Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 473 Cruel elimination rules

"Is this the 50 middle school students who have expanded their enrollment?,

"I don't know how strong it is?"

"Definitely it can't be compared with those junior high school students in No. 1 court!"

"That's true, if it's all like that, we really won't have the face to stay here!"

The U-17 players began to talk.


They are also looking at these new middle school students.

Compared with the eyes of these people.

These middle school students suddenly became nervous.

This can be said to be the holy land of tennis in Japan!

This is U-17 training camp!

Just at this time.

"Everyone please be quiet!"

Kurobe Yukio appeared in front of everyone with a cup of black tea.

The elegant voice is from him.

"This time, during the World Cup Qualification Round Robin, we selected 50 middle school students."

"Of course this will make the high school students in U-17 unconvinced."

"However. As for the strength of these middle school students, I don't think I need to say more!"

Yukio Kurobe looked at everyone and spoke gracefully.

The high school students who were still talking about it gradually shut up.

Obviously, I was afraid of being beaten by middle school students like Senyu Shinji.

What kind of good strength is simply not something that high school students like them can fight against.


"The head coach asked me to tell everyone a piece of news."

"The number of the Second Army of 577 now seems to be a bit high."

Just now.

A helicopter with the Senyu Consortium logo affixed to its fuselage appeared in the sight of everyone.

Then a large number of tennis balls were thrown out by him.

"The head coach said that now 250 tennis balls are thrown down."

"Those who didn't grab the tennis ball will disappear into U-17!"

A graceful smile appeared on Yukio Kurobe's face.

But in the eyes of everyone.

On the contrary, it seems extraordinarily evil.


"What the head coach said!"

"This is real!"

"Hurry up and pick up the ball!"

High school students now understand the importance of this.

Shoot directly out to pick up the ball.


next moment.

These high school students couldn't help but twitched their mouths.

Because at this time those middle school students actually started to act.

Many people even picked up a bunch of tennis balls.

This made the high school students more and more dumbfounded.

Are all junior high school students so brutal now?

"You kids!"

"ーOne ball!"

Some high school students opened their mouths and shouted directly.

"You are all old.

(cgab) "This world should be born in our middle school!

"Hurry up and roll up the bedding!"

Atobe Keigo laughed wildly.

Don't put these high school students in the eyes at all.

After hearing the words of Atobe Keigo.

The high school students suddenly became angry.

Before thinking about it.

They were abused time and time again by the people in front of Tamamo.

Now there is another group of middle school students.

Not as strong as before Tamamo.

It's so rampant.

Can't bear it!

After a period of time following the start of this battle.

The relevant staff has already counted everyone.

It was already in the office at this time.

Reported to Senyu Shinji.

"Coach Senyu.

"According to statistics, nearly half of 296 people, including middle school students, have not grabbed tennis."

"The most important thing is that those who didn't grab a tennis ball are all high school students!

Senyu Shinji said calmly.

"Let those who didn't grab the tennis just disappear!"

The staff looked at Senyu Shinji with a look of disbelief.

But Senyu Shinji was looking outside the house.

There is no further story at all.


The staff turned around and left here.

ーAfter a small meeting.

Kurobe Yukio walked in.

"Coach Senyu, are we really going to do a large-scale reshuffle of U-17?"

He couldn't help but worry.

"Some people have stayed long enough!"

"It's a waste of resources!

Senyu Shinji replied softly.

This is the main reason why he wants to reshuffle the cards on a large scale.

High school students who can't even compete with junior high school students.

There is really no need to stay in U-17 anymore.

Compared with the kindness of the three Mifūne Nyudō three.

Senyu Shinji can be said to be iron and blood.

But this is what U-17 needs!

This time grabbing tennis is just the beginning.


Sometimes there are those who have strength but no luck.

Senyu Shinji will also arrange them to train at Heart Cliff.

Then let them come back to challenge.

It can be said.

Senyu Shinji gave them two chances!

If you can't even grasp this opportunity.

There is really no need to stay in U-17 anymore.

After hearing Senyu Shinji's words.

Kurobe Yukio couldn't help showing a worried look.

He knew that some people were really not fit to stay in U-17 anymore.


After all, the U-17 in Japan is a major source of talent for the entire country.

It's not that it's blindly cultivating masters.

Improving the overall level of tennis is also the meaning of their existence.

"The 50 middle school students did not expand their enrollment for no reason!"

Senyu Shinji seemed to see through the worries of Kurobe Yukio.

"So, isn't it enough to just kick out 50 of them this time?"

After hearing this, Kurobe Yukio breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that Senyu unloaded Shinji and directly swept away a hundred or so people.

He doesn't just want the elite in U-17.

Violating the starting point is not what he wants to see.

Just when the two Senyu Shinji were talking.

At this time, there are already some conflicts on the court.

In the final analysis, it's because a middle school student gets two lots of tennis balls.

On the other hand, middle school students think that high school students can't even grab the ball, and they don't deserve to stay in U-17.

That's it.

The two sides started a game directly.

The sound of tennis balls hitting the court sounded.

It's almost a one-sided trend.

Middle school students are almost crushing the opposite high school students.

at this time.

"Are you really embarrassed for staying in U-17 before?"

The voice of Leng Hum suddenly came.

I saw a few people appearing from the entrance of the court.

Everyone unintentionally exudes a strong aura.

The people who came were just the people of Oni Jujiro.

U-17 high school students see this.

Suddenly became more ashamed.

I didn't expect that this game would have shocked the strong above.

"If you didn't grab the tennis ball, just disappear to me!"


Oni Jujiro said coldly.

It doesn't leave the slightest affection to high school students.

These high school students immediately stammered and dispersed.

Disappeared directly above the court.

Ping Shanzhi looked at the people who left.

Can not help but shouted.


"Stop playing?"

It was his turn to play.

As a result, people are now scattered.

This really made him anxiously angry. .

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