Make A Holographic Minecraft That Shocks Players All Over The World

Chapter 11 Dawn Dawns! (Third Watch, Please Comment)

Look at the little green monster that is inflating.

The water friends in the live broadcast room also echoed in unison.

"This little green looks a bit annoying, it's so big, it's going to explode, right?"

"Probably not, according to my guess, this thing should be angry."

"Sister Zhou, should I run away? Why does this thing look so unsafe!"

"This thing won't be really explosive!"

"Fuck, I'm here for Sister Zhou!"


In the barrage, many water friends have guessed the end of the story, but it's a pity!

It's too late!


Accompanied by a violent explosion!

The mast and scull were wiped out!

The wooden house that sister Zhou managed to build was directly blown over!

Half of the wall was directly blown into powder!

Not only that, the explosion of this thing is so powerful that it blasted a big hole in the ground!


With Sister Zhou's exclamation, her eyes fell into darkness!

And a few large characters floated out in front of my eyes.


The green thing just now is the creeper!

Not only took away the wooden house built by sister Zhou diligently.

He also sent sister Zhou to the sky together!

"No way..."

"That's how I died?"

Sister Zhou took off the VR helmet with a look of disbelief.


"My condolences to sister Zhou, I miss you for a second!"

Looking at Sister Zhou's speechless eyes, the barrage followed Sister Zhou's speechless expression.

It all happened so suddenly!

"Ah this..."

"Brothers, I seem to have thought of something, I'm sure, this game must be made by that man!"

"That's right, only that man can make this game, because I feel that no one knows Sister Zhou better than him!"

"I have to say, that man really understood sister Zhou's research, I admire it!"

"Sometimes, a person's prediction is really scary, he even predicts how sister Zhou will play the game!"

"Yes, I must have guessed it. Sister Zhou will definitely hide in the dark, and that's when I met that green guy!"

The water friends in the live broadcast room started to complain.

But now sister Zhou's heart is in chaos.


What the hell is it?


What kind of plane is Lu Yu doing!

Can you still have fun!

At this time, sister Zhou's mentality has changed a little.

I was really angry, but it was also because I really got into it.

And with this progress, in Sister Zhou's opinion, she has already played very well, and it is impossible to give up!


"I, Hu Hansan, are back!"

Sister Zhou put the VR helmet on her head angrily, with a displeased expression on her face!

In front of her eyes, there was a resurrection button, Miss Zhou clicked it without thinking!


In the next second, sister Zhou entered the game again!

It's just that she panicked just after entering the game!

Because, the familiar background music appeared again!

Looking at the dark surroundings, Sister Zhou was a little confused!

Why is it still dark?

This is a bit too unreasonable!

Because before, when Sister Zhou bounced and fell to her death, she thought that after her death, everything in the world would be reset.

Who knew, after she came to this world, there was no such thing as a restart!

"Depend on!"

"I'm equipped!"

An unhappy roar came from Sister Zhou's mouth. She gritted her teeth and looked at her inventory.

After dying once, I found that all the equipment I had created before had disappeared!

Whether it is the original stone dug out before or the three-piece set made of stone.

It's all gone now!

"Oh, my mind is so broken!"

"All my equipment is gone!"

“Buxiang Wan Spicy!”

At this moment, sister Zhou undoubtedly collapsed.

She couldn't accept that the equipment she had worked so hard for so long turned into nothing like this!

It's so painful in my heart that it deforms!

"Seeing sister Zhou crying, why am I still so happy? It's so strange!"

"Yeah, it's so strange. It's been a day, but it's gone. Hahahaha, why is it so funny!"

"Sister Zhou, forgive me, it's quite miserable, but I just want to laugh, forgive me!"

"As expected of you, sister Zhou!"


Seeing Sister Zhou's state, mocking voices soon came from the live broadcast room.

Sister Zhou was always in a bad mood.

After seeing the barrage, I couldn't control my emotions anymore!

Just as I was about to reply to the barrage, who knew that familiar voice would appear again!


Next second!

Behind Sister Zhou, another zombie appeared!

I don't know what happened, these monsters in the distance found sister Zhou again!

And this time there are two or three skeleton archers!

They all drew their bows and arrows tremblingly, and shot wildly at Sister Zhou!

"Oh! Get out!"

“Buxiang Wan Spicy!”

"Woo woo woo..."

After discovering Sister Zhou, these monsters rushed towards Sister Zhou one after another!

There is no way, sister Zhou is unarmed now, so she can only run and shout!

In this way, sister Zhou was tortured endlessly by these monsters throughout the night!

On the way, sister Zhou died several times!

Also, as long as it is resurrected, it is at that resurrection point, which seems to be fixed.

Not only that, as long as the resurrection is in the black sky!

Sister Zhou continued to contribute her own head, as long as she was discovered by monsters.

Just be chased to death!

"Sister Zhou, don't give it away!"

"Hahaha, sister Zhou, have you died eight times?"

"No, it's nine times!"

"I have to say, this game is really fun, it's so broken, sister Zhou can still play it!"

In the barrage, she was still teasing Sister Zhou.

However, at this time, Miss Zhou's demeanor also changed slightly!

"Your sister, like to fight?"

"I will fight with you!"

"I'll keep dying anyway, I don't care!"

It may be that too many people were killed, which gave Zhou a lot of courage, even though she didn't have a weapon in her hand.

But she actually started to flirt with these monsters!

Although Sister Zhou is still being killed constantly, but before being killed every time, Sister Zhou can give two punches!


Finally, sister Zhou punched one of the skeleton archers on the ground. It let out a muffled grunt and fell to the ground, bursting into a burst of white smoke!

"Let you bully me!"

With this punch, sister Zhou's anger was relieved a lot!

If it weren't for this stupid archer, sister Zhou wouldn't have been blocked in her hut for the first time!

And she firmly believes that as long as she doesn't give up, she will grind them to death!

And there will definitely be a lot of receipts!

Anyway, resurrection won't consume anything!

I have died more than ten times!

Finally, after sister Zhou fought all night.

Night fades away and dawn breaks on the horizon.

There is a glimmer of dawn!

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