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Chapter 60 The Fall Of God Of War Tie! Ravager! Evoker! Hell Drawing!


Sister hunchback is completely stupid now!

She opened her mouth wide, looking at the picture of her own death.

"What's the situation? No!"

"I'm still holding a shield?! Why did I kill him with three axes!"

Sister Tuozi is so shocked that she doesn't know what to do now!

"Fuck, what's wrong with this? It shouldn't be, sister Tuozi has a shield and an iron sheath, so she was hacked to death with just three axes?"

"Isn't it? Is the damage of the ax so high? Why is the person with the third ax gone? I saw the damage of the first ax just now, it's four and a half squares!"

"Outrageous, outrageous, what kind of monster is this!"


On the bullet screen, I was also shocked.

Logically speaking, this shield is so big and looks so safe, it should be able to withstand the attack of this axe!

And before, even crossbow arrows can be defended, but this melee combat is no good!

It's all right now, Sister Tuozi's equipment is scattered all over the place, she feels distressed when she sees it!

This is all her own painstaking effort! After playing for so long, even though there is nothing good in it.

But looking at it, I feel very uncomfortable in my heart!

"It's okay, it's okay! Hunchback!"

"I'm still working hard!"

"You just need to be resurrected!"

At this time, Yu Shuang was still struggling, and now she was shivering and hiding behind Brother Tie!

Now I am working hard to feed Brother Tie iron ingots!

Crazy to return blood to Brother Tie!

I hope Brother Tie can lead them to break through this hellish cage again!

With Yu Shuang's unremitting efforts, Brother Tie was resurrected with full blood in the next second!

Its eyes were shining, and it quickly went into battle at once!

Sister hunchback is also resurrected now.

Taking advantage of the fact that the guy with the ax now hates brother Tie, she licked her bag on the ground!

After everything was ready, Sister Tuozi and Yu Shuang also joined the battle!

However, now that "660" is holding a shield in both hands, it is not as reckless as before!

Both she and Yu Shuang were a little scared of the guy with the ax in his hand!

It's too beastly!

"Stay away from that guy, he's so fierce!"

"Yeah, just now I held up the shield, and I couldn't hold his three axes with the iron sheath on!"

Sister Tuozi said with some lingering fear.

This guy is so fierce!

Not only holding a shield, but also an iron sleeve!

But it was still hacked to death with three axes!

It's really scary!

However, the only thing to be thankful for is that this iron brother is just like the God of War!

It is indeed the leader in the village!

At this moment, Brother Tie is like a god descending from the earth!

Grabbed the guy with the ax in one go!


Throw him on the ground and start beating him up!

And this guy holding an ax looks very powerful, but in Brother Tie's hand is a toy!

After a few punches, he was directly asleep to death!

And the remaining gray perverts were all hammered to death by Brother Tie by the way!

Under the cover of Brother Tie, this second wave of attacks passed smoothly!

"Hey, Brother Tie Meng, the one with the ax is really disgusting!"

"I really don't want to meet him again!"

At this time, Sister Tuozi sat on the side, and said with a face full of complaints.

While the two were enjoying a moment of silence!

The progress bar above the head appears again!


"Why are there more!"

"Wait, why is the progress bar this time so fast!"

Before the two of them could complain, the progress bar above their heads was actually full!


"Why is there more, how many times will we be attacked in total..."

At this time, there has been a very subtle change in the mentality of the two of them.

This attack is truly endless!

Even the first time.

This is understandable, it is estimated that new monsters have been added to the map.

But now it's getting worse!

In the first attack, only three monsters came.

And later, during the second wave, a group came directly, and they even brought a man with an axe!

Now, this is the third attack, Sister Tuozi and Yu Shuang couldn't help swallowing their saliva!

What will happen this time?

"I feel that more outrageous monsters will appear!"

"Well, it must be stronger."

Sister Tuozi and Yu Shuang stuck tightly together, and stood beside Brother Tie with a timid expression on their faces.

To be able to persist until now is probably the courage that brother Tie gave the two of them.

If Brother Tie falls down in a while, I really don't know who will save them!

Just when the two were thinking about it, the third wave of attacks had already begun!

At this time, Sister Tuozi and Yu Shuang pricked up their ears, wanting to see where the source of the third wave of attack is!

If that's the case, the two of you should be prepared!

bang bang bang!

Only hear his voice! Not see his person!

Not only Sister Tuozi and Yu Shuang, but also the water friends in the live broadcast room did not see anyone!

next second!

Behold, a behemoth appeared!

Not far away, accompanied by a puff of smoke, it seemed that something was rushing towards the two of them!

Moreover, there is loud noise all around!

It can be clearly seen that the fence of the village and the clods on the ground are flying in the air!

What is this?

How come there is such a big show just for the appearance?

After walking in, Sister Tuozi could see the whole picture of this guy clearly!

It looks like an old cow, and a bit like a pig!

The whole body is pitch black, and there are two tentacles-like things growing on the huge head.

And his limbs are like four thick stone piers!

The back is inlaid with a sky blue brick grid, and the center of the back is a touch of orange.

The moment this thing appeared on the stage, the barrage immediately exploded!

Not because of how strong this guy looks, but because everyone is saying he is handsome!

"I'm Zhuo, handsome!"

"I'm Zhuo, handsome! Really handsome, what is this thing!"

"Can this thing be ridden?"

"No, can you worry about these two people, I Zhuo, can you beat this?"

"It's bad, sister Tuozi and Yu Shuang are going to GG!"

This thing is the plundering beast, the new species that Lu Yu added this time.

It's just that the players don't know the name yet!

Just from the volume, it can already give people a very strong sense of oppression!

This thing is stronger than Brother Tie, but it only looks like Brother Tie got hit on the head!

However, fortunately, the two still have the help of the invincible Brother Tie!

However, now that the battle is unfolding, some operations are required!

This time, there are many looters behind the looting beast!

However, I haven't seen Brother Axe yet!

That's the only good thing about it!

The only thing to watch out for now is the Ravager!

"Let's go, hunchback, let's pull away first, and kill the beasts behind!"

"Then come back and help Brother Tie!"

"it is good!"

The two women hit it off immediately, they deliberately avoided the looters, and they raised their shields and came directly to each other's back row!

Marauders armed with crossbow bolts!

The two women were directly in the back row, dealing with these looters.

And those who seem to be very intimidating can only be handed over to Brother Tie to be singled out first!

After all, the only one who can wrestle with the looting beast now is Brother Tie!

However, there are too many of these monsters, except for mobs other than looting beasts, the two of them can only feign attacks, pulling and hitting them from time to time, it is already exhausting their strength!

It's a pity, it's still the problem just now, there are too many monsters!

The two of them could only barely deal with a few monsters, and the rest followed the charge of the looting beasts, and they went to fuck Brother Tie!

Brother Tie can be said to be extremely uncomfortable now, not to mention the enemy!

After the second wave of battle just now, Yu Shuang and Sister Tuozi didn't even have time to replenish him with iron ingots!

Under the siege of the plundering beasts and these plunderers, Brother Tie gradually became overwhelmed!

All I could see was that his body was constantly flashing red, and he was flying up and down in the air!


Finally, after looting the beast, Brother Tie tilted his body and lay directly on the ground with a blow to the head!

Brother Tie is down!


"It's over, Brother Tie is down!"

"We're done for!"

At this time, the doctor and Shuang looked desperate!

Not only that, but the barrage also began to complain uncontrollably!


"Isn't it? Is there anyone else who can kill Brother Tie directly?"

"Damn it, it's a pity Brother Tie, no one will help him!"

"Yeah, alone and helpless, Aunt and Wanjia are watching from behind!"

"No, give brother Tie himself some damage, and let someone beat him to death!"

Looking at Brother Tie who fell down, and the looting beast who turned around with an angry face, both of them were numb!

Now that the invincible Tie brothers have fallen, they really don't know how to play themselves!

keep playing?

Definitely can't beat it!

These monsters are nothing short of brutes!

As long as they take a look at this looting beast, both of them want to make an appointment and get off the plane immediately!

However, this village cannot give up!

This place is not easy to find. In order to find this village, the two of them trekked through mountains and rivers and endured a lot of hard work!

Except for the things on their bodies, basically all the rest of their belongings are in it.

Although it is nothing, it is after all the painstaking efforts of the two of them, and they cannot give up!

Moreover, the map has not been changed now, if we say that after leaving this village, the two really don't know where to go!

This is a very important place, no matter how many times you die, you must keep it!

I can only bite the bullet and fight!

The two of them have now carried out the feint attack tactics to the end!

Hit twice and run! All you play is pull!

Hit it twice whenever you get the chance!

"Yu Shuang..."

"Pull! Watch out for the pull!"

"I'm really pulling, look!"

At this moment, the barrage also began to tease!

"I'm really pulling, you guys can watch the video!"

"What we're watching is the video!"


"Am I usually too gentle, or is it your rebellious period?"

"6! Can this get me brother 69?"

Just as the two were delaying for time, they clearly discovered a voice!

It's coming from the inside of the village!

I saw that in this village, I don't know when, another Brother Tie appeared!

Just like that, he appeared in front of the two of them rashly, and crossed the fence, his eyes were scarlet!

It just stares like a tiger

The looting beast waved its fists angrily!

Moreover, this is still a brother in full condition, as can be seen from the pattern on his body!

No cracks at all!

Full of blood!

Just as the two were holding their shields in a daze, Brother Tie had already joined the battle again!

"I'm Zhuo! Brother Tie is back!"

"Brother Tie, my Superman!"

The two girls look excited now!

Brother Tie didn't abandon them! He just went home to sleep and come back!

"I'm Zhuo, is it true or not? Brother Tie can still be resurrected?"

"Iron Golem【Reincarnation of Dirty Soil】!"

"Brother Tie is wearing resurrection armor, right? What a shame!"

"Brother Fullblood Tie is back, these two people are really lucky!"

In the barrage, there was another sigh!

And Brother Tie, who was resurrected in full condition, joined the battlefield again, as if a god had descended from the earth!

His eyes seemed to burst into thunder, and his fists waved like thunder!

bang bang!

Two punches directly smashed to death the looter walking in front!

And this plundering beast is now at the end of the day, already at the end of its battle!

When I fought Brother Tie just now, I was already beaten to the brim!

When I met Brother Tie again, he was no longer an opponent. His body was red when he was hit by Brother Tie's fists, and he kept jumping in the air!

Finally, the body swayed and lay on the ground!

The looting beast was finally killed!

"I'm Zhuo! Brother Tie is strong! This big rhinoceros monster is also killed!"

"I'm Zhuo, as expected of Brother Tie! Before, I saw a brother asking if he could ride that big rhinoceros. Now I want to ask if anyone wants to ride Tie?"

"Indeed, Brother Tie doesn't know if he can be tamed, it's too fierce!"

With the disappearance of the monster corpses on the ground...

The third wave of attacks is also over.

However, the situation on Sister Tuozi's side is not optimistic.


"Wait a minute, don't pick up my equipment..."

"This is your first time."

"A third time...probably."

Sister Tuozi looks uncomfortable playing now, as if she has directly put on a mask of pain!

Originally, I thought there would be Brother Tie and Yu Shuang in the village.

You will be relatively safe!

But now, Sister Tuozi even wants to enter the command to activate the death that will not drop!

When Sister Tuo Zi picked up the equipment on her body, a progress bar appeared above her head again.

She is used to it.

It seems that this attack is endless!

In the fourth wave of attacks, an old friend appeared!

It's the witch!

She still had that funny hat on her head.

It just throws the medicine bottle 0.6 at people!

But the overall strength of this wave is not enough!

Brother Tie killed all these guys by himself!

The battle ended without Sister Tuozi and Yu Shuang even doing it!

This wave of attacks was resolved quite smoothly.

However, after it was over, the two didn't intend to stand still, but chose to return to the hut in the village!

First of all, change all the equipment on your body!

No matter how much durability is left on the armor on his body, let's just replace it all!

Yu Shuang was even worse, this guy's breastplate had only a little durability left, and it was blown up!

The durability of other parts is also not high!

The iron sword has also been replaced with a new one. Since it is a war, it must be used to the fullest state.

At the same time, I also brought new food to fill up my blood volume and satiety!

The status is all back to full, ready to go out and fight again!

It's already dark now, and I was planning to go exploring in the morning, but now it's dark, and the attack is not over yet.


After the two opened the door, they were dumbfounded!


"Why don't you just die?"

The two women stared blankly at the front, their lips were trembling!

The barrage exploded directly!

"I'm Zhuo! This is a drawing of hell? What is this thing!"

"What world famous painting?"

"It's over, can Brother Tie stop it? You must die again?"

In the shocked eyes of Sister Tuozi and Yu Shuang, the audience saw an amazing scene!

They saw that the looting beast was rushing in the direction of the two of them!

Not only that!

It also has a figure riding on it!

Not only that, but there are people on the ground with crossbow arrows in their hands!

And Brother Axe!

This is not the end!

And flying in the sky!

That guy is like a ghost, floating over in the sky!.

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