Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 525 What else do you play with pediatrics?


next moment.

Originally, when the dagger rushed to Senyu Shinji's side.

ヒThe figure of the assassin just appeared immediately after the first.


at this time.

They all froze in mid-air.

You can even see that the assassin is struggling constantly.

It seems that it will disappear directly in the next moment.

"Is this your full blow?"

The gentle and calm voice immediately reached Gerald's ears clearly.

The opponent suddenly raised his head to look at Senyu Shinji.

Then his face became paler.

Because what he sees is.

Behind Senyu Shinji stood an unimaginable huge figure.

It seems to be based on the infinite universe.

That's huge and majestic.

So majestic that the assassin is as small as an ant.

And this time.

A big hand of this terrifying figure is dying, "Sixty-three" is holding the assassin's neck.

Make it impossible to move at all.

It seemed that only the one behind Senyu Shinji existed in this piece of heaven and earth.

Statue of the Immortal King!

this moment.

Senyu Shinji is the real king!

The king is so powerful that it is suffocating!

"Asura idol!"


Gerald directly fell to his knees.

The whole person kept shaking.

Despair, fear, fear and other negative emotions constantly eroded his spirit.

It made him more and more scared.

He doesn't want to continue now.

The other party is like a bottomless ocean.

Every time he can show the strength that makes him desperate.

Even now.

Senyu Shinji has shown the Asura idol.


Gerald always felt that Senyu Shinji only showed less than half of his strength at this time!

When everyone around the court saw this moment.

Suddenly they were astonished.

Can't say a word at all.

Above the court.

"You just admit defeat?"

Senyu Shinji whispered as if looking down at Gerald.

His eyes were extremely calm.

It seems to be doing something trivial now.


The power on the palm of the Immortal King's statue increased again a bit.


The figure of the assassin formed by the black mist directly exploded.

That's it.

Gerald's Asura Shinto is directly disillusioned!



The statue of the fairy king shot directly at Gerald.

Gerald, who was already limp on the ground, saw this scene.

The whole person fell directly into madness and infinite fear.

next moment.

The moment he screamed.

He seems to have appeared in another space.

The vast universe.


Tens of millions of stars appeared directly in front of his eyes.

Make him so small that it can't be added.


Immortal king statues emerged on the planets.

Every one is so powerful.

Every one rushed towards him with a planet in it.

next moment.

With these countless fairy king statues waving their palms.

Tens of millions of planets rushed towards him in a sudden.

Different Dimensional Illusion!

"Let me go back!"

"I surrender!"

"I beg you!"

Gerald begged frantically for mercy.


at this time.

Tens of thousands of planets have already rushed in front of him.


A series of roars kept ringing in his ears.

The severe pain kept stimulating his fragile nerves.


There were horrifying screams from his mouth.

"In the end what happened?!!"

"Gerald, are you okay?"

"Asshole, what did you do to Gerald!"

Everyone in the Free Nations team is already anxious.


They had no idea that Gerald was already in a different-dimensional illusion at this time.

And they could only see Gerald on the court suddenly stand up.

Then he knelt down to the ground again.

The whole person kept screaming.

They think this is definitely what Senyu Shinji did to make such a scene appear.


next moment.

The tennis ball hit the court on Gerald's side directly.


Senyu Shinji looked at Gerald on the opposite side.

Said majesticly.

"stand up!"


As if the fairy king opened his mouth.

It's like giving sentient beings an irrefutable command.

At this time, Gerald was breathing non-stop.

It's like just coming back from hell.

The fear in his eyes was almost full.

at this time.

Those planets and universes have disappeared before his eyes.

He is still in that small tennis hall

"What was that just now?"

Gerald asked tremblingly.

The tone was full of fear.

But the answer to him was just one sentence.


The unquestionable voice resounded vastly in his ears.

Gerald took a deep breath.

Try to calm yourself down.

He wants to give up this game now.

Because there is no hope of winning at all.

Even in his opinion.

Senyu Shinji can beat him quickly with ordinary tennis.

But at this time, the other party showed their unique skills.

Even these skills are well known to everyone.

But the strength shown by the opponent.

It's beyond the skills they know!

And the illusion just now.

It almost made him desperate.


As Gerald gradually calmed down.

He whispered involuntarily.

"It was really shameful just now!

He immediately waved the racquet in his hand.

Directly show his other stunts.

Assassin Shadow Killing Array!

Suddenly the tennis ball seemed to be hidden in the court space.

A wave of cold air kept rushing towards Senyu Shinji.

As if to completely kill the other party on this court.

Killing intent appears from time to time.

Sometimes hidden.

This tennis shot was absolutely terrifying.

But this is only for others.

"It's useless~!"

"Don't waste time!"

Senyu Shinji looked at Gerald and chuckled. 0.1

Suddenly, there was a feeling of shaking.

Senyu Shinji appeared in the baseline position of the court in an instant.

The racquet in his hand seems to be driving away flies.

The tennis ball appeared on the racquet miraculously.

This made the opposite Gerald's eyes widened.

"This speed is too fast!

"Unexpectedly, such a speed broke out in an instant!"

"Why haven't we seen this Senyu Shinji before?"

The people around the court could not help but talk.


They looked at the court and Senyu Shinji's eyes were full of fear.

In just a short time.

Senyu Shinji's strength has already made them feel breathed.

Such a powerful existence completely convinced them.

They are now.

Just want to know everything about Senyu Shinji. .

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