Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 545 Standing upright, dark breath

It can be said.

The current handist Kunimitsu just showed off the Tezuka field and a few strokes of zero tennis.

Once he showed up, Selfless State opened all three.

His strength is bound to skyrocket!

But now he has not shown all his strength.

Only keep putting pressure on yourself.

Can completely become their own motivation!

Only in this way.

He can enter a new realm!

Above the court.

Kunimitsu has not changed in the slightest.

It seems that it is not a big deal for the opposite Alex to score consecutively.

Even now the game between the two sides is about to end.

Now he is waiting patiently.

I also kept eager for it.

Waiting for the moment when it really appears.

He will directly transform.

Become a real powerhouse!

Become the strongest in the U-17 ranks!

at this time.

"Sixty-two" on the court.

Seventh inning.

Alex serve the bureau!

He was still so calm.

His face was full of confidence.

The racquet in the hand is served directly.


Accompanied by a burst of crisp collision sound.

Another ordinary and extraordinary tennis ball rushed out.

But the power, speed and skill above are quite extraordinary!

The opposite handist Kunimitsu began to run non-stop on the court.

Hit the tennis back again and again.


Even in the state where the handy field is open.

He is still not the opposite Alex opponent!







It can be said.

Now only the opposite Alex gets another point.

Then this game is the victory of the Teddy Bear national team!

But this time.

Kunimitsu's look suddenly changed!

"That's how it feels!"

this moment.

Shoujia Kunimitsu looked at the dazzling score on the scoreboard on the court side.

His heart is beating non-stop.

He can deeply feel the unparalleled pressure.

It has even made it difficult for him to breathe the same pressure!

Then he closed his eyes directly.

next moment.

Kunimitsu opened his eyes directly.

"It's very unfavorable now!

"But, I still won't lose!"


A burst of unimaginable majesty directly rose.

As if this moment.

His eyes became extremely deep.

It seems to be full of positive stars and galaxies.

That shocking!


A wave of air kept tumbling.

A statue of the dominating god suddenly appeared.

The black breath of medical doctor kept escaping from Kunimitsu's body.

Then roll to the dominating idol.

The idol became more and more real.


The enormous coercion directly enveloped the entire court.

next moment.

As if it was a terrifying roar.

It was as if it was the first sound of the ruler coming to the world.

That's amazing!


Then directly turned into waves of ripples and surfaced on the entire stadium.

Everyone couldn't believe the voice that appeared now.

It's so frightening!

It was as if there were endless humming sounds in his ears.

No other sounds can be heard at all.

next moment.

Above the court.

The master idol behind Kunimitsu appeared directly in their sight.

The air wave was tumbling with the dark air wave.

Kunimitsu's momentum is terrible now!

The Alex on the opposite side suddenly stopped breathing.

Now he has no peace at all!

Because at this time, Kunimitsu has undergone such a drastic change!

This aura alone has made him breathless!


The figure behind the opponent.

But the power of Asura Shinto!

at this time.

Kunimitsu looked at Alex on the opposite side.

Said with a solemn face.

"I will definitely win this game!"

The master idol is guarding by his side.

It also gave the opposite Akas a majestic look.

Dominate the idol!

Completely born!

this moment.

Alex felt unprecedented pressure of terror.

It feels like being stared at by a super strong man.

As if the thorns are on the back!

The opposite handist Kunimitsu said directly and solemnly.


The racquet in his hand points directly to the opposite Alex.

And the master behind him also directly stretched out his arm to point at each other.

The breath of majesty grew stronger.

Alex passed a few seconds later.

It was just enough to calm down from such a shock.

Then the whole person became extremely vigilant.

He understands that some changes have taken place in Kunimitsu.

However, he never thought that the other party would use him to put pressure on him.

Then came the real breakthrough Asura Shinto.

Such a character is simply a silent and ruthless person!

next moment.

Alex served directly.

But now he is no longer as calm as before!

He was extremely vigilant at this time.

After swiping out with the racquet in his hand.

After the tennis ball rang with a clear impact.

He rushed straight to the close corner of his hand Kunimitsu.

next moment.

The tennis ball smashed to the ground.

Then it ejected suddenly.

I want to break out of the sideline.

But the next moment.

The tennis ball has not had time to eject.


Shoujia Kunimitsu gave a soft drink directly.

The breath of majesty kept circulating on the court.

With the appearance of the dominating idol.

The power of the hand family field has almost skyrocketed.


Tennis balls that are difficult to tow.

At this moment, he rushed to Kunimitsu's side in an extremely well-behaved direction.


The master idol behind him raised his arm directly.

It just clicked on the opposite Alex.

The tennis ball rushed to the opposite Alex with an indomitable momentum.

A wave of air kept rolling up.

The dominant breath kept rolling over the tennis ball.

next moment.

Condensed directly into a small master.

The original look finally returned to the usual Alex.

Just about to continue to wave the racquet in his hand as before.

But the next moment.

The master appeared directly behind him with an unparalleled horror aura.

Alex suddenly lost his color in shock.

"what is this?!!

But it hasn't waited for him to react.

The master already slapped his chest directly with his palm.

next moment.

The majestic air wave kept hitting his body.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

A scream appeared directly in the stadium abruptly.

next moment.

Alex woke up with horror on his face.

But when he looked around.

How can there be any dominant figure.

It seems that everything just now is just a fantasy.

He really wanted to know what happened?

Because he has a hunch.

That must be quite dangerous!

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