fell, the elevator door opened, and a spacious underground world appeared in the eyes of Liu Yi.

In front of it is a very broad space, Liu Yi feels like he is coming to a high-tech spaceship.

The first thing that caught your eye was a row of big screens.

Next to this row of big screens, there is a pretty girl who is constantly busy.

She is hot with a blond curly hair, wearing a black lace skirt with black stockings, very cute and seductive.

“There seems to be a situation in the A-2 area.”

"Z-8 has already been gone!"

"S-26 seems to need to arrange a task... Hey, the level is E, the small task of running the leg!"

The girl is also talking fast, her hand is knocking on the keyboard, a busy hair.

Next to it, some staff wearing black coats are busy.

These people do not seem to be hunters at work, but staff responsible for internal operations.

"My office network is broken! When are you coming over and repairing!"

"Logistics department, give me a cup of coffee!"

"A holiday, I have a holiday!"

Like a normal company inside, Liu Yi looked dazzled.

"Welcome to the Hunting Labor Association."

Li Biyue took Liu Yi and walked out of the elevator.

"Oh, it seems that Li Biyue’s sister is back."

The busy contact clerk sat in a swivel chair and turned around and looked at Li Biyue.

The keyboard she had held in her hand suddenly fell and slammed into the ground.

And the busy employees who work night shifts, the coffee cups in their hands have all fallen off and fell to the ground.

These people grew up one by one and looked at the two people who came out of the elevator.

"You are busy with you, I am looking for Liu Yufan."

Li Biyue waved his hand and his face returned to the cold.


Everyone nodded.

"Go to your own!"

Li Biyue suddenly burst into fierce eyes, scared everyone is a glimpse, and quickly replied to their work, one by one started the phone, quarrel, work overtime...

"Brother, let me go."

When Li Biyue and Liu Yi spoke, they became very gentle.

It’s just two people!


Liu Yi is also shocked and unable to add.

My sister is changing too fast...

Which side is what she really looks like...

On this point, Liu Yi couldn't help but wonder.

When Liu Yiyi walked away with Li Biyue, a group of people who pretended to have recovered from normal suddenly talked about it.

"God, the iceberg brought a man back!"

"I still pulled my hand!"

"Will it be..."

"Is it impossible? Is it not the legend that icebergs only like women?"

Listening to these people's arguments, the clerk beauty can't help but swear.

"All go to work, what do you say, one by one! Didn’t hear Li Biyue calling the boy brother!"

"Oh, cold, you don't know."

An old employee interjected, "Li Biyue’s younger brother... has long since died... this man is absolutely not right..."

"It’s over... This is why our Liu executives are not crazy?"

"It’s not good to say badly... watch the show and watch the movie..."

The cold foam picked up the keyboard from the ground and couldn't help but look at the direction of the corridor with some worry, so... is it really ok?

At this time, Liu Yizheng was looking at the man in front of this suit, and the two men had big eyes.

"Li Biyue, what is your relationship with this man?"

After the man in the suit and leather looked at Liu Yi’s eyes, he finally turned his head and looked at Li Biyue very uncomfortably.

"Liu Yufan, even if you are the supervisor here, but is it a bit wide?"

Li Biyue’s face was like an iceberg, and he returned coldly. “He is who I am, is it related to you?”

"Li Biyue!"

Liu Yufan seems to be a little angry. "Even if you want to recommend people, at least I have to know if his background is innocent! I will recommend people casually. I am absolutely, I will never let him join the club!"

"He is very innocent, he is my brother."

Li Biyue said with his arms.

"Noisy, your brother has already died!"

Then Liu Yufan’s voice just fell, and a black blade rested on his neck.

"If you are brave, you can say it again."

Li Biyue’s voice seemed to be the cold wind of September.

"You... Li Biyue, you are too arrogant!"

Liu Yufan was shocked to see the blade resting on his neck, almost unable to speak.

Although he is the director of this place, his strength is only B+.

And Li Biyue... is a genuine A-level hunter!

If she is not always a ghost, and hates management affairs, the head of the Beilong City Headquarters must be Li Biyue’s...

"My brother is here, I want to recommend him to the hunter organization. Liu, I think, can you start the formalities?"

Li Biyue asked one word at a time, but the meaning of the threat between the lines was very strong.


Like a friend of Fox Fair, I will register for the account in 17K and collect the works of Laoyang~ Top chapter of the old sheep, thank you for your support~

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