Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 514 That's it!

"I said it before!"

"I will definitely defeat you!"

"If you can't do it once, then do it again!"

Tokugawa Kazuya looked up at Byōdōin Hōō with a firm expression on his face.

Then a black hole full of black mist emerged directly beside him.

A barrier was completely formed on the court side.

The flying tennis ball hit it directly.

In an instant, all the power above was wiped out by it.

It can be said.

At this moment, the power of the black hole cuts the space in front of the surface in an instant.

The punch-strike power on the tennis ball is not a threat at all.


"The meaningless resistance just makes you lose even more-and miserable!"

Byōdōin Hōō let out a cold snort.

Then the whole person rushed out.

The racquet in his hand waved quickly.

The tennis ball rushed into the sky in an instant.

Directly broke through Yunxiao.

Then it descended sharply downwards.

Layers of fire came out directly.

next moment.

Like a phoenix with a bright red flame, flapping its wings and flying towards Tokugawa Kazuya.

Egyptian Phoenix!

With this blow the tennis ball fell.

Suddenly, the air above the court was tumbling and rolling.

The sense of being straight is in everyone's body.


at this time.

Tokugawa Kazuya's black hole suddenly appeared above his head.

Almost the entire court is densely covered.


It was accompanied by a blast of racquet and tennis balls.

The terrifying power of the Egyptian phoenix was directly annihilated.

And then.

The tennis ball is shot directly towards Byōdōin Hōō.

"It's really amazing!"

"Tokugawa, who was still inferior just now, reversed the situation immediately!"

"I don't know who will end with victory in the end?

There was a lot of discussion around the court.

Just now, Tokugawa Kazuya was unable to fight back under Byōdōin Hōō's hands!

But now the situation between the two sides has gradually become stalemate.

The fact that this trend is true made everyone compliment Tokugawa Kazuya.

As everyone discusses.

Above the court.

Tennis is also constantly shuttled between the two.

No one gave in the slightest.

"Tokugawa, you haven't seen the vastness of this world yet!"

The opposite Byōdōin Hōō suddenly said this.

There was also a sneer on his face.

next moment.

Suddenly a wave of considerable air rose up over him.

Rushed directly to the surroundings.



The voice is getting louder and louder.

It's as real as being on the scene.

It seems that the waves are constantly hitting the rocks on the shore at this time.

As if a storm is coming.

That feeling of peace and danger rose directly from the bottom of everyone's hearts.

next moment.

Byōdōin Hōō's body is no longer those angry waves.

It was replaced by a black mist full of mystery!

Then behind him appeared a skeleton captain holding a Western sword.


Byōdōin Hōō directly displayed Asura Shinto.

Pirates of the world!

The medical black mist needs to be wrapped around him.

The tragic laughter of Captain Skeleton seemed to appear in everyone's ears.

Relative to these sounds.

Everyone was even more amazed at Byōdōin Hōō's rapid strength and diligence.

Thinking back to the beginning.

His world of pirates is not as real as it is now.

Even the prestige is a little bit worse.

Everyone can still find out in the first time.

Although many of them did not step into this realm.

Almost everyone couldn't help but catch their breath.

Above the court.

Tokugawa Kazuya seemed to be directly on a pirate ship sailing in the sea.

The feeling of constant turbulence appeared in my heart instantly.

And Captain Skeleton rushed towards him with a miserable laugh.

The western sword in his hand kept piercing his body.


Tokugawa Kazuya, who knows Byōdōin Hōō's ability and skills, certainly understands what this is like.


His black hole directly enveloped him.

Then he broke free from this illusion.

at this time.

I just saw the radiant rays of the thousands.

As if every one is a real tennis ball.

To this.

Tokugawa Kazuya gritted his teeth.

Thousands of black holes appeared directly on the court.

He couldn't see which tennis ball was real.


This is the only way he can think of.

Compared to Tokugawa Kazuya's persistence.

Opposite the Byodoin Temple is extremely calm against Phoenix.

It's just that a sneer appeared on his face at this time.

Tokugawa Kazuya knows his skills.

He is even the opponent has any skills.

Even the defects of the black hole shown by Tokugawa Kazuya at this time are quite clear.

...Seeking flowers 0-

He doesn't believe that Tokugawa Kazuya, who is in this state, can stick to it forever.

As the pirates of the world were forcibly taken over by Tokugawa Kazuya.

Byōdōin Hōō once again repeatedly bombarded world-class skills.

What he wants is to let Tokugawa Kazuya use black holes to defend him with high frequency again and again.

Any strong defense has certain limits.

And this is the flaw of Tokugawa Kazuya's black hole!

next moment.

After the Spanish bullfight flew out.

Tokugawa Kazuya gritted his teeth again and unfolded the black hole.

But then.

He screamed directly.

Then the blood came out directly from his mouth.

Tokugawa Kazuya knelt down directly.

Now he really has reached the limit!

The people around the court saw this afterwards.

Suddenly exclaimed.


"Hurry up and notify the infirmary!"

"It must be very serious to vomit blood like this!

Everyone was a little flustered.

Compared to their panic.

On the side, Oni Jujiro and Irie Kanata looked worried.

As someone went to notify the infirmary.

Above the court.

Tokugawa Kazuya got up again with difficulty.

But the next moment.

The blood coughed up directly from his mouth.

Cold sweat kept flowing from above his forehead.

Then dripped on the ground together with the blood.

The bright red is particularly dazzling.

Even so.

Even with a painful look on his face.

Tokugawa Kazuya stood up again.

The hoarse voice reached everyone's ears again.

"The game is not over yet!"


Tokugawa Kazuya serves directly.


He in this state.

He couldn't give full play to his full strength at all.

"Ask yourself!"

Byōdōin Hōō gave a cold snort.

Then directly show the world pirates again.

The Skeleton Captain with a miserable laugh directly rushed towards Tokugawa Kazuya who was holding a Western sword in his hand.

The powerful Qi almost directly locked Tokugawa Kazuya.

The racquet in his hand cannot be lifted in this state.

This blow.

It was a fatal blow!

Just at this time.

"This game is over here!

Senyu Shinji's gentle voice passed directly to the court. one.

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