Make A Holographic Minecraft That Shocks Players All Over The World

Chapter 87 Monster Spawning Tower And Iron Spawning Machine! Imprisoned All The Villagers In A Villa

And the title of the video has already written clearly.

Uncle Montenegro has also clearly said that what players lack the most is game experience.

And the problem is serious.

This is something that bothers many players.

Most of the players now have a hard time earning experience, because of the existence of enchanting, the experience that has been saved with great difficulty is basically used for enchanting.

Therefore, the experience level will naturally drop.

"It doesn't matter, the reason why this video is released is because you are about to usher in salvation!"

"I am Montenegro! I am here to save you!"

In the video, Uncle Heishan's voice is filled with righteous indignation!

"I boiled it? Is it true or false? Can I still gain experience? Is it because of a bug in the game?"

"It's interesting. Uncle Heishan should not be stuck with bugs, right? Could it be that the redstone research has figured it out?"


"I'm Zhuo, have you understood the redstone research? That thing is very complicated!"

After hearing what Uncle Heishan said in the video, the real-time barrage began to boil!

We all know what Uncle Montenegro does!

He is different from many up masters, they are always pursuing progress or something.

Uncle Heishan doesn't need it, he has been obsessed with studying redstone!

Basically, when the other up masters are going down the mine and brushing the boss, Uncle Heishan is studying the redstone!

This is no lack of an attitude towards what you like!

"Okay, baby, let's make a show with everyone!"

At this time, in the video, Uncle Heishan left his original position and revealed the situation behind him!

The water friends immediately discovered the strange device behind Uncle Heishan!

Strictly speaking, this should be a building!

This strange building is well placed!

The whole body is in the shape of a white pillar!

However, looking at it as a whole, it looks like the propeller of a helicopter!

A combed column extends upwards, and four eight-block blocks protrude from the top!

There is still water in it!

Not only that, but there is a fence blocking the bottom of the device!

At this time, Uncle Heishan was standing next to the device, at the bottom of the building.

next second!

Let the show begin!

After a while, I saw, I don't know where it came from, a zombie!

Just like that, it falls straight down the center of the unit!


When it fell, its body flashed red, and it fell badly!

But because of the fence, this guy can't get out!


Uncle Heishan exploded, and slashed at the zombie with his sword!

Just got hacked to death!

The zombie fell to the ground, exploding experience spheres!


"What is this thing? Was it hacked to death by a zombie?"

"No, brothers, do you have any misunderstanding about what Uncle Heishan said! Can anyone explain to me why this zombie is in this device?"

"Yes! What's going on here!"

"I'm Zhuo, isn't the efficiency too high? How did you do it?"

At this moment, the barrage exploded directly.

The water friends were all dumbfounded, and were taken aback for a while!

In the video, Uncle Heishan continued to explain.

"Brothers, look, will this be very efficient?"

"You only need to use your brain to realize the freedom to spawn monsters!"

"In this case, the experience and the materials on the monster will be taken together!"

What Uncle Montenegro said is very correct. In this case, it really saves time.

Now players obtain these materials, or the means of upgrading, are very primitive!

Basically just run out to mine and fight.

After Uncle Heishan's invention appeared, it was obvious that he directly broke this law!

Make everything more efficient!

This made many players even more excited!

Before the video finishes playing, the comment area in the video has been rushed to the point of explosion!

"I Zhuo, this is too efficient, right? I just don't know how to do it!"

"Brothers, in order to upgrade now, I have dug up all the quartz near the gate of hell! If you want to upgrade now, you have to run far away!"

"Yes, and it's a waste of time. I'm not bragging about it. I spent hours wandering outside in order to upgrade, so I've only upgraded a little more!"

"Yeah, in fact, zombies are not that easy to find, especially in the survival mode, the difficulty is similar, this invention is really good!"

"Uncle Montenegro can do it!"

Obviously, this invention of Uncle Montenegro is simply good news for players!

The monster spawning tower is simply the love tower in the dreams of countless players!

"Maybe many friends are thinking now, how to make this thing? Let me teach you, this video is just a teaching video!"

"If I can't teach you, I will do it again!"

"Let me briefly talk about the production steps and principles of this thing!"

Under the narration of Uncle Heishan, the bullet screen said that they started to take notes!

Good guy, I didn't take it so seriously when I was studying!

First of all, it is necessary to build a very high passage on the flat ground. This passage is very particular!

After a systematic calculation, Uncle Montenegro finally suggested that the grid height of the channel is 23 grids!

In this way, it can be ensured that when the monster falls down, it will not die instantly!

In this case, it can also give players a chance to make up the knife!

23 squares, very accurate!

If there are too many, the monster will fall to death directly!

If it is too high, it will not be directly killed by the player.

Although it will drop material items and the like, it will not drop experience!

In this case, if there is no experience, it will still have a great impact on efficiency.

"The next step is to create a large dark room on top of this device. Remember, there should be no lighting equipment inside!"

"This game, I have tested it through experiments. In fact, monsters are not only refreshed at night."

"As long as the brightness is adjusted to the lowest level to ensure absolute darkness, monsters will be refreshed!"

"Now I say this, do you understand?"

Uncle Montenegro explained passionately in the video.

And the next operation is actually the most important thing!

Pour water directly inside this large room!

Note, this is a tiny detail!

The direction of pouring water must be towards the middle channel!

Then, following the water flow, you can guide the monster into that pipe!

It may sound complicated, but it is very simple to do.

As long as it is guided into the passage, the monster will fall directly!

It fell directly to a very crippled blood volume!

"Do you understand now? After the monster falls, there will be blood left. We just need to wait here."

"Look like now!"

At this time, a zombie fell out of Uncle Montenegro's device.

Uncle Montenegro went up with a single knife, and the materials and experience exploded all over the place.

"Then, if the needs of the brothers are different, you can also operate it. If you don't lack experience and only need materials, then create 24 blocks when creating it.

"This is what I have tested, and it happens to kill monsters."

"This is relatively simple, and the materials can be collected by hanging up the phone."

"But the fly in the ointment is that there is no experience."

Uncle Montenegro said a lot.

Creeper is mentioned in the middle.

In fact, this thing is very difficult to do.

Because there is a chance to spawn monsters.

Besides, creepers are not afraid of the sun, and they will be refreshed at ordinary times.

However, it is generally a one-shot death, which is not a big problem.

But at the same time, it also exposed a problem, that is, if creepers were really refreshed in the big room above.

However, for various reasons, the player did not hack to death with a single knife, and the opponent exploded.

Although the probability is very small, it does not mean that it is impossible.

At that time, the monster spawning tower will be at risk of being destroyed!

Do not ask!

Asking is speaking from experience!

"Actually, you don't have to worry about creepers or anything, there are ways to restrain this thing.

"Didn't the government issue an order now, that is, the explosion of creepers will only cause damage to people, and will not destroy the terrain."

"And this is only the initial version, and it will continue to improve in the future!"

"Strive to overcome all threats brought by creepers as soon as possible!"

In this way.

The barrage can no longer sit still!

"Isn't it? Can a fucking game still be played like this?"

"Brothers, my mother asked me why I watched the video on my knees!"

"Uncle Heishan's idea is very good and can be adopted, but I just want to ask, is this a bug? It's kind of like a bug!"

"Yes, could it be a bug? In this case, if it is discovered by the official, will it be directly modified?"

At this time, there are also many players who are worried on the real-time barrage!

However, Uncle Montenegro seems to have expected everything!

In the video, this question of the players was answered directly!

"Cough cough."

"Actually, I guessed it all. There may be many brothers. Now there is a problem, right?"

"Maybe you will say, isn't this a card bug?"

"No no no, this is not a card bug!"

"Low brightness to spawn monsters is a game feature, and water will wash away monsters is also a feature!

"All I use here are features, so I can't say bugs!"

"This is how the game is played!"

What a godlike characteristic!

God damn play!

At this moment, the bullet screen was shocked!

"I'm Zhuo! What Uncle Heishan said makes sense, indeed, this is a feature, this doesn't seem to be a bug!"

"That's right, if it's really a bug, the authorities may have discovered it early in the morning, and Uncle Heishan will not research it and post a video!"

""Yes, this game is very rigorous now, and I haven't seen a single bug until now!"

"No bugs, all features!"

"But brothers, if you are purely for materials, and you are too lazy to pick them up, I suggest you do so!"

At this time, Uncle Heishan came directly to his device.

Found a funnel below!

You see, this is a funnel, which I use for teaching. The bottom is directly connected to the box. In this way, the things that explode will go directly into the box.

"Directly realize fully automatic!"

Uncle Montenegro said happily.

Here, the video is coming to an end!

The comment area fell directly


"I Zhuo, Uncle Montenegro's head is the best work of God! Can you think of this?"

"I would like to call it the strongest inventor and the strongest brain in the game!"

"Uncle Heishan is really good, can you research all of this?"



At this time, Lu Yu had a lot of cigarettes in his mouth, watching Uncle Heishan's video, he was quite satisfied.

He nodded.

This person seems to be the type with a lot of ideas.

In such a short period of time, the monster spawning tower was directly made!

Although it is only a basic monster spawning tower, it also provides players with a thought.

The future is sure to be limitless!

Basically, players who have played Redstone will go straight to a road of no return like Uncle Montenegro!

Be an inventor!

But at this time, the video is still playing!

It's come to an end.

At this time, Uncle Montenegro is still studying.

"Brothers, I know you may still need items that you don't use, right?"

"For example, iron ingots!"

"I'm still wondering if there is any way to help some people with iron deficiency.

"But it's a pity, there are very few monsters that drop iron."

At this time, Uncle Heishan's expression was a little hesitant, obviously stumped by this question.

(Good) However, Uncle Heishan's words made a lot of real-time barrage stressful!

They jumped out one after another, criticizing Uncle Heishan for his actions!


"A monster that dropped iron?"

"What the hell... the monster that dropped iron, isn't it Brother Tie? Brother Tie is our protector! Our brother!"

"Uncle Heishan, what are you going to do to Brother Tie!"

"That being said, if Iron Freedom can be realized..."

"Indeed, after you can't beat Iron Freedom, just build a dozen or so iron puppets to help watch over it."

"The one upstairs seems to be more born."

However, Uncle Montenegro can't see the barrage of water friends now.

Because Uncle Montenegro's video is not a live broadcast!

"However, brothers, and it's a pity, I haven't figured out how to drop iron, I don't know the refreshing mechanism of Brother Iron yet.

"He doesn't seem to be able to eat the damage from the dropped one. I've tried it a few times, and it's always like this."

"However, brothers, don't panic. When the time comes, I will study and study, and I will definitely find a solution!"

Having said that, the video is over.

But the real-time barrage can't let Uncle Montenegro go!

Now everyone is talking about how Uncle Heishan dealt with Brother Tie!

"You are not allowed to do anything to Brother Tie! Unless you teach me how to farm Tie!"

"Brother Tie will be guarded by me!"

"By the way, Brother Tie's refreshes are all in the village, so is it related to the villagers?"

"If you have villagers, can you refresh Brother Tie?"

"Hahaha, do you want to imprison a few villagers?"

"Why don't we just lock up a whole village."

.....You guys are really newborns..."

ps: By the way, everyone, let me tell you about Twilight Forest, I canceled the restriction on the order of bosses, so it doesn't make it feel a little strange. .

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