Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 520 u17 World Tournament opens


This time. ,

Even the U-17 World Cup preliminaries.

The British national team still chose to let the reserve players play.

It is clear.

They don't want to waste energy and time on this kind of competition.

It is even possible for other opponents to learn their relevant information because of this match.


This is also the risk of losing.

But they don't care about it at all!

The people of the Great Britain national team looked back.

The people from other countries' teams also stopped watching Senyu Shinji's side.


Senyu Shinji and his group also started to discuss.

"Is that the Argentina U-17 team?"

"I remember they finished sixth in the U-17 World Cup last time!"

"That's the U-17 team from the Free Nations! Last time it was the top five!"

"It's all a group of strong "Six Zero Zero"!'

Go out to hand Kunimitsu other than three people.

The other middle school students began to look around like a tubaozi entering the city.

It is true that I was shocked by the players of these national teams in front of me.

It can be said.

Now many strong people in the basic world have gathered here.

Everyone was extremely excited.

There are even some people who want to get in touch with these players now.


After all, it was the first time to come to another country.

Everyone is relatively stable.

Did not do anything out of the ordinary.

Compared with the excited middle school students.

The high school students are relatively silent.

They have participated in a lot of expedition competitions.

For this scene in front of me almost see too much.


Senyu Shinji's gentle voice suddenly reached the ears of junior high school students.


These excited middle school students calmed down.

Hurry up to eat with a head covering.

He didn't dare to disobey Senyu Shinji's words.

that's all.

Everyone began to eat.

till the end.

Only players from the Japan National Team and the Free National Team are left in the restaurant.

Just at this time.

Jeff walked to the Japan national team.

He smiled and stretched out his hand to Senyu Shinji.


"I'm Jeff, the captain of the free country U-17 team."

Senyu Shinji looked back.

Everyone in the Freedom National Team has already stood in front of them.

Knowing that Senyu Shinji is strong, Jeff still can't help but want to get to know Senyu Shinji.

"Jeff, the captain of the Freedom Nation U-17 team?"

Senyu Shinji thought about it.

Remember this person's name directly.

Then recall the relevant information that my own consortium learned before.

Jeff, the captain of the Free Nations team, is pretty good.

The opponent’s willpower and leadership are the main reasons why the U-17 team of the free country is among the top five in the world.


Senyu Shinji also smiled gently and stretched out his hand.

The two sides began to look at each other.

For a time.

The atmosphere in the entire restaurant is somewhat depressing.


For this U-17 World Cup warm-up match.

Now the two teams can't meet together.

But in the subsequent U-17 World Cup.

Then you can't tell!


Both sides regard each other as potential opponents.


Senyu Shinji directly led the Japanese national team and turned away.

I don't want to have too much communication with everyone in the free national team.

Just at this time.

Jeff shouted at Senyu Shinji again with a smile on his face.

"Coach Senyu, can you wait a moment?"

Actually, Jeff came to greet Senyu Shinji mainly for the purpose of seeing what Senyu Shinji's strength has reached.

Now let Senyu Shinji leave like this.

Then he completely wasted this opportunity!

Senyu Shinji looked back at Jeff with some confusion.

I saw the other party chuckled and continued.

"There is a small tennis hall on the side of Katyusha Players Village.

"Now players from all over the world will go there for training."

"I wonder if Coach Senyu is interested in going to have a look?"

Jeff seemed to have decided that Senyu Shinji would agree to go.

"Tennis Hall?"

"Where will players from other countries go?"

Before Senyu Shinji could speak.

The middle school students on the side should get together.

Everyone wants to see the strength of players from other countries.

To this.

Senyu Shinji did not refuse either.

For Senyu Shinji alone.

He also wants to see what stage the players of other countries are in.

After Jeff saw Senyu Shinji nodding in agreement.

The expression flickered.

Then he took the initiative to lead the way for everyone.

Go straight towards the small tennis hall.

After a few minutes.. …

Everyone came to the tennis hall.

Now in the tennis hall.

Players from various countries are resting.

Obviously, I have been training for a long time just now.


The purpose of these people is actually the same as Jeff.

Are ready to get some useful information here.

The middle school students of the Japan national team.

Someone directly invited these players to a duel.

To this.

Senyu Shinji did not stop them.

It is certainly a good thing to be able to compare to the previous one.

On the one hand, it is to let these proud middle school students understand that there is heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside the world.

On the other hand, I also want to see what the strength of the players from other countries is.


For players from other countries.

Being challenged by a junior high school kid is definitely a joke.

"Boys, don't you guys have not been weaned yet!"

"It should have sneaked in from the outside!"

"Little ghosts, this is a man's sport, hurry home and find your parents!"

Players from various countries burst into laughter.

It directly embarrassed these middle school students.

Then he looked back directly at Senyu Shinji.

For help.


The smile on Senyu Shinji's face was extremely bright at the moment.

The gentleness made everyone in Japan's national team tremble all at once.

Because they know.

Senyu Shinji smiled softly.

The more terrifying in the end!

Many people can't help but think of their past experiences.

I don't know what to look at the 0.1% of the players in these countries.

In short, that kind of sympathetic look.


These players finally accepted the challenge of these middle school students.


Due to time issues.

Senyu Shinji just let Heisen on the court.


With the beginning of Pingshan, the duel with the players of these various countries began.




In the tennis hall, a burst of percussion sounded continuously.

Then the tennis ball crashed and landed on the court baseline position of the opposite black player.

Then ejected out to score.

Everyone in the hall was stunned.

No one thought of it.

The kid born in this country.

Can show such strength unexpectedly.

Just a while ago.

For convenience, it has directly swept several players from several countries. .

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